Author: Alex Evans Page 6 of 21

Inclusivity is a Necessity: Enabling Volunteers with Disabilities

Having a learning or physical disability should not be a barrier to volunteering. However, the 2023 NCVO Time Well Spent report found that due to both practical and attitudinal challenges, volunteers with disabilities are less satisfied than volunteers without disabilities. In reality, it is often those who would receive the greatest benefit from volunteering who are least likely to be able to take part. Through increased understanding and inclusivity, this can change. 

Understanding your volunteers

  • Make your volunteers welcome by providing opportunities that showcase their strengths. Many skills, such as befriending, do not rely on being physically capable.
  • Like understands like. Utilising volunteers who can empathise with those going through similar experiences is invaluable for both your organisation and your volunteers.
  • In a world that is often inaccessible and unpredictable for people with a disability, building the confidence and trust of volunteers with a disability is vital. Your organisation can be a safe space for those who feel excluded elsewhere. 

Active opportunities

For those with a disability, leading a healthy lifestyle is still a priority. Sport England cites low confidence and a lack of appropriate opportunities as contributors to high levels of inactivity among the disabled community. However, TeamKinetic users British Blind Sport and UK Deaf Sport exemplify the growing possibilities for sportspeople with disabilities. As bid for by British Blind Sport, the upcoming International Blind Sports Federation World Games is set to be an inspiring occasion. If carried out in a way that is accessible, volunteering is a brilliant way for people with disabilities to be active both physically and within their community. 

Online opportunities

For those who are less able to take part in physical activity, online volunteering is the perfect way to get involved. Since Covid, the amount of organisations offering online volunteering opportunities has risen, and it looks like online opportunities are here to stay. Alongside a low satisfaction rate amongst volunteers with disabilities, the Time Well Spent report concluded that there is no reduction in online volunteer satisfaction as opposed to in-person. This is great news for organisations with a tighter budget, reduced staff, and, importantly, volunteers with additional needs.

TeamKinetic for inclusivity

We have developed a keen understanding of the need for any solution to be inclusive and accessible. All TeamKinetic’s work adheres to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1 AA), and we have undertaken real-world user testing with the Glasgow Disability Partnership and British Blind Sport. There are several features on our volunteer management system that accommodate volunteers with disabilities:

  • TeamKinetic is compatible with Screen Reading software. 
  • All volunteers can disclose their disability when registering and can update this at any time.
  • Volunteer managers can manually add volunteers to an opportunity if volunteers are unable to do so themselves.

As this post has highlighted, inclusivity must be prioritised. If you have any suggestions as to how TeamKinetic can become more inclusive, please comment below or get in touch with

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TeamTalk July: Roundup

Hello and welcome to TeamKinetic’s TeamTalk July newsletter in blog form!

This roundup is designed to let you read more about what’s going on within TeamKinetic, the third sector, and the world in general.

If you’d like to subscribe to the TeamTalk newsletter, please send an email over to me at and we’ll get you on the list!

To read our roundup of stories we think you need to know about, click to go to the next page below, or choose a story from the list:

Enhancing Access to Liverpool City Region Volunteering

Here at TeamKinetic, we’re thrilled to announce a new partnership with Volunteer Centres across the Liverpool City Region (LCR) to revolutionise volunteering accessibility. We’re providing organisations across the LCR our volunteer management tools that can work in collaboration with one another. With each organisation using TeamKinetic, we’re able to establish a unified and dynamic platform that boosts Liverpool City Region volunteering efforts.

The Liverpool City Region Volunteering Orbit is a central place to showcase voluntary opportunities across the LCR, managed by the Volunteer Centres across Halton & St Helens, Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton and Wirral.

The roots of this project can be traced back to 2016 when TeamKinetic first introduced its digital volunteer management tools to Halton & St Helens Voluntary and Community Action. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the award-winning ‘I Can Help’ community task app was developed. Building on these successes, a comprehensive report was commissioned to explore the integration of TeamKinetic’s platform with other digital volunteer services in the LCR, ultimately enhancing the sector’s response to future challenges.

