Tag: volunteer management software Page 11 of 36

Encouraging Diversity And Inclusion In Volunteering

Diversity refers to the qualities that differentiate people as individuals. Within your organisation or charity, it is crucial to recruit a varied range of volunteers so they can bring different skills and values to the team.  Inclusivity embraces all people regardless of their race, age, gender, disabilities, or experience. Inclusivity is all about giving equal access and opportunities.

Diversity and inclusion for volunteer organizations are not just about the volunteers, but also the types of volunteering opportunities available. When creating opportunities, ensure that they offer a range of long-term or short-term commitments to the role. 

How your non-profit and volunteer organisation can become diverse and inclusive

It is important to be aware of barriers which could be preventing people from participating in volunteering opportunities. Barriers could include physical barriers such as opportunities not being accessible to wheelchair users or shifts that involve people needing to drive. Technology barriers could also put off people who aren’t as comfortable using technology, such as taking card machine payments in a charity shop or a shift that involves using a computer. 

Also, offering a range of volunteering opportunities that are short-term and long-term means your opportunities can be inclusive for people who only have time to volunteer for a short period of time.

To create a diverse and inclusive environment, the entire organisation needs to work towards this goal so a welcoming community can be formed. Make sure your volunteer managers and paid employees come from different backgrounds with different experiences and training is completed with examples of diversity so that the staff can become more culturally aware. 

Why is it important for your volunteer organisation to be diverse and inclusive? 

Introducing diversity into your organisation can increase your volunteer pool. By promoting diversity and inclusion within your volunteer organisation, people with different backgrounds and experiences can bring new skills and outlooks to your team.

Having a diverse volunteer team can produce a better image for the public to see. Diversity promotes inclusion and understanding and this is one of the goals for non-profits and volunteer-involving organisations

What are the benefits of being diverse and inclusive? 

  • Enhanced awareness within the organisation as a whole.
  • Being a diverse organisation can create increased social participation.
  • Produces a positive public image.
  • A broader range of skills and knowledge can be brought to the team.
  • Diverse teams make better business decisions 87% of the time.
  • Innovative ideas can be produced.
  • If volunteers in an inclusive organisation feel comfortable in the organisation then they will want to stay, therefore by becoming more inclusive and diverse you can create better retention.

Key takeaways…

Many benefits come with practising diversity and inclusivity in your organisation. A better public image can be created for your organisation and new ideas can be brought to your team. To ensure your organisation is welcoming to a variety of people, get rid of any physical barriers which could discourage people from wanting to volunteer. 


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TeamKinetic – 2.20 Major Release

Pretty much on time, we are now entering the beta release phase for our next major release, bumping the version number up to 2.2.

So what’s coming in this release, read on to find out.

New Opportunity Creation System

We’ve been aware for a while of just how long and intimidating the opportunity creation forms were, especially for new users. There was also the issue of the ‘Quick’ opportunity type mixing together an opportunity that was quick to enter, with an opportunity that was only being used to advertise an opportunity for providers that have their own volunteer management systems.

So we have created a new system for creating opportunities that splits everything into smaller chunks, offers people an easier way to add new images, less complex location entry, and is a lot simpler to use.

For those providers that are managing their own volunteers, there is a very clear option selection card that explains what will happen. These types of opportunities will also have a much simplified management page that lets the provider know how many people have viewed the opp, clicked the more info buttons, and who those volunteers are if we know.

Better Sharing Options

If you share your opportunities via LinkWide or into the national Scottish system MILO, then you’ll notice some improvements.

Firstly you can now belong to multiple LinkWide groups, and have individual sharing settings for each group; so you can share into one group but only accept shares from another group for instance.

If you are sharing to MILO you can now add existing opportunities to MILO, previously you could only share at the point of opp creation. When an opp is shared you’ll also see all the details you need to find it in MILO

New Date Custom Question Type

We’ve added date as a custom question type for volunteers and providers, and updated the custom question search filters to match.

This opens the door for some very useful reporting and recording methods for volunteer or provider details that are not covered by our regular registration or profile details. By recording dates against volunteers and providers, you can use the filters to find out which people have dates that have expired or that are due soon by using the equals, before, after, and between date filters.

You can imagine the potential for recording and managing things like yearly training, qualifications, driving licenses and insurance etc.

