Tag: Volunteer management system Page 2 of 34

TeamKinetic 2.5 – Search is now turbo charged

The latest major release is now complete! Say hello to TeamKinetic 2.5.

Here are the great new features you can look forward to.

Watch our masterclass on all the key new features now:

Save your favourite searches and set a default

Create your personalised smart search and save to your profile to retrieve anytime. You can set any search as your default for the volunteer, opportunity and provider search pages. So as soon as you open one of those pages you’ll get the results you need immediately.

You can set your defaults across all the search pages in one go from your profile area. (The person icon at the right of the top menu.)

New Search Filters

We’ve added some new filters to the volunteer and opportunity search pages;

  • Date volunteer last logged hours
  • Volunteers waiting for parental consent (in the type sub-filter)
  • Opportunity ID check required
  • Is opportunity accessible
  • Opportunity applicant statuses
  • Providers with open applications

It’s always worth checking the search filters as they get added and improved constantly.

Watch it in action:

Full WYSIWYG rich text editing everywhere

Anywhere you can email a volunteer or a group of volunteers, you’ll now have access to the full rich text editing features and can include images, links and files.

This includes the volunteer search page, opportunity pages, volunteer profile pages. Basically anywhere you can email, expect to see the rich text editor.

Watch it in action:

Volunteer self-reported extra volunteering

We are very excited to reveal that volunteers will now be able to create their own complete record of volunteering and capture all their opportunities and hours.

Volunteers can add a description, the organisation and any hours donated. These will be included in their own record of achievements and hour totals.

Admins are notified when a volunteer adds their own extracurricular volunteering. If they wish, they can certify it and include it as approved hours. Those certified extra volunteering activities will be converted into the regular owed hours (now all termed ‘Extra Volunteering’) type opportunities. These will be included in reports and act as regular logged hours throughout the application.

Watch it in action:

Email send reports

We all know how frustrating it is to send emails to lots of volunteers. Some of them just don’t make it for various reasons.

Now, when you view the email log for any volunteer you will notice a little link next to the subject ‘check delivery’. This small little link will reveal what happened to the email, if it was sent, if it was received, and if opened.

Perfect if you need to know if a volunteer is receiving the emails you are sending.

Watch it in action:

Mark a volunteer as finished on any opportunity type

For long-running opportunities, you can end up with lots of inactive volunteers (those with no future sessions left) clogging up the volunteer list and email lists. Previously you have only been able to remove the volunteers completely from the opportunity which has the undesired side effect of also removing their contribution to the opportunity… not ideal.

We have re-engineered the ‘finished on this opp’ feature. It was previously available on flexible opportunities only, but it has been expanded to all opportunity types.

When selecting volunteers on an opportunity you’ll have an extra function ‘Mark as Finished’ which gives you a few extra options as well as just marking as finished. You can hide the volunteer from the provider completely on the opportunity page and you can also prevent the volunteer from joining any new sessions if you wish.

Watch it in action:

Merging volunteer accounts

It doesn’t happen often, but occasionally a volunteer has unexpectedly registered twice with different email addresses.

This works similarly to the merge provider feature and will copy all the sessions and hours from the volunteer you are viewing to the selected volunteer.

Watch it in action:

Sharing private notes

The private note area has been super useful for lots of our users, and the provider equivalent lets the provider also store private notes for their use against a volunteer.

Admins can now choose to share their private note(s) with providers if they feel it would be useful. And vice-versa: providers can share their private notes with system admins.

Additionally when a provider shares a private note to the admins a notification is sent, in case its important.

Watch it in action:

There are of course many other fixes and improvements;

  • Impersonate a volunteer directly from the opportunity management page,
  • Update expense claims status in bulk,
  • New customisable emails,
  • Tooltips won’t get lost over the edge of small screens.

TeamKinetic 2.5 is scheduled to go live on May 6th. But before we go live we need your feedback! Test all this out right now on https://beta.teamkinetic.co.uk/vk/admin using your regular admin login.

