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The Birth of TeamKinetic

I am often asked how TeamKinetic began, so I thought it was time I shared this thrilling story of necessity and innovation into TeamKinetic’s history. 

The story begins on a dark and stormy night (which is normal weather for Manchester). Back in the year 2008, when Manchester Sports Development team (who are part of Manchester City Council) would normally be faced with the annual ritual of producing and distributing their volunteering brochure to local sports clubs and leisure facilities.

The process used to be extremely time-consuming and costly, and was often out of date before it reached the recipients.  Government spending cutbacks meant they had to abandon the brochures and forced a rethink on how they communicated with the public. They were left with a conundrum; how to sustain their volunteer management programme and communicate with the public, with a smaller budget.

A review revealed what was needed was a One-Stop-Shop for sports volunteering, which not only connected volunteers with providers, but also allowed them to measure the success of the volunteer programme.  After an extensive search, they realised that the solution was not being offered by any existing software. They contacted TeamKinetic and the development of an internet-based volunteer management system that had multi-level functionality was born.

TeamKinetic was officially launched in 2009 with 100 volunteers taken from their original spreadsheets. The aim was to reach 500 volunteers within two years. Existing volunteers and sports clubs were informed of the new system via mail shots, phone calls and word of mouth.

TeamKinetic enabled them to reach 500 sport volunteers in less than six months, and 4,000 active volunteers registered on the system within the first 3 years.

Due to the efficiency of the system, the administrator only spends 1.5 days per week managing the volunteers, allowing them more time to get out of the office and promote their programme.

As a result of this success the VolunteerKinetic system will now be utilised by Community and Cultural Services and Manchester City Council plan to roll it out across all types of volunteering within Manchester

Craig Abel
Volunteer Development Officer – Manchester Sport Development

Craig and Paralympic Lantern

“The one-stop-shop approach has made my life much easier, its a more efficient service for volunteers and people who need volunteers. It gives me the ability to reach more people and get out of the office to promote volunteering rather than being bogged down with the logistics of running a volunteer programme.

We are very happy with the system, and the fact that it is now being rolled out across the community and cultural services highlights its success, and has allowed us to extend the approach from sports volunteering to all types of volunteering within Manchester.”

Graham Hurstel
Neighborhood Development Manager – Manchester Sport Development

“Volunteer Kinetic has revolutionised volunteering for us. It’s a more effective service for volunteers and providers and it allows us to reach far more people. The management features allow me to utilise my resources more efficiently which means great value for money.”

“The Social media (Facebook, Twitter and WordPress) functionality within the system is an effective marketing tool that allows for volunteer-led promotion, access to a much richer data set, a wider range of KPI reports and an understanding of the geographical spread of volunteers. The soon-to-be-released Smartphone app will only accelerate the growth of an already successful volunteer programme for us.”

Want to see how TeamKinetic can make volunteering easier for you? Contact us today.

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Why Local Authorities Are Turning Towards TeamKinetic

Most local authorities are now under significant pressure to realise savings with reduced funding in most areas, especially sports and leisure. The question is how do you increase productivity at the same time as reducing workload? How can local authorities effectively manage their volunteers?

As you are probably aware the solution in regards to volunteering is relatively straightforward, the organisation needs to employ a service which matches volunteers and volunteer opportunities with minimal interaction by the administrator, but at the same time can collect all the relevant KPI information (including number of volunteer hours) to allow you analyse the success of your volunteer service.

Manchester City Council using TeamKinetic

Five years ago, Manchester City Council were looking for a system which could achieve all of the above objectives. However, they realised that all the current systems on the market were heavily reliant on an administrator entering large amounts of information into the system.  Reporting and communications were limited, with no links to social media networks (Facebook, Twitter etc.). This is how a large portion of the general public communicates nowadays. In short, the systems available were not fit for purpose.

With this in mind, they approached ‘TeamKinetic’ and developed a volunteer service which could meet their requirements. Since then, the system has grown from strength to strength.

Volunteering numbers in Manchester have increased from 30 to over 3000 in the last 18 months. Due to the efficiency of the service, the administrator only spends 2.5 days per week dealing with these volunteers, enabling them to focus their attention on promoting volunteering rather than getting caught up in phone calls and data entry.