Schedule Bulk Emails

Create an email and schedule it to be sent at specific times. This is a super useful addition and is great for running campaigns or for sending emails over the weekend when you don’t want to be working!

Reporting Improvements

We’ve added applicants for opportunities to the reporting page so you can see at a glance how many applicants are in each status.

We’ve audited all the reports and aligned provider, admin and summary reports so you see the same numbers everywhere!

We’ve added a new download report which has all volunteer opportunity data that can be aggregated by opportunity or session, including custom fields.

The day schedule report is now available for providers as well, of course, limited to just their opportunities.

The mapping features have been added for providers so they can locate all their opportunities and volunteers.

You can now filter and search providers based on their custom fields and also filter volunteers on their qualification names and lapse dates.

Any downloads from the volunteer or provider search page now include their custom field responses.

Opportunity Custom Badges in Search Page

If you’ve added custom badges to opportunities (and if not, why not!), your volunteers will now be able to see those badges in the search page and also filter on those badges.

Useful Hints and Tips

You’ll see when you log in that a small hints and tips area appears at the top of the page giving you some quick info about a feature. We’ll be adding to these tips continually as new features come online and you can choose to switch them off completely or hide them for 30 days if they are starting to bore you!

We hope this will introduce our customers to new features or techniques they might not be aware of.

Manage Your Account

We’ve added a new icon to the top right which allows you to manage your account, it also tells you who you are logged in as if you have multiple accounts.

From here you can also switch the hints and tips back on if you have changed your mind! There are a few other settings to help personalise your experience and we’ll be adding more, so suggestions are welcome.

New Automated Emails

We’ll now remind providers when their opportunities are close to finishing, along with a link to update the opportunity.

Volunteers will get a message wishing them all the best on their birthdays and thanking them for volunteering.

We have also added a reminder email for volunteers to log their hours for past opportunities and complete post-opp surveys and uploads if they are required.

Volunteer Inbox

A brand new message inbox for volunteers that shows all the emails and messages they have received and lets them reply directly to the sender. This should help volunteer questions about specific opportunities get through to the provider rather than using the general purpose contact us page.

Talking of the general purpose Get in Touch page; if the volunteer is logged in it will redirect them to the new inbox area above and they can select from the TO field either the organisation or any of the providers they are currently engaged with. This will reduce those misdirected messages even more.

Dashboard Improvements

We’ve added a panel for ‘Things happening today’ that shows sessions and meetings and things like that that are happening today.

Panels that are empty or not needed. For instance, if you auto-approve providers, are now hidden.

More and more tables throughout the app are now sortable in place using the icons at the top of the columns, with no page refresh required.

Improvements to Max Slot Numbers for Sessions

You can now alter the global maximum slot number per session from the sessions tab, rather than having to go to the restrictions tab.

For flexible opportunities it looks like this;

And for sessional opps, there is a little button to reveal the options, it could be quite a destructive process so we want to make sure, and it looks like this;

There are also over 120 smaller bug fixes and improvements in this release many as a direct result of support tickets and feature requests so keep them coming.

Steve also went through the new release in a few online sessions. If you missed them, you can catch up by clicking here.

Thanks everyone.

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Ethical and Sustainable Volunteering

What is ethical and sustainable volunteering?

Sustainable volunteering is making a difference with long-lasting change without leaving a destructive footprint behind. Doing good by volunteering doesn’t always mean that you are having a positive impact on the environment around you. For example, many charities with shops could be working with suppliers who have not followed sustainable practices.

People who want to be ethical and sustainable when volunteering believe it is important to contribute to long-lasting change. You may think you are doing the right thing by volunteering but if your efforts and contributions are not making a long-term difference then it might not be worth volunteering for that specific organisation. It is crucial to do research into the charity or organisation as there are many that leave a community in worse conditions than they were when the organisation initially approached them.

The benefits of sustainable and ethical volunteering include becoming more aware of environmental issues and learning how to tackle them. By completing sustainable volunteer work, you are not only doing good for the environment but also doing good by helping others.

What makes a volunteer manager ethical? 

It is essential when wanting your volunteer work to be ethical and sustainable that your volunteer manager is also ethical when creating opportunities. Some ways a volunteer manager can achieve this is by: 

  • Ensuring criminal record checks have been completed for each volunteer. 
  • Making sure volunteers don’t replace paid employees.
  • Actively seek feedback from volunteers to be able to improve and maintain healthy relationships with them.
  • Giving up the time to train volunteers if necessary for the opportunity they are involved in, this also shows that the volunteers are valued.
  • Offer flexibility, so that if a volunteer wants to take time off they are able to. 

