Tag: Teamkinetic volunteer management Page 12 of 14

Milo James: Going Out In Flames

Pictured above is a visible representation of how I picture myself leaving TeamKinetic on my last day.

Unfortunately for me, this is not quite accurate. And I don’t plan on any casual arson…

But this is officially my last and final blog for TeamKinetic, which has come around a lot faster than I ever could have imagined. TeamKinetic has mirrored a second home for me over the last year. You might even say, a home from home, with most weeks having spent more time with colleges than I had done with my actual family.

At The Beginning Of Time

Like starting any new job, initiation is always needed. You know the usual.

Chris (director): Here are the toilets, this is what to do in case of a fire, oh and do you like roller coasters?

Me: Erm… yeah sure, obviously lying not willing to let the other team members down, and completely ruin the works outing.

All I’m going to say is, never EVER again.

When starting any new job there are always initial uncertainties (some more terrifying than others). Will I be able to fulfil the job role? What if I hate my boss? What if he hates me? What if I don’t know the answer to something? All these little things almost fester in the mind. For me personally, I’m not a huge worrier and have a laid back approach to life. What will be, will be. However, I’m only human and these little things did bother me in the initial few weeks.

But I soon found my footing and so the journey began.

The Journey

Once I had found my inner confidence I was soon able to achieve more than I thought I initially could with TeamKinetic. Working alongside my trusty more literate colleague Alex, I or we were able to take on all the challenges which lay ahead. But I’m not here to bore you with the specific’s of all our adventures. So instead here’s a visual montage of a few things we have been involved with.

Between us

  • Over 100 blogs published
  • Consistent development of TeamKinetics SEO
  • Many many hours spent editing videos
  • Campaign planning our brains out…
  • Email, after email, after email
  • And many office laughs and giggles to accompany

In The End

Like any good story, the end is always near. But it’s been a great story to live.

Huge thanks to Chris, Steve and Rolf for having me.

And do give TeamKinetic volunteer management software a good look around, what they’ve developed over the years is actually pretty good!

They don’t talk about this though.

A Strong Opportunity Can Increase Your Volunteer Retention Rates

Advertising an engaging volunteering opportunity is not always the simplest task. And often the clearest messages can become disfigured, resulting in your opportunity becoming less attractive to prospective volunteers. Below we’ve identified some examples of how to design and present a strong volunteering opportunity on your TeamKinetic platform. Each element has been streamlined to guide you through an on-brand TeamKinetic experience that is engaging and most importantly, eye appealing to your volunteers.

Where should your opportunity live

The most obvious place of all is your own website, for your prospective and current volunteers your website provides a safe and secure portal in which you can display your volunteering opportunities clearly for all to see. In turn, it will also allow you to easily collate data on the number of people viewing your opportunities page, by monitoring web analytics with Google Analytics.

Name your opportunity

Be clear and concise, over the years we’ve seen many volunteer managers fall victim to the mistake of over advertising their volunteering opportunity. The best practice would be describing the opportunity in its simplest form by using as few words as possible, for example ‘volunteer caretaker’. By over complicating simple roles with complex names will only off put your volunteers. You may also wish to add a location, contact email and phone number as these are the key details which your volunteer is likely to need straightaway.

Outline your opportunity

Now here’s your opportunity to say more, no pun intended… When writing your descriptions keep them short and sweet, whilst listing the main tasks the volunteers will be expected to do during the opportunity.

Why not offer an incentive? We’ve found from customer feedback that these make the opportunities more appealing to volunteers. For example, an incentive may be unlimited tea and biscuits or a free T-shirt. If we know anything about volunteers we know they love tea and biscuits.

Finally, summarise the benefits. In this part you will want to describe how this volunteering opportunity will bring your volunteer’s fulfilment. How will their volunteering efforts make a direct impact?

Be clear in your presentations of your opportunity, make key information stand out.

When and where?

These are the fundamental outlines which are absolutely necessary when creating your volunteering opportunity. Day, time and location will outline the commitment time frame in which your volunteers will have to make. Also if possible make clear what type of volunteering opportunity this is, event, ongoing or just a one-off.