If you are interested in viewing a demonstration of the volunteer management service that is currently in use by Manchester (MCRVIP). The service is called ‘TeamKinetic’ and it has had a big impact within Manchester and other local authorities across the UK with considerable financial savings and a considerable drop in cost per volunteer hour.

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12 Common Issues and Solutions for Volunteer Managers

After speaking to many people across the sector, a clear pattern of issues has arisen. That’s why we’ve decided to discuss the common issues and solutions for volunteer managers, with an explanation of how TeamKinetic can solve these issues to make volunteering easier for everyone.

Data Entry


It is very time-consuming managing large numbers of volunteers on a spreadsheet or standard database as you have to manually enter the information yourself, and if that information changes (i.e. phone number or address) we are not usually informed, or if we are informed we have to correct the information ourselves.


By using TeamKinetic both the volunteers and opportunity providers enter and update all their information themselves, the system also has an automatic integrity check which ensures that postcodes, phone numbers and email addresses are valid, and all mandatory information is entered.



Communicating with Volunteers and providers is awkward and time-consuming, especially when dealing with a volunteer opportunity with large amounts of volunteers. We have to copy each volunteer’s details individually from our spreadsheet/database to the email which can take a long time when you have 30 volunteers on an opportunity. Often volunteers don’t respond to updates as they haven’t checked their emails, meaning that they can turn up at the wrong time or location.


TeamKinetic has the ability to email volunteers and providers with one click, meaning that we don’t have to copy any email addresses. We can also send group emails with a single click of a button to every volunteer on a specific opportunity, or every volunteer who has ever volunteered with a specific provider.

It also has the ability to send SMS text messages to groups or individuals which will have a much better chance of them receiving the communication. The auto SMS Texting options will allow us to automatically send SMS texts to volunteers the day before their opportunity takes place, or the day before their induction, meaning that they are much likely to attend, and we haven’t wasted our time.



We have always had an issue gathering feedback on good opportunities for case studies, and also bad opportunities so we know to contact the provider and give them further assistance. We can spend a lot of time phoning around just to find out that an opportunity was OK. Yet we only really need to know which opportunities were very good or very bad, so we can focus our attention on them.


TeamKinetic allows you to capture feedback from every volunteer on every opportunity. This will enable us to focus our attention where required, identifying which providers need assistance so we can prevent any further volunteers from having a negative experience.

The system will also give Providers the ability to see volunteer feedback. Therefore, they will be able to see where they can improve. It will also give us the ability to identify great opportunities so we can use the feedback to construct case studies and extend our understanding of what makes a great opportunity, this information can then be passed on to other providers.

As volunteers can also see positive feedback from their providers. They will also receive feedback thanking them and thereby making them more likely to continue volunteering.

Recording The Success Of Our Volunteer Programme


The true success of a volunteer programme is the impact the volunteers have on the ground, but as this is usually impossible to quantify the next best thing we can do is to record how many volunteers we have, and how much time they spend volunteering.  It is hard to keep track of which volunteers have turned up to opportunities and which volunteers are still attending their opportunities, as they often leave without notification. We also don’t know how many hours they are doing, making it hard to quantify whether or not our volunteer programme is succeeding in increasing the number of volunteer hours.


The TeamKinetic System ensures the volunteers record the number of hours they do in the system at frequent intervals, and also forces the providers to confirm that they agree with the number of hours that the volunteer is claiming to have done.

The volunteer can be encouraged to record their hours by offering discounts on internal courses (advertised within the system) or a free t-shirt etc. when they reach a certain number of hours. But the fact that the volunteer can record their hours with a couple of clicks and also see their total number of volunteer hours increasing each week is normally enough encouragement to keep them engaged.

Increasing our Course Attendees


Sometimes we have issues filling our courses, this is mainly due to identifying the people who may be interested in attending.


The system allows us to search for all volunteers who are interested in a particular sport, we can then target this group with a group email or SMS text.



It has always been difficult to get long-term volunteers (eg. people who have volunteered at their local rugby club every Sunday afternoon for 5 years) to tell us about all the good volunteering they do. They don’t see any reason to go out of their way to tell us about something they have always done.