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TeamKinetic and the Heritage Volunteering Group Join Forces

We are thrilled to announce a new partnership between TeamKinetic and the Heritage Volunteering Group (HVG). This collaboration marks a great step forward in our mission to make volunteering easier for everyone.

Who are the Heritage Volunteering Group?

The Heritage Volunteering Group is dedicated to helping volunteer managers unlock the power of volunteering through collaboration and sharing best practice. They have a fantastic community of passionate individuals committed to driving positive change in the sector.

HVG is open to any organisation that works within the Heritage and Culture sector. This includes volunteer-led organisations, national museums, trusts and groups. They hold an annual conference as well as two networking forums a year. Find out more about HVG here.

Their mission aligns perfectly with ours, making this partnership a natural fit for both organisations.

We are thrilled to be partnering with an organistion who shares our vision for volunteering in the heritage sector. TeamKinetic’s sponsorship of our events programme and our flagship conference, Heritage Volunteering ’24, provides an incredible opportunity for us to enhance our support to heritage volunteer managers across the UK, enabling them to create volunteer programmes that transform organisations, lives, and communities.

Matthew Hick
Chair of the Heritage Volunteering Group

How do they fit with TeamKinetic?

At TeamKinetic, our passion is developing volunteer management software that simplifies volunteer management. We want to empower organisations with the tools they need to mobilise, manage, and motivate their volunteers, all while measuring the amazing impact they’re making.

Overall, we just want to help organisations mobilise volunteers and maximise the potential of those volunteers – aligning perfectly with HVG’s mission.

Together, TeamKinetic and the Heritage Volunteering Group will work to produce resources and events for all volunteer managers. Including an upcoming event on April 23rd (read on for more info)…

The Heritage Volunteer Group is one of the most established specialist volunteer manager groups, and we have admired their work for some time. We attended a meeting of the North West HVG group just before Christmas, and it was a pleasure to see the professionalism and support that HVG provided to its members.

When we were offered the opportunity, we were only too happy to support this wonderful network of volunteer management professionals. TeamKinetic is well-established across the heritage sector, so we hope this partnership will provide new and exciting opportunities for collaboration, support and innovation.

Chris martin
Co-founder of TeamKinetic

To kick off the partnership, we hosted an event with HVG where we discussed what TeamKinetic can do for heritage organisations everywhere of any size. We’ll also be sponsoring their upcoming future events, including their 2024 conference in November.

TeamKinetic is also excited to offer all members of the Heritage Volunteering Group 25% off any TeamKinetic subscription! Not only this, but we’ll also offer free data migration for anyone switching from another volunteer management platform. 

How do you take advantage of this offer? Start a free trial today over on teamkinetic.co.uk or contact info@teamkinetic.co.uk to get started.

See T&Cs here.

If you’re thinking of refreshing your approach to volunteer management, please do get in touch.

Stay tuned for more updates and announcements in the coming months.

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TeamTalk: Season 3, Episode 2 – Ian Braid

Welcome back to Season 3 of our TeamTalk Podcast! This season, we are talking to thought leaders, customers and stakeholders from the world of volunteer management as we dive deeper into the world of volunteering.

In this TeamTalk episode, we were joined by Ian Braid. Ian is an exciting guest with plenty of stories to tell from his time in the industry. We could have probably done a whole season with him!

Chris Martin, Imo Greatbatch, and Ian Braid on TeamTalk

He is currently the founder of DOCIAsport – an award-winning business that supports ‘the people who look after the people’. DOCIA stands for ‘Duty Of Care In Action’ and it’s something that may have been overlooked in the past, but Ian and his team are doing incredible work across the sport sector now.

Listen Now

Join Chris, Imo and Ian as they discuss Ian’s volunteer work and his career. He also discusses his mental health journey, an incredibly important and insightful conversation. One that could have gone on for much longer. We appreciate Ian being so open with us and highlighting this issue in the sector.

Listen now on Spotify and all other podcast streaming platforms:

More about Ian

Ian consistently tackles the stigma of mental health in sport through his work at DOCIAsport.

