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TeamKinetic Best Practice: Signposting

TeamKinetic is perfect for showcasing your volunteering opportunities, but how do you make the journey to registering as a volunteer clear and simple? You may already be doing one or more of the following, depending on the nature of your organisation. But, as you will see, it is vital to effectively signpost your volunteering opportunities across in-person and various digital spaces! This way, you will maximise your volunteer reach and outcomes.

For seamless volunteer signposting, ensure you:

  1. Direct volunteers via your organisation’s website
  2. Optimise your TeamKinetic site for search engines 
  3. Use in-person signage
  4. Utilise your social media platforms

Click any of the above for guidance on how and why to incorporate each signposting method.

Ensure you follow us on our social media pages to receive regular updates about the voluntary sector and learn more about the TeamKinetic system. You can find TeamKinetic on social media and listen to our podcast:

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TeamKinetic Best Practice: Signposting – Social Media

If you are a volunteering-involved organisation, don’t be quiet about it on social media! Social media signposting is best practice for attracting volunteers to your TeamKinetic. After creating an opportunity on your TeamKinetic site, there is an option to ‘Share’ to multiple channels including your organisation’s social media accounts under the ‘Promote’ tab on the left-hand toolbar. If your organisation already communicates with existing and prospective volunteers via their Facebook page, for example, then posting about volunteering opportunities on Facebook will increase your chances of attracting enthusiastic volunteers! Similarly, where enabled, your volunteering opportunities can be shared between different organisations’ TeamKinetic sites or national brokerage sites such as Do it, the Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) or the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO).

In addition to your website, regularly update your social media page with volunteering news. Post links to opportunity pages on your TeamKinetic site, and engage with other sector voices. For example, the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO), the Association of Volunteer Managers (AVM) or Volunteer Scotland. Engaging with sector voices over social media draws attention to your organisation’s social media profile, and, in turn, drives traffic to your TeamKinetic site. Ways to engage with other organisations’ social media pages are; reposting and adding some of your thoughts, commenting on another page’s posts, or simply being active and liking posts that are of interest or relevance to your organisation. If links to your website and TeamKinetic site are present on your social media pages, either in your page’s ‘bio’ or within posts, your TeamKinetic site will be easy to find!

Best Practice Inspiration

An example of best practice social media signposting would be One Knowsley, who post a volunteering opportunity of the week feature across their social media pages. Including the opportunity link makes it quick and easy to view the opportunity page. Mentioning Guide Dogs improves One Knowsley’s chance of achieving a wider audience reach on Twitter.

More Signposting Best Practice!

For guidance on other best practice signposting methods including in-person signposting, website signposting and search engine signposting, click here.

Ensure you follow us on our social media pages to receive regular updates about the voluntary sector and learn more about the TeamKinetic system. You can find TeamKinetic on social media and listen to our podcast:

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TeamKinetic 2023 Conference Roundup

The TeamKinetic 2023 Conference took place on Wednesday the 27th September. We brought together voices from across the third sector, all discussing the latest hot topics from the world of volunteer management.

This year, our theme was: 

The changing world and its potential impact on volunteering.

If you attended the conference, we’d love if you could take the time to fill in our evaluation form:

All responses will be taken on board to help us make next year even better.

We kicked things off with an intro to the Association of Volunteer Managers, you can find out more about the AVM and all the great work they do for the sector here: 

Next, we had a great Keynote from Rob Jackson on the conference theme (The changing nature of work and what this may mean for volunteering). He touched on the potential of AI and the implications for volunteer engagement professionals. He believes that AI currently has the potential to:

  • Create jobs
  • Provide health benefits
  • Give us freedom from the mundane
  • Allow us to focus on what’s uniquely human

 Meanwhile, Rob mentioned that the implications for people working in volunteer management/engagement may include:

  • Practical applications
  • New volunteer roles
  • Enhance our influencing
  • Prioritise the people side of our role

Connect with Rob by visiting his website and social media, all his important links can be found here.