The project received support from Liverpool CVS, Community Action Wirral, Halton & St Helens VCA, Sefton CVS and Volunteer Centre Sefton, One Knowsley, Voluntary Sector North West, and the VS6 Partnership.

Through TeamKinetic, organisations across the LCR can collaborate, share volunteers, and promote various volunteering opportunities, significantly amplifying the region’s community impact. Currently encompassing six volunteer boroughs and five volunteer centres, the model aims to expand by involving additional voluntary organisations and major events within the region.

Local organisations within the LCR can now sign up for free and utilise a single account to showcase their volunteering opportunities across the entire region.

A Provider profile page on TeamKinetic

On the other hand, volunteers benefit from a seamless experience by easily accessing and joining opportunities, logging their hours, and tracking their volunteering journey across the LCR from a single login.

A volunteer’s dashboard on TeamKinetic

The Liverpool City Region Volunteering Portal secured funding from the Liverpool
City Region Combined Authority after the successful deployment of a TeamKinetic approach to community-based volunteering programmes through the Covid-19 pandemic. Bringing
volunteering opportunities and a one-stop space for volunteers to find them is part of a City
Wide Solution to better partnership working and responding to events; activities and
emergencies across the patch.

Claire Redford-Kerr
Volunteering Lead, Halton & St Helens VCA

At TeamKinetic, our ambition has always been to make volunteering easier. This project is a
testament to that commitment for the people of the Liverpool City Region, made possible by
the fantastic and forward-thinking teams at each of the local infrastructure organisations.

Chris Martin
director, TeamKinetic

The partnership is live now at marking a significant milestone in enhancing access to volunteering opportunities throughout the Liverpool City Region.

About TeamKinetic:

TeamKinetic is a leading provider of volunteer management solutions, dedicated to streamlining and enhancing the volunteering experience for organisations and individuals. With innovative technology and a passion for community engagement, TeamKinetic aims to transform the way volunteering is managed and accessed, making it easier for people to contribute to their communities and create a positive impact.

About Volunteering LCR:

The Volunteering LCR partnership consists of Halton & St Helens VCA, Liverpool CVS, One Knowsley and Sefton CVS working with the 8,600 voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise (VCFSE) groups operating across the Liverpool City Region.

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TeamTalk June: Roundup

Hello and welcome to TeamKinetic’s TeamTalk June newsletter in blog form!

This roundup is designed to let you read more about what’s going on within TeamKinetic, the third sector, and the world in general.

If you’d like to subscribe to the TeamTalk newsletter, please send an email over to me at and we’ll get you on the list!

To read our roundup of stories we think you need to know about, click to go to the next page below, or choose a story from the list:

TeamTalk May: Roundup

Hello and welcome to TeamKinetic’s TeamTalk May newsletter in blog form!

This roundup is designed to let you read more about what’s going on within TeamKinetic, the third sector, and the world in general.

If you’d like to subscribe to the TeamTalk newsletter, please send an email over to me at and we’ll get you on the list!

To read our roundup of stories we think you need to know about, click to go to the next page below, or choose a story from the list:

Managing Museum Volunteers: Essential Tips For Volunteer Managers

As a volunteer manager in a museum, you have the responsibility to ensure that your volunteers feel supported and engaged, while also helping the museum achieve its mission. We’ve put together some tips to help you manage museum volunteers effectively.

Museum volunteers

Set clear expectations

Before volunteers begin their role, make sure they understand their responsibilities and the expectations for their performance. This could include the expected volunteer hours, their duties and the rules and regulations they should follow. By setting clear expectations, you can avoid misunderstandings and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Ensure you provide suitable training and resources 

Volunteers will perform their best when they feel confident and knowledgeable about their role. Provide them with training that covers everything from the history of the museum to the specific duties of each volunteer position. Consider developing training materials, such as videos or handouts, to help volunteers learn more about the museum.