He is a member of Mental Health First Aid England, Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity, Professional Body of Sports Leadership and UK Coaching, a member of the UK Coaching – as Coaching Advisory Panel, and Chair UK Coaching Duty to Care Committee.

His past work includes roles as Major Events Director of the British Triathlon Federation and CEO of the British Athletes Commission (BAC) – the union for Olympic and Paralympic athletes.

Read Ian’s blog on this episode here: Volunteering in sport – the essential but diminishing ingredient

Enjoyed this episode? Why not listen to more TeamTalk? You can find more episodes including chats with Rob Jackson, AVM and Sport England wherever you get your podcasts.

If you have any topic or guest requests let us know!

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TeamKinetic will be helping you with the Big Help Out and DoIt

A new partnership between TeamKinetic and DoIt promises to help you share your opportunities during The Big Help Out.

The Big Help Out is going ahead again in 2024 and here at TeamKinetic, we’ve got you covered to make sure your opportunities can be included.

We have partnered up again with DoIt to prepare a way for you to share your opportunities with DoIt so they can be included in the Big Help Out and beyond.

When active, providers will be able to link their existing DoIt account to the TeamKinetic platform and elect to share individual opportunities with DoIt. They will appear as new activities on the DoIt platform with a link back to the providers’ opportunity on TeamKinetic.

Linking is a simple matter of sharing the secret API key that you can find on your DoIt dashboard. Just cut and paste the key and that’s it.

We are also exploring the possibility of giving admin users the option of sharing opportunities with DoIt. This would be under their own DoIt account, where the provider is unable or unwilling to create a DoIt account or to share the API key with us. This means the shared opportunities will appear under your persona on DoIt, but otherwise will operate in the same way.

If you are interested, get in touch through the usual channels so we can start to prepare your TeamKinetic application to be ready for the Big Help Out.

When is The Big Help Out?

The Big Help Out will take place between the 6th and 9th of June, at the end of Volunteers’ Week (3rd – 9th).

The objective of The Big Help Out is to raise awareness of volunteering throughout the UK and provide opportunities for people to experience volunteering and make a difference in their communities.

About Us, The Big Help Out

Together with DoIt, we’re hoping to make a big difference, making it easier for people to get involved and help out in their communities.

The link between TeamKinetic and DoIt is not active yet. We are hoping to have it ready in good time before The Big Help Out 2024. But if you have any questions about this collaboration in the meantime, please reach out.

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Developing A Business Case For TeamKinetic Volunteer Management System (VMS)

We know that there are a wide range of things to consider when you are looking to invest in technology. This short article will help you develop your business case for TeamKinetic to decision-makers.


It’s not the most exciting topic. However, it’s one of the most significant risk factors for your senior management team to consider. In this context, we are specifically thinking about compliance with the laws of the land.

So, what are we talking about when we think about managing volunteers? Below are a couple of the big ones.

  • General Data Protection Regulation – 2016
  • Health and Safety at Work Act – 1974
  • Equality Act – 2010

You can read more about each of these and how they impact volunteers, here.

TeamKinetic is built with compliance in mind. If you are working from spreadsheets or more rudimentary systems, this may be challenging. Consider the following questions:

  • Can you guarantee the appropriate collection and storage of sensitive data?
  • How easy is it for you to manage a subject access request?
  • Has every volunteer consented to your terms and conditions?
  • Do you have a record of any training or induction a volunteer has undertaken?
  • How easy is it to check for individuals whose training may have lapsed?
  • Do you have reliable data on your volunteer workforce from an equality and inclusion standpoint?
  • How many of your volunteers identify as disabled or with other protected characteristics?

These are all examples of compliance risks, and this burden only continues to grow. However, these are all easily solved using TeamKinetic. TeamKinetic provides the infrastructure to capture and store data in accordance with best practices and legal requirements.


A sub-set of the compliance risk area, cyber security is a challenge for all organisations. The Software as a Service approach means you get the benefit of our expertise and knowledge in this space.