New to TeamKinetic: App and Integrations

In our final session before lunch, we heard about all the new TeamKinetic App and Integrations from Rolf, as well as some recent new updates people might have missed. See this session below, or click here.

If you’re a TeamKinetic user, please register your interest in the new app and integrations here:

See Rolf’s slides by clicking here.


Creating Volunteer Pathways for Everyone with Tempo

Rachel Gegeshidze (CEO) & Brian Ratcliffe (Director of Operations) gave us a great presentation on how to create pathways into volunteering for everyone.

Rachel and Brian also spoke about the benefits of using Tempo Time Credits to reward your volunteers and the impact they make.

Catch up on Tempo’s session here:

If you’d like to find out more about Tempo, visit their website:

Register your interest in the new app and integrations.

Streamlining the DBS Process with First Advantage

Lee Weightman (Senior Customer Manager) delivered an interesting presentation on how organisations can use First Advantage’s background check system to speed up processes.

Watch Lee’s session here:

If you’d like to find out more about First Advantage, please visit their website.

Register your interest in the new app and integrations.

Volunteer Experience: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Steve Hall (one of our Directors here at TeamKinetic) delivered an engaging session on how to improve the volunteer experience within your TeamKinetic system. There are a variety of things you can do within TeamKinetic to take your system to the next level, including custom CSS and adding your own volunteer onboarding resources.

Watch the full session here:

Designing volunteer roles for the twenties

Molly Sweeney (Volunteering Project Manager) from Groundwork London joined us to discuss how people can most effectively advertise their opportunities to volunteers. She mentioned the current issues people face:

She also proposed three models of volunteer types that can then be used to create opportunities which will improve engagement.

See the full session below, or click here:

Measuring Impact using the Logic Model

Timo Becker (Doctor of Philosophy and Professor) dialled in from Germany to share conceptual frameworks with us, such as the Logic Model.

Watch Timo’s session here:

Digital Volunteer Toolkit

Last but definitely not least, Gethyn Williams dropped in to talk to us about the Digital Volunteer Toolkit we’re building in collaboration with AVM.

The toolkit aims to help Volunteer-Involving Organisations adopt digital tools and approaches that are right for them. You can help shape the toolkit by responding to this poll about the issues you face in volunteer management:

Watch Gethyn’s session below:

Again, thank you to everyone who attended the conference, we hope to see you again next year!

If you haven’t already, please fill in our survey on the conference here:

If you have any questions about the conference don’t hesitate to reach out. You can email or you can find TeamKinetic on social media and listen to our podcast:

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TeamKinetic Masterclass: Improving Your Volunteers’ Experience

Join Steve in this TeamKinetic Masterclass on improving your volunteers’ experience. He covers the key areas in which administrators can configure their TeamKinetic site in a good or bad way, with examples of both.

TeamKinetic offers a lot of flexibility for how your system can look and perform. Some of our users configure their systems with tight deadlines, which can mean areas are overlooked or not given the appropriate attention. The result is a difficult navigation experience for volunteers. This session covers how to improve your site’s look and feel, about us page, onboarding, automated emails and document hub.

Topics include:

  • Look and Feel
  • Front page design
  • About us design
  • Provider profile pages
  • CSS
  • HTML and rich text emails
  • Onboarding
  • New volunteer help
  • Customising emails
  • Document Hub

Watch the session below, or click here

You can check the latest training dates from within your system. Just go to ‘Help & Support’ → ‘Extra Training’.

If you’d like to suggest a future TeamKinetic Masterclass, please let us know. We’d be happy to develop one on any topic! You can get in touch via our website, email, phone, or social media. See all the important links below.

You can find TeamKinetic on social media and listen to our podcast:

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Have you enjoyed using TeamKinetic? If you could leave us a review on Capterra, we’d really appreciate it! We’ll even send you a little thank you.