By using TeamKinetic’s HourTrades function, we can incentivize these long-term volunteers to register and record their hours by offering them gifts in the form of t-shirts or discounts on courses when they reach a certain number of volunteer hours.



It can be very time-consuming and sometimes impossible to gather information together for KPIs such as the total number of volunteer hours this year. What is the geographical spread of people volunteering within Manchester and their age, ethnicity, etc.?


TeamKinetic shows us all KPI reports in real-time including:

-Basic Pie charts including Ethnicity / Employment Status / Gender / Age

-Geographical spread of volunteers and opportunities (visible on a map)

-Web usage (so we can see how many people are viewing the site on a day-by-day basis)

– Number of Logged hours

-Types of opportunities (Gymnastics, Dance, Biking etc.)

-Volunteer Registrations (on a day-by-day basis)

-Number of available opportunities (on a day-by-day basis)

They have also agreed to add any additional reports as long as they are likely to be used by other local authorities. All this information can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet if further manipulation is necessary.

If there is enough interest within a specific area and with the consent of the local authorities they are also willing to create a website for the parent organization like a national sporting body or a County Sports partnership, allowing them real-time access to all of the above reports across a wide area, removing the need to send KPI’s at all.



It is hard to manage and keep track of volunteers’ criminal record checks.


The system has a tracking page which shows the administrator which criminal checks are soon to expire, and also automatically sends volunteers a reminder 6 months, 3 months and 1 month before they expire.


The initial application can often take weeks and it is hard keeping track of when each application was made and when I need to chase up the application with the CRB authority. It is also hard to keep track of all the documents and IDs that are used when applying for a CRB.


The system will allow us to save scanned documents against a particular volunteer (passports, Driving Licenses, Utility Bills etc.). It will also alert us when we have received no reply from a CRB application for over 4 weeks, prompting us to chase it up with the CRB authority.


There is no guarantee that the person who has submitted the CRB is the person who turns up on the day to volunteer with the children.


The system allows the administrator to save a photo of the volunteer when they bring in their CRB documents, this is then stored with the volunteer’s CRB details on the system and is made visible to the opportunity provider so they know what the person looks like before they turn up for the opportunity.

News Articles


It is often time-consuming to create a news article and then advertise it in a way that it can be viewed on multiple social media sites.


TeamKinetic allows you to link your own Facebook, Twitter and WordPress account directly to the system. Meaning that every new opportunities and news stories created in the system are broadcast on multiple social media sites, including the system’s front page.

Central Access Point for all Information


It can get confusing to potential volunteers when you have to signpost them to different websites and organizations depending on what field they are interested in volunteering in.


TeamKinetic can act as a one-stop-shop for all volunteer opportunities, allowing the user to browse through the categories and search for opportunities related to either a specific sport, opportunities within a specific distance or both.

For more information on TeamKinetic please visit our website.

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New VolunteerKinetic Forum

We have started up a forum for our users, you can access this forum by going to: http://community.volunteerkinetic.com

Just select your community type (volunteer, provider or administrator) and feel free to share your thoughts and ideas with other users and the VolunteerKinetic support team.   The forum is aimed to assist users in maximising their experience of VolunteerKinetic and also giving the support team valuable feedback from our users.

You can find TeamKinetic on social media and listen to our podcast:

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VolunteerKinetic version 5: Guide Video

The latest version of TeamKinetic (VolunteerKinetic version 5) has now been installed on all live systems, it contains a number of new exciting features including the ability to create Events and public-facing pages.  You can view a video demonstrating the latest features below:

You can also view the release notes here: VK V5 Release Notes.

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TeamKinetic goes International – Partnership with Alnowair of Kuwait hope to make the world a more positive place

Alnowair have a noble goal, to make people feel more positive. They want people to make the right choices about themselves and how they want to feel. They believe that we all have the seed of positivity within us and with the right support we can make the right decisions and help to make Kuwait an even better place to live. Here at TeamKinetic HQ, we share these views and salute the wonderful work Alnowair undertake, we understand how by giving a little of yourself can help to make you feel better whilst making your community stronger and a nicer place to live.