With our work with the Cyber Security Unit at Salford University, our Cyber Essentials certification, and as we work towards ISO 27001 compliance, you can be sure that TeamKinetic is operating at or above the industry standard. Our approach to risk is managed via our Risk Register and our published policies, giving our customers total peace of mind.

Spreadsheets, web forms and old databases might work, but they are fought with risk. A solution like TeamKinetic undergoes regular penetration testing, policy evaluation and review and work in accordance with OWASP best practice in coding and development.

Digital and Online

As the world becomes more digital, the expectations for volunteer engagement continue to rise. Your services and how individuals engage with them are being compared to everything else available online. A failure to keep up will result in organisations being left behind, especially by more digitally savvy individuals.

Currently, smartphone adoption rates in the UK sit at 91.5%, but that is expected to rise to 96.8% by 2028.

Consumer behaviour post-COVID has seen a significant shift, McKinsey published a paper in 2020 on this very topic. McKinsey’s crucial finding was that we “covered a decade of adoption in days” as a result of COVID and people have adopted digital in all aspects of their daily lives. Not only have people adopted digital, the digital world continues to move forward at a pace. The challenge for all organisations is keeping up with these digital trends.

TeamKinetic is a SaaS product or ‘Software as a Service’. This approach enables our customers to choose the best-in-class solution, off the shelf, to solve their volunteer management challenges. SaaS reduces the need for expensive infrastructure or technical expertise and it is built to meet the highest accessibility and inclusion standards. In TeamKinetic’s case, our product is constantly being improved and updated based on customer and user feedback.

We take advantage of the internet; it’s always on, available everywhere you have a network signal, on any internet-enabled device.

TeamKinetic is built to connect with other services via tools such as APIs, Webhooks, and Zapier. These are fancy ways of saying that TeamKinetic works with your other programs and applications that you might have integrated.

TeamKinetic is a professional application that provides your volunteers with a high-quality online experience.

Volunteering Trends

The current data on volunteering numbers does not make for easy reading for volunteer managers. Time Well Spent from NCVO is stark; volunteering is trending down across the board. We have seen increases in Virtual and Micro volunteering and healthy growth in the number of young people who volunteer, which suggests a more general change in volunteer attitudes and preferences.

This data suggests that organisations need more flexibility in their offer as volunteers want to choose what they do, how long they commit, and where they volunteer. For your average volunteer manager, that is a significant challenge.

Volunteer managers need a system that enables them to offer volunteers more agency and control in the form of self-service; they need methods to empower their volunteer audience to do more things for themselves. TeamKinetic provides volunteers with the ability to self-serve, self-manage and self-report. This frees up valuable volunteer manager time to ensure those needing extra support can still access it.

Quality of the Experience

As an organisation, you compete for people’s time against a world of family, entertainment and challenges including the cost of living. In that context, it’s incredible that anyone ever volunteers.

You are also responsible for creating a positive volunteer experience. The role or task a volunteer completes is an intrinsic part of this experience, but the systems you have in place to enable this are vital components too.

Your systems should never create new challenges that prevent volunteers from participating. They can’t be difficult to use or offer limited accessibility for certain users.

Enable simple rewards and recognition of volunteers’ hard work. Gather feedback from your volunteers and the volunteer opportunity providers to identify excellent practices and those who may be struggling. As a result, you can let your volunteers know the difference they are making.


Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important.

Stephen Covey

I’m yet to meet a volunteer manager who got into the job to spend more time doing computer admin! Yet admin responsibilities often squeeze your ability to actually work with volunteers. Collecting feedback and data, recording hours and outcomes, reporting to the board, and communicating with all your other stakeholders. It never ends!

Moving from spreadsheets or inadequate products can radically alter how you can do your job, how many volunteers you can support and, ultimately, the impact you can make.

TeamKinetic can provide real-time reporting, emails and structured onboarding; all of which give you and your volunteer managers more time. If we can give you more time to do the stuff that truly matters, what is that worth?