TeamTalk October: Roundup

Hello and welcome to TeamKinetic’s TeamTalk October newsletter in blog form!

This roundup is designed to let you read more about what’s going on within TeamKinetic, the third sector, and the world in general.

If you’d like to subscribe to the TeamTalk newsletter, please send an email over to me at and we’ll get you on the list!

To read our roundup of stories we think you need to know about, click to go to the next page below, or choose a story from the list:

A Fresh Look at Digital in Volunteer Management

This post was written by Gethyn Williams

What role can digital play in effective volunteer management in 2024? 

That’s the question under consideration by TeamKinetic and the Association of Volunteer Managers as they embark on an exciting initiative – the creation of a new Toolkit for Digital in Volunteering – helping Volunteer-Involving Organisations to adopt the digital tools and approaches that are right for them.

Digital technology has for many years played an integral role in volunteering, whether through scaling up how we advertise our opportunities online, streamlining the onboarding process or improving how we communicate with our volunteers.

Sometimes a new advance in technology comes along and has a dramatic, instant impact, revolutionising our approach and unlocking fresh value that we couldn’t have previously imagined.

However, at other times it can feel as if digital evolves under its own agenda, developing functionality that may or may not address the challenges we face in real-world volunteer management. 

Helping volunteer-involving organisations to ask the right questions and adopt the digital technologies that best meet their needs, on their own terms, is the purpose of this new Toolkit.

Why now?

No-one steps in the same river twice

Heraclitus, 500 BCE

That change is our only constant may be a well-understood idea, but in recent years the volunteering landscape seems to have changed more rapidly and dramatically than at any point in recent history. 

The impact of the Covid era has deeply affected both who volunteers and their expectations, perhaps permanently. Initiatives such as the Vision for Volunteering encourage us to recognise this and adapt our approaches, or risk losing more volunteers as these trends continue.

Coupled with this, we are living through a period of huge social change, impacting further on people’s propensity and willingness to volunteer, testing well-founded but increasingly outdated approaches to recruitment and retention.

So what role can digital technology play in helping us cope with these transitions? 

You’ve probably looked at digital options for your programmes many times in the past – but given that technological development also moves at pace perhaps now, given the change we’re experiencing on all fronts, is a great time to look again at the role digital plays in your operation.

What’s in the Toolkit?

TeamKinetic’s mission has always been to enable volunteer-involving organisations to make the most of digital’s potential, so the questions this Toolkit need to answer should come from you – the leaders in volunteering.

And whilst we can anticipate some of the big areas we should probably include, such as:

  • How do we prepare for the impact of AI? 
  • How can digital help us be more inclusive? or 
  • What exactly is open data and its potential?  

…there’s no better way of getting to the heart of an issue than by listening to our customers and the challenges they are facing, in their own words. 

After all, a question well-stated is a problem half-solved.

How can I get involved?

So if you’d like to help shape the Toolkit, or there’s a particular digital angle you’d like it to address, we’d love to hear from you. You can:

Complete our poll – four short, multiple-choice questions that will help us understand your priorities better. You can access the poll here:

Send us a message telling us what you’d like to see, in your own words.

Or, if you’re a member of the AVM there’s an opportunity to join a roundtable to explore the Toolkit’s structure and content, currently scheduled for the 21st of November. Stand by your inboxes for further details.

Thanks for reading 🙏

Notes and Further Links 

The Digital Toolkit will be a resource owned by and developed for the Association of Volunteer Managers and its members. 

Its creation is sponsored by TeamKinetic and will be built by Gethyn Williams, an independent volunteering strategist, working closely with partners and taking input from AVM members and wider stakeholders. 

We anticipate the release of the Toolkit in Spring 2024.

Why Sports Conference Roundup

TeamKinetic recently attended the Why Sports ‘Improving Health and Increasing Activity Conference’ at the Royal Society of Medicine. Focusing on preventative health measures, the conference featured voices from the public, leisure, education and sports sectors. It was an informative, thought-provoking day punctuated by 8 themed sessions including a panel discussion hosted by TeamKinetic’s director, Chris. Here’s our Why Sports Conference roundup! 