Communication is key

Regularly check in with volunteers to assure they’re satisfied with their volunteering role and answer any questions they may have. If you opt for a volunteer management system such as TeamKinetic, you can ensure you are communicating with your volunteers efficiently at all times.

Within our system, there are a variety of customisable automatic emails and other ways you can contact your volunteers using system notifications, SMS texts and opportunity chat rooms to help you maintain strong relationships with your volunteers. With these communication tools you can keep volunteers informed about upcoming events, news, and changes at the museum.

Learn more about sufficient volunteer management using TeamKinetic here.

Show appreciation and reward your volunteers

Volunteers dedicate their time and energy to helping the museum succeed, so it’s vital to recognise their contributions. Consider offering small tokens of appreciation, such as certificates, thank you letters or awards. You could also organise volunteer appreciation events or offer perks such as free admission or discounts in the museum shop.

You can easily reward your volunteers using system. We have a few ways you can reward volunteers including achievement badges and even our Unique HourTrades feature which allows volunteers to swap their logged hours for special rewards.

Use volunteer management software

Using a volunteer management system can ensure your volunteers are managed efficiently. Volunteer management software can automate many time-consuming tasks such as volunteer registration, communication, and scheduling. This can save a significant amount of time for volunteer coordinators, allowing them to focus on other important tasks.

Interested in speeding up your volunteer registrations and reducing administrative burden? Get started with our volunteer management software today! With TeamKinetic you can start a FREE trial today over on our website or book a demo!

By following these tips, you can create positive and productive management for your museum volunteers. With clear expectations, effective communication, and a supportive environment, volunteers will feel valued and engaged, and the museum will thrive.

Ensure you follow us on our social media pages to receive regular updates about the voluntary sector and learn more about the TeamKinetic system. 

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How To Manage Volunteers Effectively: Top Tips For Success

Managing volunteers can be challenging, especially if you want to maximise their engagement and impact. Opting for a volunteer management system can help you manage your volunteers successfully. Here at TeamKinetic, we’ve put together our top tips for managing volunteers effectively to help you lead a fantastic team of volunteers.

Clearly define roles and opportunities 

One of the essential elements of effective volunteer management is to clearly define the roles and expectations of each volunteer. This includes what tasks they will perform, how much time they are expected to commit, and what skills or experience are required. Having a clear understanding of expectations and roles helps to minimise confusion, reduce misunderstandings, and ensure everyone is working towards a common goal is a key starting point for managing your volunteers effectively. By using a volunteer management system such as TeamKinetic, you can write detailed role descriptions when creating opportunities. 

We have a blog post all about how you can get the best out of your opportunity descriptions which you can read here.

Recruit volunteers strategically 

To build an effective volunteer team, it’s important to recruit strategically. This involves recognising the skills, knowledge, and experience needed for each role and targeting specific demographics or groups. You can use social media, community events, and word-of-mouth referrals to attract potential volunteers. We have a blog post about what qualities to look for when recruiting volunteers which is useful to read. 

Consistent communication 

Effective communication is key to managing volunteers successfully. Establishing clear communication channels is essential, including regular team meetings, email updates, or newsletters. 

With our volunteer management system, you can keep in close contact with your volunteers at all times. Within our system, there are a range of customisable automatic emails and other ways you can contact them using system notifications, SMS texts and opportunity chat rooms to help you maintain strong relationships with your volunteers.

Read our guide to effective communication with volunteers here.

Opportunity chat rooms within the TeamKinetic system

Provide sufficient training 

Volunteers may need suitable training to perform their roles effectively. Therefore, it’s crucial to provide adequate training to ensure that volunteers have the knowledge and skills they need to complete their tasks. Training can include onboarding sessions, mentoring, and ongoing coaching to help volunteers develop their skills and stay motivated.