Sustainable and ethical volunteering opportunities 

There are so many charities and organisations with volunteering opportunities available in the UK that it can be hard to tell which organisations are influencing change and not leaving behind destructive footprints. Charities and organisations that work towards having a lasting impact on communities and the environment are just as important as having a primary goal of helping others.

There are many options for sustainable and ethical volunteering opportunities. An effective sustainable volunteering opportunity would be to get involved by helping out in your local charity shop. Research has shown the second-hand economy is more than just a means of achieving environmental sustainability. There are many accessible options for volunteering in local charity stores as they are in most UK towns. 

Other sustainable volunteering ideas are collecting and recycling rubbish or any other items that may pollute the environment. There are many litter-picking charities such as Cleanup UK and Keep Britain Tidy that have groups all over the UK with many available litter-picking volunteering opportunities.

Key takeaways…

If you are adapting to a sustainable lifestyle then it’s a good idea to also take part in volunteering that is sustainable and ethical too. You may think all volunteering must be ethical but that’s not always the case, many organisations leave behind a destructive footprint in communities they’re supposed to be helping. To confirm they are also ethical, ensure the volunteer manager is ethical in their actions and completes all the necessary measures before approving a volunteer.

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Disciplining A Volunteer And Dealing With Poor Behaviour

Discipling a volunteer is never an easy task. As volunteers aren’t paid employees, some volunteer managers may feel as though they don’t have a right to discipline or even dismiss them. However, volunteer managers can’t put up with problematic behaviour just because they may feel guilty for having to discipline them. Keeping a volunteer on board with poor behaviour also might do more harm than good for your organisation and other volunteers around them.

Before deciding if you should dismiss a volunteer it is essential to step back and find the main cause of the problem. The volunteer may not understand their job role or are going through something in their personal life which could be affecting their behaviour. Getting another person’s perspective on the situation may also help you make a decision. 

How to deal with problematic behaviour

The problem could be that the volunteer simply lacks a strong work ethic or lacks skills for the role so it can’t be completed correctly or they aren’t the right fit for volunteering for a particular organisation.

Once the reason for the behaviour is pinpointed then it’s important that the conversation had with the volunteer is face to face and not done over email. The conversation can be warning them about their behaviour and simply giving them a chance to improve or to dismiss the volunteer if they have extremely poor behaviour and it is affecting other volunteers within the organisation.

It needs to be upfront and direct and you should ensure you are not tip-toeing around the subject just because you may feel bad. Including some affirmations in the conversation may help you feel better when dismissing the volunteer.

For example, thanking them for their positivity for volunteering but letting them know their behaviour isn’t acceptable. A follow-up conversation is also a good idea to have after you have either dismissed the volunteer or given them a warning. 

As a volunteer manager, you should always document your volunteer’s behaviour, this way you can note down any behaviour traits before and after the conversation to see if the volunteer’s behaviour has changed and improved.

How to avoid this in future

Be careful not to treat volunteers the same as you’d treat employees. Employees are getting paid to give up their time and have access to a lot of employment rights which volunteers don’t have access to.

Due to organisations not being obliged to have a formal agreement with their volunteers, it is still important to create one for your organisation so volunteers are aware of how to act and it can help establish expectations.

Ensure you have a policy that states how you treat disciplinary action with volunteers and your expectations for volunteers’ behaviour. Having a policy also shows your volunteers that they are important to you.

Key takeaways…

Communicating with your volunteers is crucial to ensure you have a comfortable relationship with them. This way if they start to show signs of bad behaviour, it can be discussed easily and put to a stop. 

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How The Cost Of Living Crisis Will Affect Volunteering

The ‘cost of living crisis’ refers to the fall in disposable incomes that the UK has experienced since late 2021. Due to this, the rising cost of living is already starting to have a big impact on volunteering and will continue to do so. The crisis makes the reimbursement of expenses for volunteers a more demanding issue. As fuel prices are rising, in some places as much as £2 a litre, volunteers who don’t normally claim expenses are now starting to.

Research completed by vHelp on volunteer expenses shows that 88% of respondents from volunteer leadership roles and organisations were aware of volunteers choosing not to claim expenses. However, this figure of volunteers claiming expenses is expected to increase. The rising cost of fuel prices could also affect charities and organisations that now have to reimburse a larger amount than before which could leave them struggling. 