After everything we have covered above, it would be simple to say that you cannot afford not to use TeamKinetic. However, TeamKinetic is realistic about the pressures and demands on budgets and that organisations are constantly challenged to do more with less.

We started TeamKinetic to try and do the maximum amount of good, to offer something a little different to what else is available in the market, and that is strongly reflected in our pricing.

The number of volunteers who can register and use TeamKinetic is unlimited, and it will never impact your price.

We offer four product tiers designed to suit every type of organisation. Each is clearly defined with no nasty surprises or hidden costs.

We strongly believe that our cost does not truly represent our value. We are active supporters and partners with the Association of Volunteer Managers, the Sports Volunteering Research Network and the Institute of Volunteering Research. Investing with TeamKinetic is investing in the voluntary sector and we have more partnerships to announce.

Our FREE community product is available so that all organisations can benefit from TeamKinetic.

We want to build a stronger community of volunteer managers through our partnerships, monthly masterclass sessions, peer-to-peer chat space, and yearly conferences. We have developed a network of wonderful people who share many of our values and beliefs about volunteers’ fantastic impact on the world.

This list is by no means exhaustive! With that in mind, I’d love to hear your thoughts on how you have convinced your managers to invest in volunteer management. Drop me an email at chris@teamkinetic.co.uk.

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Culture Wars and the Third Sector: Navigate Challenges and Seize Opportunities

Ideological clashes, commonly referred to as “culture wars” are often fueled by polarised perspectives on issues like identity, values, and social justice. Of course, the Third Sector plays a crucial role in addressing societal challenges. As culture wars intensify, Third Sector organisations’ ability to maintain their purpose whilst adapting to change has proved difficult. Discover how to navigate culture wars and even seize opportunities to combat such challenges.

These divergences are playing out across society and they impact on many charities very acutely. In part, I think, because they’re so often fuelled by the sense of mission, a desire to right a wrong or serve a certain community, whether that be a community place or interest. 

There is no way for charities to immunise themselves against change, whether that’s technological, cultural or economic. The question is how best to respond.

Helen Stephenson, chief executive of the Charity Commission

Seizing Opportunities Amidst Challenges

Strengthening Organisational Values

Organisations may find it challenging to maintain unity among their staff and stakeholders when confronted with divisive issues.

In times of cultural turbulence, it becomes essential for Third Sector organisations to revisit and reinforce their core values. With a strong internal alignment and set purpose, your organisation will be more robust. Equally, the wider community can be reassured of your organisation’s consistent, positive, uniting impact.

Building Inclusive Dialogue

The Third Sector is often at the forefront of addressing social issues. However, during times of social conflict, your organisation may feel pressured to take positions on controversial topics for fear of alienating segments of their support base.

The Third Sector can play a crucial role in fostering inclusive dialogues that bridge divides. By creating spaces for constructive conversations, organisations can contribute to building understanding and finding common ground within communities.

Diversifying Funding Streams

Charities and non-profits may face difficulties in securing funding as donors become more selective based on ideological considerations. Some organisations may find themselves caught in the crossfire, with donors withdrawing support due to perceived alignment or misalignment with cultural stances.

To mitigate the impact of funding challenges stemming from culture wars, Third Sector organisations should consider diversifying their funding sources. Exploring partnerships with a variety of donors and revenue streams can provide financial stability.

Adapting Strategies

Advocacy and policy work are integral to the Third Sector’s mission. Culture wars hinder organisations’ ability to influence policy decisions because politicians may be reluctant to align with contentious causes.

To navigate the complexities of advocacy, Third Sector organisations may need to adapt their strategies. This could involve framing issues in a way that resonates with a broader audience and emphasises shared values rather than divisive rhetoric.


As culture wars continue in the UK, the Third Sector must confront the challenges they present while actively seeking opportunities for positive impact. By staying true to your missions, fostering an inclusive dialogue and adapting to change, your organisation can navigate culture wars and contribute to a more united society.