Offer flexible schedules 

Volunteers often have other commitments, such as work or family, so offering flexible schedules can help with retention. At the end of adding an opportunity within the TeamKinetic system, you are given a choice to list your opportunity as a flexible or individual session. A flexible opportunity is when you need a volunteer for a certain role but it’s not always on the same date when it’s needed. Meaning you have the date you want the volunteering role to be completed but you are flexible about when the volunteer attends. 

Option to choose individual or flexible sessions on the TeamKinetic system

Reward your volunteers

Volunteers dedicate their time and energy to support your organisation, so showing appreciation is crucial to keeping them engaged and motivated. 

You can easily reward your volunteers with our system. We have a few ways you can reward volunteers including achievement badges and even our Unique HourTrades feature which allows volunteers to swap their logged hours for special rewards. TeamKinetic will also send automated messages to your volunteers on milestones, such as their birthdays or when they reach a new achievement level. 

Provide feedback 

A positive culture can help volunteers feel valued and included, increasing engagement and retention. You can create a positive culture by encouraging a sense of community, providing opportunities for volunteers to socialise, and promoting a shared mission. Within the TeamKinetic system, you can have two-way feedback on every opportunity, which ensures your volunteers are kept happy and fulfilled.

Track performance and progress 

Monitoring performance and progress is essential to ensure that volunteers are meeting their goals and making an impact within the organisation.

Real-time, detailed, and effective analysis of all aspects of your volunteer programme helps you tell a clear story of your organisation’s social value. With TeamKinetic you can receive two-way feedback on every opportunity, so you can ensure volunteers are kept content and fulfilled.

Example of the Reports & Analysis Quick Stats page within the TeamKinetic system 

Key Takeaways

In conclusion, effective volunteer management is crucial to maximising engagement and impact. With these top tips, you can build a successful team of volunteers that make a meaningful contribution to your organisation’s mission.

Interested in speeding up your volunteer registrations and reducing administrative burden? Why not start with a volunteer management system? With TeamKinetic you can start a FREE trial today over on our website or book a demo!

Make sure you follow us to receive regular updates about the voluntary sector and learn more about the TeamKinetic system. 

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Building Community Through Heritage Volunteering

Heritage volunteering offers a unique opportunity to not only contribute to preserving and promoting cultural heritage but also to build and strengthen community ties. As volunteers work together to preserve historical sites, they become a part of a group. In this blog post, we share ways heritage volunteering can be used to create a community.

Shared goals

Volunteering for a heritage site allows people to come together around shared goals. Volunteers who are passionate about history and culture can work together to ensure that these sites and artefacts are preserved for future generations. As they collaborate, they share their knowledge and experiences, so they can build a sense of belonging to a group.

Sense of Ownership

Volunteering for a heritage site also creates a sense of ownership and pride in the community. When volunteers give their time and energy to preserving local heritage, they get a rewarding feeling for making an impact. They are invested in their work, and this creates a feeling of attachment and belonging to the community.

Social Connections

Volunteering for a heritage site is a great way to meet new people and make social connections. Volunteers come together and share a common interest in preserving and promoting heritage. As they work together, they get to know each other and develop friendships, which strengthens the sense of community and means people are more likely to continue volunteering.


Volunteering for a heritage site provides opportunities for education and engagement. Volunteers learn new aspects of history and culture, and they can share that knowledge with others. Volunteers can also learn new skills through volunteering. As they engage with visitors and other members, they develop a sense of purpose and value in their work, which contributes to the sense of community.

Key Takeaways…

In conclusion, heritage volunteering can be a powerful tool for bringing people together and building community. Heritage volunteers can feel part of a group and benefit from this. So why not consider volunteering at a heritage site in your community? You may be surprised at the impact it can have on you and those around you.

If you’re looking for a volunteer management system, why not take a look at us? You can start a FREE trial over on our website or book a demo! 

You can find TeamKinetic on social media and listen to our podcast:

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Get Ready For Volunteers Week 2023!