8% of charities still don’t reimburse volunteer expenses. This could put off people from wanting to volunteer for these organisations due to higher travel expenses and the volunteers refusing to pay for these costs themselves. This is why it is extremely important to reimburse volunteers’ expenses otherwise it can lead to a loss of volunteers for your organisation.

Organisations with a complicated expense claiming process, where reimbursement takes a long time can also put volunteers off. 44% of respondents from vHelps research show that ensuring volunteers get paid was a concern of theirs.

Here at TeamKinetic, we provide a quick way for volunteers to claim expenses on our system so they get paid back straight away. We also have a masterclass session for TeamKinetic customers on the ‘Expenses Module’ which will be taking place on the 4th of October so make sure you sign up now to secure a place.

The effect the cost of living will have on charities

The increase in expenses may also be worrying to charities. But volunteers bring much more value to your organisation than the cost of expenses. According to vHelp, the increase in fuel price mostly impacts volunteers who support charities in rural areas due to the only mode of transport to get there for their shifts is by car, which can cost more for the charity to reimburse compared to a bus ticket or no cost for travel at all.

Not only will charities and organisations be affected by the cost of living crisis due to struggling to afford to reimburse volunteers, but charities will also be affected by the decrease in donations by the public. The cost of living crisis means that people’s disposable income will be greatly affected so they might not have the funds to donate as much to charities as they did previously.

According to an article by The Guardian, a fifth of UK households now have an average shortfall of £60 a week between what they earn and what they need to cover essentials. This leaves people with the lowest amount of extra money in 5 years. The expected value of £20 that people usually donate will also be expected to fall to £17.20 by 2026. ‘Chance Changing Lives’ charity that relies on ‘In Kind Directs’ consumer product donation services said they “may have to have a cut-off point very soon as donations have slowed down to such an extent that there may soon not be enough to go round”.

Charities need to start planning now to tackle the cost of living crisis which could massively affect their organisation and their volunteers. Support from funders and the government may be needed in order to help the charity sector during this crisis. 

More support on how charities should adapt to the cost of living crisis can be found here.

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How To Prevent Volunteer Burnout

What is Burnout?

Burnout is typically associated with the workplace, however, it frequently happens to volunteers. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines burnout as “a syndrome conceptualised as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed”. WHO characterises it by three dimensions:

  • Feelings of exhaustion.
  • Increased mental distance from one’s job and/or feelings of negativism about one’s job.
  • Reduced professional efficacy. 
Volunteer Burnout

A negative impact may include your volunteers speaking negatively about the work your organisation does. This can discourage other volunteers from wanting to get involved with the organisation in the future. If burnt-out volunteers continue to show up for their shifts, their overall productivity will most likely decrease. 

Surprisingly, too much volunteering can be a bad thing. Burnout in volunteers can lead to people feeling unmotivated, which leaves volunteers resenting their work. Burnout can be recognised and managed. However, if left untreated, burnout can cause volunteers to become depressed, anxious, and overwhelmed, which can harm the organisation. 

Causes of Burnout

There are many causes of volunteer burnout. By identifying these causes, you can prevent burnout from happening to your volunteers. However, it is important to note that sometimes burnout can’t be avoided due to the volunteer’s mindset and lack of passion. Not every volunteer will be as passionate as the volunteer manager. Some people’s motivation levels for the organisation may differ. 

If volunteers are given too much to do, they may get overwhelmed by taking on too many tasks. A poor working environment can make the volunteers feel unwelcome. It’s important to provide your volunteers with a comfortable space. This can enable them to feel settled in. Supervisors of the volunteers can give support and guidance because a lack of this can lead to the volunteers feeling lost. Volunteers may also have little knowledge of the tasks they are completing, meaning they can’t do the tasks efficiently. 

Important signs to look for before burnout happens to your volunteers:

It’s key for a volunteer manager to look out for any warning signs so you can spot an unhappy volunteer before burnout occurs. The risk of burnout increases over time so it’s important to notice it before it becomes harmful.

Firstly, look out for any changes in your volunteer’s personality that could show signs of anxiousness or discomfort. For example, if a volunteer regularly spoke about their love for volunteering and had a lot of enthusiasm for your organisation’s missions, but then begins to complain and have a negative attitude, it may be an obvious sign they are no longer enjoying it.

