TeamKinetic News and Events
TeamKinetic’s 2023 Conference
The TeamKinetic 2023 conference will take place on Wednesday 27th September.
We’ll be bringing together voices from across the third sector to discuss the latest hot topics from the world of volunteer management.
This year, our theme is:
The changing world and its potential impact on volunteering.
We have a range of exciting speakers lined up, including a keynote from Rob Jackson, and sessions from Gethyn Williams, Timo Becker, Molly Sweeney, and more! Find out more about our speakers and the day’s agenda here.
Latest Blogs
Conducting Volunteer Interviews
Volunteer interviews are often a crucial step in the volunteer recruitment process. They give you a sense of who the volunteer really is and whether they’re suitable for your organisation and volunteering projects or not.
However, conducting those interviews can be tricky since they’re not as structured and formal as the interviews we might usually be used to! Whether the potential for volunteer impact is small or big, volunteer interviews must be thoughtful and selective. In one of our latest blogs, we give you some tips for conducting volunteer interviews.
Corporate Volunteering Considerations
In the UK, 44% of employees prioritise doing meaningful work over earning a high salary. Presenting positive, meaningful corporate volunteering opportunities can help attract talent to your organisation. In this blog, we outline some things to consider when offering corporate volunteering opportunities.
TeamTalk: Season 3, Episode 1 – Rob Jackson
Rob Jackson Consulting
In our new episode of TeamTalk, Rob Jackson joined Chris and Imo to kick of Season Three of our TeamTalk Podcast! Rob is well known in the world of volunteer management and consistently drives the conversation around volunteer engagement and any new trends in the sector.
Listen to the full episode below on Spotify.
If you’re interested in appearing on the TeamTalk podcast, we’d love to have you! Just reach out to us at
You can find all episodes of TeamTalk here.
Our masterclasses are free to attend and are a great way to connect directly with us, ask any questions you might have, and learn more about particular areas of the system. You can see all upcoming sessions within your system by going to Help & Support → Extra Training.
We’re also always looking for new topics to cover in these Masterclasses. If there’s anything regarding the TeamKinetic system that you’re not quite sure on, you can suggest it and we’ll add it to our list of topics to cover. Please email with the subject ‘Masterclass Suggestion’, or use the live chat function on our website to pop in and suggest it there.
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