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Combatting Volunteering Myths

All of us in the third sector are aware of some common stereotypes about volunteering. However, are you actively combatting these myths with the volunteering opportunities you create and the messages you portray? Read on to address and combat volunteering myths!

Myth 1: Volunteering Is Only About Charity Work

While charity work is a significant aspect of volunteering, it’s not the only focus. Volunteering encompasses a wide range of activities, including community development, environmental conservation, disaster response, and more. There are countless ways to make a positive impact that goes beyond traditional charity work. Including a volunteering page on your website, as we advise here, is a great way to make people aware of volunteering with your organisation.

Myth 2: Volunteering is Only for the Retired or Unemployed

The reality is that volunteering is for everyone, regardless of age or employment status. While retirees and the unemployed may find more time to dedicate, individuals with busy schedules can still contribute. Setting your opportunity to ‘flexible’ hours, allowing people to engage based on their availability, will help combat this stereotype. There has also been an increase in virtual volunteering carried out by younger generations in recent years. Consider adopting digital volunteering, as we explore in our blog here.

Myth 3: Volunteering Requires Skill

As this Girl Can Reports have found, many women are prevented from taking part in sports due to their belief that they lack technical knowledge. This too applies to volunteering! When writing your opportunity descriptions try to put yourself in the volunteer’s shoes. Quash those hesitations! This way, before volunteering, people will already have a perception of your organisation as accepting and grateful for volunteer time. Volunteering as a way to boost self-confidence or meet new people does not require any hard skills. Whether an opportunity involves hard skills or not, the foundational requirements are the same; a desire to make a difference.

Myth 4: Safeguarding Training is Mandatory

Of course, ensuring that your organisation is a safe space for everyone is a priority. Encouraging all volunteers to access safeguarding resources and insisting on reporting suspicious behaviour are a must.

It is important to note that there are various safeguarding training levels, depending on the nature of the volunteering role. For example, in a sports organisation, for those volunteering as a coach, safeguarding training would be mandatory. However, if a role involved minimal contact with sensitive data or other people, there would be lower safeguarding requirements.

When creating opportunities in your TemKinetic system, be sure to state the level of safeguarding training. For those looking for a less time-consuming commitment, an opportunity with minimal prerequisite training is desirable. Equally, streamlining your training will save time and resources.

Myth 5: All Volunteers must have a DBS

Similarly to safeguarding training, DBS checks are only applicable in certain situations. When necessary, DBS checks can be logged within TeamKinetic. Once again, make these requirements clear so that volunteers are not under the impression that more is required of them! With our upcoming First Advantage Integration, DBS checking is about to get super simple!

Go and Make a Difference!

As a dedicated volunteer manager, your role is crucial in mobilising individuals to make a positive impact on the community. However, common myths and misconceptions surrounding volunteering can sometimes hinder the recruitment and engagement of volunteers. By addressing these misconceptions from your unique perspective, you can attract a diverse pool of volunteers and foster a dynamic and inclusive volunteer community.

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Volunteer Reward and Recognition just got easier with TeamKinetic and Tempo Time Credits

Looking to supercharge your volunteer reward and recognition? Well, within the TeamKinetic volunteer management system, you can now give your volunteers Tempo Time Credits for all their hard work.

Who are Tempo? What are Tempo Time Credits?

Tempo is a registered charity that builds local and national organisation networks by bringing people together in their local communities to carry out valued voluntary work. 

The Time Credit model recognises and rewards volunteers for the hours they give. Volunteers can exchange Time Credits for experiences, products or services – like cinema tickets, entry to visitor attractions or even a coffee and a slice of cake! These experiences, products, and services are provided by their ‘Recognition Partners’.

How does Tempo work within TeamKinetic?

Volunteer reward and recognition has never been easier. Within TeamKinetic, Admin users will control the whole process. They can decide which opportunities merit Tempo Time Credits and determine how many credits are available. 

Meanwhile, your volunteers can seamlessly join Tempo. They’ll gain instant access to their credit balance and local offers directly from their TeamKinetic dashboard. Once volunteer hours are confirmed, the conversion process is a breeze. They can effortlessly exchange their hours for Tempo Time Credits, giving them the freedom to spend or gift them as they choose.