Many volunteers are initially motivated at the beginning. Despite this, you should check up on volunteers who may feel like their work has no impact. Any motivated volunteer should believe all their hard work has a big impact on people’s lives. If your volunteers are doubting their contribution to the community, it could be a red flag to watch out for.

Checking in on a Volunteer with Burnout

If volunteers aren’t performing during shifts as well as they previously were, or they’re cancelling shifts without reason, these are very clear signs of volunteer burnout. Overall, if volunteers are showing very obvious signs of lack of motivation and enthusiasm about the organisation and display a negative view of volunteering, it usually means they are about to experience burnout.  

Tips to avoid burnout: 

For some volunteers, burnout is unavoidable. However, here are some useful tips you can take on board as a volunteer manager to overcome burnout. It is important to remember that volunteer burnout is normal and most long-term volunteers will go through a period of burnout.

  • Ensure the volunteers know what they are doing before the shift so they are fully prepared. This means there is a lower risk of a volunteer feeling lost and confused about what they are supposed to be doing. If the volunteer has a bad first shift then this could then lead to them not wanting to take part in future shifts.
  • It is key to create stable working relationships with your volunteers so that you can both feel comfortable and confident around each other. A welcoming environment also enables volunteers to feel more relaxed. Providing refreshments and general support is a good idea to achieve this.
  • To help build that stable working relationship, as a volunteer manager you should recognise your volunteer’s hard work and reward them. Rewards can be certificates or our rewards feature on the system which allows you to send badges to volunteers. However, it is not necessary to always hand out rewards. If volunteers are completing the work for the right reasons then a simple ‘thank you’ will be appreciated.
  • Communication is crucial between you and your volunteers. This is so both parties can give feedback to improve. There is also a feedback section available on our system where volunteers can also log their hours. 
  • Taking time to have regular check-ins with your volunteers can help to nurture your relationship. During this time you can ask your volunteers how they are feeling about the work and therefore notice any potential red flags that may lead to burnout. 

By completing these steps as a volunteer manager, you’ll have happy and healthy volunteers.

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TeamKinetic Conference

TeamKinetic Conference Tickets On Sale Now!

An image showing post-it notes on a board discussing the TeamKinetic Conference. 
A yellow one says: that the conference will run from the 27th to the 28th of September. 
A pink one states that the event will be entirely online. 
A final blue one states the conference title: volunteering to 2030, what might the future look like?
All post-it notes have text that looks like it was handwritten.

The TeamKinetic conference is back! This year we’re bringing you a range of exciting speakers from across the third sector, all tying into our main conference theme:

‘Volunteering to 2030: What might the future look like?’

The conference will be split over two days, with day one focusing on TeamKinetic itself and day two taking a look into the third sector as a whole.

Dates: Tuesday 27th September – Wednesday 28th September 2022

You can buy tickets by going to the booking page: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/teamkinetic-conference-2022-tickets-386817560737

Or seeing below:

Note: TeamKinetic admins should have received an email about special rate tickets.

You can also join our Facebook event page to read up on all the speakers and join the discussion before the conference begins! Just follow this link.

Day One

Features a range of sessions hosted by Chris, Steve, and Rolf on the TeamKinetic system as it stands today and how it could change in the future. Keep your eye out for one or two new features!

Day One is catered specifically towards existing TeamKinetic users, but all are welcome to join!

Day Two

Featuring a keynote from Rob Jackson, day two takes a look at the third sector as a whole. Our speakers look into best volunteer management practices, their recent work, and how managers may need to adapt for the future. We currently have confirmed speaker sessions from Sport England, vHelp, Tempo Time Credits, and more!

If you have any questions about the conference or about booking, please email alex@teamkinetic.co.uk or contact us via the live chat on our website.

You can find TeamKinetic on social media and listen to our podcast:

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Introducing TeamKinetic: Isabella Turner – A New Chapter

Love for Marketing 

Studying Business Studies and Graphic communications at A-Level sparked my interest in marketing, I enjoyed both aspects of the subjects which then triggered my initial passion for marketing as I believed it was the perfect combination of the two. I thought marketing was the best-suited course for me to study at university and after just completing my second year at Manchester Metropolitan University I can confidently say it was the right choice. The course has included many modules, however, a favourite of mine included digital marketing as I loved getting stuck into creating mockup social media content on Canva for different brands. 