Volunteers Week 2023 is fast approaching, so here are some ways to prepare for it! Volunteers Week is the annual celebration of volunteers in the UK. The important week is all about recognising and celebrating the hard work of volunteers. 

When is it taking place?

Volunteers Week will be taking place from the 1st – 7th of June. The week takes place in the Month Of Community, which is a whole month of dedicating time to come together to celebrate everything that makes communities great. Other events in the Month Of Community include Small Charities Week and The Big Lunch.

Volunteer-involved organisations across the UK will run activities to honour volunteers. Various activities will be taking place from volunteer recruitment events and open days to celebration and recognition events.

A range of partners help to make Volunteers Week special each year. This year’s partners include National Council for Voluntary OrganisationsVolunteer ScotlandVolunteer Now (Northern Ireland) and Wales Council for Voluntary Action. Click here if you are interested in getting in touch and becoming a partner for 2023!

How to prepare and get involved

Volunteers Week is just a couple of months away so it might be a good idea to start planning now. There are many small ways you can recognise your volunteers which don’t need to break the bank! 

Social Media 

Social media is an easy, free and effective way of recognising your volunteers which can be shared with all of your followers. Use the hashtag #VolunteersWeek to say thank you to your volunteers. You can share stories of the impact your volunteers have made and encourage them to share their own volunteering journies. 


You could host small parties or awards nights to celebrate your volunteers. Highlight your volunteers’ successes to show them how their hard work has helped your organisation. You can show them the impact they have made within the organisation and reward them with a certificate. Volunteers Week have a free certificate template you can use here


Running an event is a great way to get everyone together and spread the message. The Big Lunch is a great example of this. The event for neighbours and communities takes place every year in the UK. Running an event doesn’t have to be expensive, it can be run online or in a local park. You can then spread the word by promoting the event on social media! 

Here are some tips for planning your event.

Recruit and support

You can use Volunteers Week to promote the benefits of volunteering to help gain interest and encourage others to volunteer for your organisation or volunteering programme. You can also promote training for your volunteers to keep them supported, NCVO offers plenty of training material which can be found on their website. 

We have some ideas from previous blog posts for celebrating and recognising your own volunteers’ hard work which you can read here and here

Resources to use

The Volunteers Week website has lots of free resources you can start using now to promote the week. You can encourage your volunteers to share the resources on their social media pages too! 

Start getting involved and celebrate and inspire volunteers around the UK!

If you’re looking for a volunteer management system, why not take a look at us? You can start a FREE trial over on our website or book a demo! 

You can find TeamKinetic on social media and listen to our podcast:

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TeamTalk: Season 2, Episode 6 – Piers Martin

Welcome back to Season 2 of our TeamTalk podcast. This season, we are talking to thought leaders, customers and stakeholders from the world of sport and physical exercise as we dive deeper into the world of volunteering.

We are also joined again by our co-host Imo Greatbatch. Imo is currently the Head of Volunteering at England Netball, she is passionate about volunteering in sports and is offering her knowledge and insight on the topic. 

In this TeamTalk episode, we were super excited to be joined by Piers Martin from Premier League. The Premier League is the highest level of the English football league system.

Piers is Head of Leadership and Academy Workforce Development at the Premier League and the Chair at UK Deaf Sport. He has worked with a range of organisations such as Sports Resolution UK, Manchester Metropolitan University, British Basketball, and British disabled fencing to name just a few. During this episode, Piers discusses his journey through sport and shares his leadership knowledge.

Thanks to Piers for joining us!

A big thank you to Piers. It was great to catch up and hear his journey into how he got to his role at Premier League. It is without a doubt that you will finish this episode feeling inspired! 

Listen now on Spotify and all other podcast streaming platforms:

You can also access the episode on YouTube below with subtitles:

If you have any topic or guest requests- let us know! Contact us over on our socials, send over an email ( contact us over on our website. 

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