So, Why Sports?

It’s common knowledge that activity is beneficial for the mind and body. Healthier people live happier lives. Those at the Why Sports conference want to turn this knowledge into concrete action. As Mike Farrar from Ukactive articulated at the conference opening, we must align the physical activity sector with the health sector.  When scaled, case studies and pilots by the likes of Sport England and Ealing Council can create widespread, real-life outcomes.

Social prescribing links together groups, services, people and activities within communities to address the social, emotional and practical influencers on health and wellbeing. Active Travel Lancashire have taken an approach that prioritises activity in communities by encouraging local cycling and walking. 

Keep offering support. In a couple of years time, the data will highlight the benefits of these ambitious schemes.

Declan O’Regan, Active Travel.

Without the likes of Gemma Hyde from the Town and Country Planning Association, such schemes could not be scaled. Gemma defined the concept of 20-minute neighbourhoods, why they benefit people’s health and, importantly, how can we make them happen. Using architectural design to remove barriers to activity is a significant undertaking that sparks much debate. The benefits of such a setup reach beyond health. If done in an inclusive, viable manner, 20-minute neighbourhoods can greatly benefit the environment and economy. 

The Conference encouraged partnerships of all kinds; between charities, community groups, councils and the NHS. Such partnerships provide direction and outcomes that can inform government policy and implementation. For the second time, Raleigh Bikes was a Why Sports sponsor. Birmingham and Southall’s free bike schemes evidence the power of activity once social and economic barriers are removed.

TeamKinetic Panel

Volunteering isn’t just about giving; it’s about gaining too! Alongside some brilliant keynotes, the TeamKinetic panel inspired some fantastic discussion. TeamKinetic’s Chris Martin was joined by Leila Bendrimia from GLL, Bryony Hudson from Active Lancashire and Lee Malkin from Everybody Health and Leisure. The panel spoke on what volunteering means to their organisations and the difference that effective volunteer engagement software has made. The connections between leisure trusts through the Active Kindness Programme showcase the power of volunteering in the sports, health and leisure sectors. Here are some snippets from the panel discussion:

Ask your volunteers why they are there, this is crucial for volunteer retention.

Leila, GLL.

When reporting back to our board about how volunteering is going, with TeamKinetic we can dissect data at the click of a button.

Lee, Everybody Health and Leisure.

Volunteering brings all the good vibes and best out of people, but having TeamKinetic lets us translate this into something tangible you can justify to your trustees or board.

Bryony, Active Lancashire.

Final Roundup  

The Why Sports  ‘Improving Health and Increasing Activity Conference’ built upon our existing awareness of the benefits of activity. Hearing from industry professionals and analysing case studies will inspire and inform the implementation of additional activity-based initiatives.  

Sheffield Hallam University developed the 5I’s ‘Easier to be Active’ Framework in partnership with Sport England, the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, The Richmond Group of charities, and others. The framework overviews the necessary considerations when seeking to help people to live more active, healthy lifestyles. If you’re looking to incorporate activity into your organisation through volunteering or other schemes, this framework is a helpful starting point!

You can find TeamKinetic on social media and listen to our podcast:

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Have you enjoyed using TeamKinetic? If you could leave us a review on Capterra, we’d really appreciate it! We’ll even send you a little thank you.

TeamTalk September: Roundup

Hello and welcome to TeamKinetic’s TeamTalk September newsletter in blog form!

This roundup is designed to let you read more about what’s going on within TeamKinetic, the third sector, and the world in general.

If you’d like to subscribe to the TeamTalk newsletter, please send an email over to me at and we’ll get you on the list!

To read our roundup of stories we think you need to know about, click to go to the next page below, or choose a story from the list:

TeamKinetic 2023 Conference

Click here to read the TeamKinetic 2023 Conference Roundup.