This particular module inspired me to create content for smaller businesses. In my home town, I knew of several small businesses that had been started in lockdown from home. I got in contact with some and asked if I could design material for them. This then led me to produce logos, digital menus, giveaway posts and more for a takeaway food business and an eyelash technician business. This experience allowed me to fall in love with producing marketing content and allowed me to explore my creativity skills. 

Marketing material for small business

Marketing material for small business

Volunteering Experience 

I completed my first volunteering role during my bronze Duke of Edinburgh. For 6 months I helped out in a care home by serving food and drinks to the residents and cleaning around the home. I enjoyed listening to all the interesting stories the elderly had from different moments in their lives. Although my short volunteering experience mostly involved pouring tea, I did find my time overall there to be very rewarding. I felt valued by the residents and it was inspiring to see all the volunteers who had taken time out of their lives to help others.

Knowing TeamKinetic can make other volunteers feel just as motivated as I did, made this particular placement role stand out to me. TeamKinetic can help volunteers to find opportunities which can benefit them and enable them to have a rewarding feeling and sense of achievement. 


During the summer of 2021 I had a lot of spare time before starting my second year of university so I decided to create my own Jewellery. It started off as a hobby for myself as a bit of fun but then I got creative with it and produced some images of the pieces I had made. Once university started again in September I found myself busy with other activities which didn’t leave much time for me to continue making pieces. However, I do try to make time to design some Jewellery every so often as it’s very therapeutic and allows me to use my creative flair.

Image of handmade Jewellery

Image of handmade Jewellery

In The Future

I am looking forward to completing a year in industry working at TeamKinetic which will help me get the most out of my marketing course. On-the-job training that TeamKinetic offer will also provide me with new skills and gain confidence in areas I am not yet familiar with. TeamKinetic are a motivated team which I am excited to be a part of as they help make life easier for people who want to do good in the volunteering community.

Isabella Turner 


How To Manage Large-Scale Event Volunteers

Managing event volunteers is no easy task, but they’re an essential piece of the puzzle that is creating a successful event. It helps that nowadays, we have a range of digital solutions that can speed up processes and cut down on stress.

With the UEFA Women’s EURO 2022 coming up – less than a month away – we’d like to take a look into large-scale events and what it takes to keep them running smoothly.

EURO 2022

Yes, we are officially less than one month away from the start of the EUROs! This year it’s taking place in England – something I am personally very excited about.

I’ve seen first-hand the impact these competitions have on the local area and country as a whole. Attending the 2017 EURO in The Netherlands and 2019 World Cup in France are experiences I won’t forget in a hurry!

UEFA Women's EURO 2022 on Twitter: "🇳🇱 The 4th team to become Women's  EURO winners! 🏆👏👏👏 #WEURO2017 #NEDDEN https://t.co/SfLexR4MyJ" / Twitter
The hosts won it in 2017… Can England repeat the achievement?

Aside from what happens on the pitch, it’s also clear how much hard work goes into each tournament. This year is no different. It is estimated that around 1500 event volunteers will help out across the host cities. These cities range from up north in Manchester and Sheffield, to down south in Brighton and Southampton. So how did volunteers get involved?

How are event volunteers recruited?

From recruitment to rewarding, digital makes everything easier. EURO 2022 is no different. Their entire volunteer recruitment process was online. Running from September 2021 to April 2022, prospective volunteers applied online and were then interviewed via video chat. All successful applicants could then use the official volunteering portal to find out more about their roles.

A group of EURO 2022 volunteers at Wembley Stadium – the venue for the final.

Each host city’s team of volunteers will aid the influx of football fans. This is likely to include guiding them around the city centre, stadiums, Fan Zones, and transport hubs.

Around 50% of the volunteer roles will be focused on spectator services. This includes building the crowd atmosphere, helping people find their way around the stadiums, and answering any questions visitors might have.

Getting your event volunteers ready

I think we’ve established that volunteers are vital to the smooth running of any and every event. The level of training they receive is also vital. Volunteers could be meeting people who have never visited the local area before. Seeing a friendly face is likely to make all the difference to their experience.

This is why it’s important to provide suitable training to all volunteers. While some training requires face-to-face delivery, it doesn’t mean digital can’t be involved. Being able to track whether volunteers have completed training and what steps they have to take next saves time and effort.