It is with great pleasure then that we can announce the partnership between Alnowair and TeamKinetic. Alnowair have a fantastic history of volunteering. As the organisation has grown, they have identified a need: a better way to manage, deploy and reward their amazing volunteers. TeamKinetic seemed like a perfect fit.

TeamKinetic has signed up to provide Alnowair with a cutting-edge Volunteer Management system that can grow and develop as they grow and develop as an organisation.

“Having the opportunity to work with Alnowair and develop our product for use in the middle east has be fantastic.  They are a great group of people who embody what they are trying to share.  Developing a site that combines English and Arabic has proven to be a little tricky, but we hope that VolunteerKinetic will encourage even more people to give their time to the great work Alnowair undertake.”

With the development now complete, Alnowair are about to launch, so watch this space for updates and opportunities from Kuwait.

If you want to see a little bit more about the work Alnowair do, just click on the link below.


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Quickly remove volunteers from individual sessions

At TeamKinetic we’re continually finding ways to evolve our volunteer management system to make volunteering easier for everyone. This new improvement revolves around how you can remove volunteers from individual sessions on an opportunity.

Previously, you had to click a button to remove a volunteer, wait for the page to refresh and then find that slot again if you wanted to remove a second volunteer.

Now, with our new Events-type opportunities, volunteers are much more likely to be moved around sessions and opportunities as space allows so we needed a much quicker way to remove volunteers.

We did think about doing it via checkboxes and a button. Yet in the end, we decided to go for an AJAX implementation that removed the volunteer when you click the button and then removes the volunteers panel once it has been successful, leaving you on the same page and location on that page to carry on.

Work smarter, use TeamKinetic.

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Revamped TeamKinetic Training and Courses Function

We’ve rebuilt the TeamKinetic training and courses module from the ground up to allow for a lot more flexibility when creating training events and courses.

You can now create a course with multiple, individually administrated sessions. So for example, a course could run every Monday for a month. Previously, you could only define how many days a course ran for, not which days and not over non-consecutive days.

In addition, you can now upload an application form for your users to download when viewing and there is more room for adding prerequisites and describing the training or course more fully.

All this extra session information is, of course, displayed to the user who can now see exactly what times and what days the course is running over and can also search for courses or training in specific areas.

Cheers, and keep volunteering!

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New help videos on TeamKinetic demo site

Three new help videos have now been added to the TeamKinetic demonstration site.  There is a video for each user experience (Volunteers, Providers and Admin), allowing potential clients to view the main functionality that is available from within the demonstration system.

screen 1

The videos are aimed at assisting potential clients when navigating around the system, giving them guidance on how to experience the main features of the system.

The VolunteerKinetic demonstration website is available here.

If you’d like a demo of the system to see how it can work for you, please contact us.

You can find TeamKinetic on social media and listen to our podcast:

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Student Testimonial Using TeamKinetic to Access Work Placements

Thank you to our friends over at MMU for providing this student testimonial using TeamKinetic. If you’re looking for volunteer management tools for your organisation, please get in touch!


Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) have seen excellent student take-up on their work placement system (powered by TeamKinetic). With over 2500 hours of work experience logged and over 80 companies signed up, the students and the university are delighted with its success and are expecting even greater uptake in the next academic year with the possibility of rolling it out university-wide.

Student Testimonial

“I thoroughly enjoyed my entire placement experience and would highly recommend it to any future students. I found that it was a great hands-on opportunity on the exchange which offered a real-life working scenario.

From this, I learnt new skills. Including: constructing a marketing plan, designing a questionnaire, conducting a focus group, and collating/analysing primary and secondary research. It also gave me a greater insight on what it is like working in a team on creative ideas. This was my favourite part – bouncing ideas between the team to reach a final outcome. I also enjoyed the fact that we were given the freedom to work independently. There was enough help available to give us clear guidance, but at the same time, we were able to work creatively without limits and work on campus.

I would add that it is very beneficiary to put on your CV. I have recently been offered an internship at a marketing agency. Much of the interview consisted of questions relating to my work experience and what I have learned from it. “

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