The TeamKinetic 2023 Conference will take place on Wednesday the 27th September. We’ll be bringing together voices from across the third sector. All discussing the latest hot topics from the world of volunteer management. This year, our theme is: 

The changing world and its potential impact on volunteering.

Get ready for an exciting online event that will bring together professionals from across the third sector. The TeamKinetic 2023 Conference is your chance to connect, learn, and grow with like-minded individuals.

The conference will feature a diverse range of sessions covering various topics related to volunteer management, digital solutions, and the future of volunteering.

Throughout the event, you’ll have the opportunity to hear from industry experts, participate in engaging discussions, and gain valuable insights that will help you excel in your own role.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, the TeamKinetic 2023 Conference is designed to inspire and empower you. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to connect with fellow volunteer managers and expand your network.

You can join us at the conference for just £10, tickets are available through this link.

The event is entirely online. This allows us to welcome people from across the UK and beyond in an accessible way.

Conducting Volunteer Interviews

Volunteer interviews are often a crucial step in the volunteer recruitment process. It is here that you can really get a sense of a person and their suitability for your organisation. However, conducting volunteer interviews is different to paid role interviews! Whether the potential for volunteer impact is small or big, volunteer interviews must be thoughtful and selective. 

Interviewer Responsibilities

As an interviewer, it is your responsibility to lay the groundwork for a productive volunteer interview. Volunteer interviews are usually more informal than interviews for paid roles and are conducted for the purpose of getting to know the candidate as opposed to checking credentials. If necessary skills or requirements are entered in TeamKinetic, only suitable candidates will be invited to interview. 

Remember that interviews are a two-way process. First, briefly outline the volunteer role and your organisation. This helps to put the interviewee at ease and affirms the focus of your discussion. Candidates should be given the opportunity to ask questions of their own in response to the information you have provided. A keen interest in the role and your organisation is always a positive!

Potential Questions

The informal nature of volunteer interviews can make it more difficult to select and sort volunteers. Having some core questions that structure the interview will make it easier to identify your chosen volunteer/s. Here are some question categories and examples to guide you when conducting volunteer interviews:


  • What motivates you? 
  • Do you prefer working independently or collaboratively?
  • What do you like to do in your free time?


  • Do you have any personal connection to our organisation?
  • What attracted you most to this volunteering opportunity?
  • What other volunteering experience do you have, if any?


  • What would you do if you were faced with an unhappy patient/customer/etc?
  • If you felt that someone in your team was behaving inappropriately, what would you do?
  • Describe a volunteering situation that would require you to be empathetic.

Volunteer Selection

Use your checklist of core questions for each interview to ‘score’ interviewees. In combination with your personal impression and wider discussions that took place, a scoring system in response to specific questions ensures your interview process is fair. More broad observations you can make include:

Interviewee Green Flags

  • Confident responses
  • Referring to examples in their answers
  • Genuine personality
  • Admitting weaknesses
  • Knowledge of the organisation

Interviewee Red Flags

  • Vague responses
  • Unclear intentions
  • Not prioritising values
  • Lack of knowledge about the organisation

Interview Tips for Volunteers

Make sure that you have an understanding of the organisation that you wish to volunteer for. Knowing the purpose of the organisation will guide you towards being the best volunteer you can be! 

Your interviewer wants to know that you will enjoy your role. Therefore, demonstrating enthusiasm for a voluntary position is particularly important. Your enjoyment and sense of purpose will be your primary motivators.

Ask questions! When researching the organisation, take note of the things that you would like to hear more about. Equally, feel free to ask any questions when the interviewer describes the role and organisation. This will show that you are interested and proactive.

You can find TeamKinetic on social media and listen to our podcast:

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Have you enjoyed using TeamKinetic? If you could leave us a review on Capterra, we’d really appreciate it! We’ll even send you a little thank you.

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