Getting started with this integration depends on a few factors. Are you a TeamKinetic Enterprise user? And do Tempo have a recognition network set up in your area?

See below for a map of where Tempo presently operates:

If Tempo aren’t in your area, fear not! You can discuss your options with Tempo’s CEO Rachel. Also, if you’d like to become a recognition partner yourself, there is opportunity to do that. This would involve offering experiences for volunteers to redeem with their Tempo Time Credits.

The Impact of Tempo Time Credits

Not convinced yet? Read all about the impact Tempo can make for volunteers and communities below:

And see this great video for a visual look at Tempo’s impact:

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get started?

Please see the graphic below for more instructions.

Book a chat with Chris: https://savvycal.com/Chris-Martin-fd7fab21/Tempo 

Book a chat with Rachel: https://savvycal.com/rachelgegeshidze/9d48a957

Can you provide more details on the specific benefits or incentives offered through Tempo Time Credits, such as examples of experiences, products, or services that volunteers can redeem?

Redeemable services include: classes at the local leisure centre, shows at the local theatre, and a day out at the zoo. You can read case studies from volunteers using Time Credits in this report.

How does TeamKinetic ensure the security and accuracy of volunteer hour tracking within the system to facilitate the seamless exchange of hours for Tempo Time Credits?

Only provider-confirmed hours will contribute towards the amount of Time Credits available for redemption. Furthermore, limits can be set on how many credits can be redeemed per opportunity/in a certain amount of time. Rolf will work with you to set these guidelines.

Are there any potential costs or fees associated with integrating Tempo Time Credits into the TeamKinetic volunteer management system, either for organizations or volunteers, and how are these managed or mitigated?

Yes, you will have to set up a contract with Tempo. However, on the TeamKinetic side, there is no extra charge to get this activated within your system.

In the meantime, you can read more from Tempo themselves. Their CEO Rachel was kind enough to write us a lovely guest blog all about Tempo and the great work they do.

You can find TeamKinetic on social media and listen to our podcast:

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The Credits that Build Communities, Support Connections, and Reward Volunteering

Look out for a new way to reward volunteering with TeamKinetic and Tempo, in the meantime, enjoy this guest blog from Rachel Gegeshidze, CEO of Tempo!

Our mission at Tempo is clear and compelling: to build a national network of communities dedicated to making positive societal change. We believe in harnessing the power of individuals whose contributions are not only recognised but also valued. We achieve this through the innovative Tempo Time Credits system.

Reward volunteering with Tempo. Build communities. With communities. For communities.

History of Tempo

Founded in the Welsh Valleys in 2009, Tempo has emerged as a leading UK-based community development organisation committed to creating connected, fair, and healthier societies. Our extensive history is marked by successful partnerships with communities and public services, specialising in front-line delivery, strategic planning, and fostering collaboration among diverse entities.

Our experienced team, composed of community practitioners, public sector specialists, and trainers, works collaboratively with citizens, communities, organisations, and services to co-produce solutions at the grassroots level. We see ourselves as the thread that connects people, services, and businesses, serving as the key that unlocks the potential for them to create communities where they can thrive.
We focus on creating pathways to volunteering, emphasising community involvement and recognising people’s skills and strengths – a paradigm that accentuates what’s strong rather than what’s wrong.

Tempo’s Impact

At the heart of Tempo’s transformative initiatives is the Time Credit tool. A groundbreaking concept designed to motivate individuals to contribute their time to community causes. Since its inception in 2011, Tempo has empowered over 35,000 individuals to donate their time to local projects, actively involving them in the design and delivery of public and community services. In our 2023 annual survey, an astounding 40% of respondents had never or only occasionally volunteered before receiving Time Credits, underscoring Tempo’s success in cultivating a culture of civic engagement.