For instance, EURO 2022 began training their volunteers in April. Their training includes material specific to the role they signed up for as well as the stadium or host city they will be working in.


Alongside training, accreditation passes are another key thing to prepare. Volunteers that have completed all the necessary requirements and are authorised to be at the venue(s) will be given passes.

With TeamKinetic, you can automatically create Accreditation Badges for specific events or single opportunities. We also have a version specifically created for events – AccessKinetic.

Keeping them updated

Communication is the foundation of good volunteer management. Whether you’re building relationships with your volunteers or keeping them up-to-date on what’s going on in the run up to an event.

Nowadays, all good volunteer management systems will allow you to send emails, SMS text messages, notifications, and share to social media.

Furthermore, the ability to use chat rooms (like in TeamKinetic!) is an added bonus. WhatsApp is a popular medium for instant communications, yet it has its risks. Aside from the big issues like data protection, instant messaging services open the door for unfiltered communications and the potential sharing of misinformation.

With opportunity-specific chat rooms, volunteers can communicate with one another and the opportunity provider. This means they can post questions, build relationships with the people they’ll be working alongside, and offer their peers support. All this is possible before, during and after the event.

An example of an opportunity chat room within TeamKinetic

Rewarding all that hard work

While volunteering at such a prestigious event is a reward all on its own, the people giving their time still deserve appreciation.

For example, all EURO 2022 event volunteers will receive a uniform to keep as a momento after the tournament is over. They’ll also undoubtedly receive post-event communications thanking them for their contributions.

Providing these momentos and setting up automated communications after the event is a great way to show your appreciation and possibly convince your volunteers to apply for your future events. Other ways you can show appreciation are through paying expenses and sending them a thank you card. However, the possibilities are endless, just check out this blog on how else you can reward your volunteers.

Adopting your own system

Interested in speeding up your volunteer registrations and reducing administrative burden? Look into adopting a volunteer management system. You can start with TeamKinetic. We’d be happy to take you through a demo of our system, just reach out via the live chat on our website or email me at alex@teamkinetic.co.uk.

We’ve worked on a range of events, both in and out the world of sport. For example, the Rugby League chose us to deliver their accreditation needs for the Super League Grand Final. Meanwhile, we’ve also been providing our services to the Liverpool FC Foundation for a few years now.

Want a dedicated team with the experience to match? Look no further, choose TeamKinetic.

It’s time to recognise and celebrate your volunteers!

Today is the day! The beginning of Volunteers’ Week is here (in the UK). Are you ready to celebrate your volunteers and the impact they’ve made?

We know how important volunteers are to organisations across the UK – Volunteers’ Week is a time to show your gratitude. This year Volunteers’ Week crosses over with the #MonthofCommunity, have you thought about the ways you can incorporate your community in your celebrations?

Celebrate the achievements.

The main focus is to celebrate your volunteers and their hard work, but it can be a time to raise awareness of the benefits. This goes for those volunteering and those whose volunteering efforts have helped.

Benefits for volunteers include connecting with others, increasing a volunteer’s social skills and making new friends. Volunteering can also help a volunteer’s mind – mental health is important and becoming a volunteer can help this. For those looking to advance their career, volunteering is a brilliant way to gain develop skills to help with this.

There are a plethora of benefits to volunteering; Volunteers’ Week can show those on the fence that volunteering really is one of the most rewarding things you can do.

Celebrate your volunteers’ impact.

Show your volunteers just how much they have helped your organisation- show them the numbers (so to speak!) People are much more likely to start volunteering, or get up and volunteer again if they’re able to see first-hand the impact they can/are making.

Letting a volunteer know what they’re impact is can be the greatest way that volunteers are celebrated this week. While there are many ways you can measure the impact a volunteer has made, just by simply letting them know about the difference they’ve made can raise spirits.

We know for many organisations they rely solely on volunteers to run- without them, what are organisations supposed to do? Keeping volunteers onboard is crucial, and Volunteers’ Week can help you keep them closer than ever.

What are you waiting for?

Why don’t you combine Volunteers’ Week, the #MonthofCommunity and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee? Celebrate all three at the Big Jubilee lunch tomorrow – a day of milestones for many. Whichever way you decide to thank your volunteers over the next week- let us know! Tweet us over at @TeamKineticUK or find us on Facebook and Instagram under the same name- we want to hear from you!

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