The impact of our programs is profound, touching the lives of individuals, communities, and organisations. Tempo remains unwaveringly dedicated to shaping a future where communities thrive, individuals are empowered, and societal well-being takes precedence. As a beacon of progress, Tempo stands as an exemplar of the positive change achievable through dedicated community development. Join us on our journey as we continue to build a national network of empowered communities and contribute to a brighter, more connected future for all.

Tempo’s vision

Together, we forge a connected, fairer, and healthier society. With the belief that everyone has something to contribute, we leverage Time Credits to unlock local community assets. Our greatest strength lies in our people.

The 18-month journey with TeamKinetic has been transformative. Aligned with TeamKinetic‘s ‘Volunteer First’ mantra, we aim to engage and support individuals on their volunteer path, providing information and choices while recognising and valuing their time, skills, and knowledge.

The exciting synergy of our platforms now talking to each other heralds the launch of our collaboration to communities. This breakthrough will amplify the benefits of volunteers, empowering more individuals to contribute, be valued, and recognised for their time.

Rachel Gegeshidze, CEO at Tempo

How Time Credits Reward Volunteering

Tempo Time Credits are a unique and innovative tool developed by Tempo. Time Credits serve as a community currency that individuals earn for volunteering their time in various community projects and initiatives. The earned Time Credits can then be redeemed for accessing services, events, or activities within the community. This not only encourages and rewards volunteerism but also promotes a sense of community engagement and reciprocity.

Individuals receive Time Credits via Tempo’s Time Credit platform. They use the platform to search for opportunities to redeem Time Credits in Tempo’s local and national recognition network. This includes a wide range of community organisations as well as higher profile opportunities such as the Cornish Seal Sanctuary, the Tower of London and the Millennium Centre.

Time Credits can be used across the Tempo national network. Time Credits received in Cardiff can be used in London or gifted to a family member to share the gift of time.

Discover more

Interested in finding out more about Tempo? Visit their website and follow them on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. See also: our blog explaining the integration in more detail.

You can find TeamKinetic on social media and listen to our podcast:

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Have you enjoyed using TeamKinetic? If you could leave us a review on Capterra, we’d really appreciate it! We’ll even send you a little thank you.

The New TeamKinetic App

After a long period of development, we’re thrilled to announce the launch of the new TeamKinetic App! The app is free for all, and our Enterprise users have the option to adopt their own white-labeled version.

The Power of TeamKinetic at Your Fingertips

The new TeamKinetic app brings the power of our desktop platform to your pocket.

Our new app is more user-friendly and modern with a redesigned and intuitive interface. We’ve ensured that the user experience is consistent across Android and iOS devices, so no matter what platform your users prefer, they’ll enjoy a seamless and unified experience.

With the new app, your volunteers will now have access to features such as expenses, roles, the ability to apply for opportunities, document uploads/downloads, and profile management. 

The base TeamKinetic app will be free for all users, including all the material and support required for everyone to use and share with their volunteers.

However, if you’re an Enterprise user, you can access the exciting new ability to have your app white-labeled.


All enterprise users can have a branded version of the TeamKinetic app tailored to their organisation’s unique identity.

Your logo, brand colours, and unique app store name will be used, creating a seamless extension of your brand. Customisation will not include functional elements; all apps offer the same features.

White-labeled applications will also allow volunteers to register directly within the app, streamlining the onboarding process.

The yearly cost for a white-labeled application is £800 per year and can be added directly onto your existing yearly fee. All white-labeling will be done on a first-come-first-served basis as we have to roll these out gradually.

How to download the TeamKinetic App

You can download our app for free on iOS and Android now. Just search ‘Volunteer with TeamKinetic’ or click the links below.

If you are an enterprise user wanting to discuss adopting a white-labeled app, please fill in this form

We can’t wait for you to explore the enhanced capabilities of our new app.

You can find TeamKinetic on social media and listen to our podcast:

Twitter       Facebook       LinkedIn       YouTube       Instagram       Podcast


Have you enjoyed using TeamKinetic? If you could leave us a review on Capterra, we’d really appreciate it! We’ll even send you a little thank you.

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