Show off the good REVIEWS

Make your feedback visible, think of your feedback like your own personal catalogue of reviews. In a modern world filled with decisions, reviews offer simple and relevant guidance. Similarly to this, the feedback from previous volunteers will provide guidance to your potential volunteers, encouraging them to enjoy the same positive experience.

Call for action

Always leave some visible call to actions, these will encourage the volunteer to perform some form of action. Call to actions may be subtle but they are all nudging your volunteer to do one thing. And that’s registering on your opportunity.

Call actions can include

  • Social media sharing links
  • Document printing
  • Internal links (other opportunities, company website)
  • Register / Logging in options


Here at TeamKinetic we can help with all your volunteer management needs. Go to our website to create a demo site – it’s completely free! You can also call us on 0161 914 5757 with any questions.

Don’t hesitate to reach out on social media, you can find us on TwitterFacebook, and LinkedIn. You can also go to our YouTube channel to see some examples of the features we have to offer and some of the people we already work with.

Introducing TeamKinetic: Sammy Reid – Dropping the Poms

Sammy Cheerleading (Middle)

Starting off in life my ultimate dream was to become a dancer. Training 6 days a week, performing once a week and competing twice a month was all I ever knew. The styles of dance I enjoyed ranged from ballet to tap to the latest cheerleading. Each has taught me different life skills and lessons along the way. Dancing has also helped me to grow as an individual, giving me experiences I would never take back, however, I soon came to realise my aching knees weren’t going to take it much longer and decided to drastically change my career path, cue the degree in events.

The Buzz Of Marketing

When starting my Events Management degree marketing was not something I considered as a career. Not until I studied a unit titled marketing an event did I realise this was my passion. From creating a website for a new, trendy (fake) festival to even turning a yellow Corsa into a giant bee to market a real-life event. Each of these projects pushed me creatively in ways I didn’t know possible!

Marketing is the art of revealing peoples emotions through just something as simple as a poster or video. It has amazed me as to how something so simple can impact 1000’s of people. This has inspired me to follow the marketing path as a career and to continue my learning within this industry.

Bee themed car for a marketing campaign.

Volunteer Times

Volunteering was not something I was very aware of, it wasn’t until University when my first volunteering role showed me just how important volunteers can be.

Some of my first roles were for small charities who rely on volunteers to survive. Having that experience changed my perception of volunteering and how much these organisations value their volunteers. Not only this but from working on sporting events and major festivals I have had unbelievable experiences. Being able to see bands and artists for free or watching the Rugby League Grand Final. These opportunities have allowed me to meet like-minded people and have some of the most amazing moments in my life, just from volunteering!

Seeing TeamKinetic create an easy to use volunteer management software for organisations instantly made me want to work for them. Knowing organisations rely heavily on volunteers and also having lived the exciting experiences as a volunteer, I knew this company were creating something incredible and I was keen to be involved.

Lockdown Hobby

During the lockdown, like most people, I decided to take up a new hobby to keep myself busy. I have always been into shoes and clothes, so I decided to start painting them. Each design has opened up my creative mind and has helped me relax, however, this hobby has quickly turned into quite the obsession and I find myself painting till 3 am!

Painted butterfly shoes.

Final Words

I am excited to start this new chapter in my life and am thankful for this opportunity to work with TeamKinetic who will help me to develop my skills in marketing and get some hands-on experience at the same time. I am looking forward to working with a motivated team who share the same values and drive as I do and meeting TeamKinetic’s customers, getting to know more about their organisations and what I can offer for them! I can’t wait to get stuck in!

Sammy Reid


For more information on volunteer management software visit our website or call 01619145747

New COVID-19 Task System Webinar

Delivered by Steven Hall

TeamKinetic have been recognised by TechForce 19 as a technology provider that can help in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The following webinar is showcasing our new COVID-19 Task System, called the Community Task app – designed and made for COVID-19.

You can find TeamKinetic on social media and listen to our podcast:

Twitter       Facebook       LinkedIn       YouTube       Instagram       Podcast


Have you enjoyed using TeamKinetic? If you could leave us a review on Capterra, we’d really appreciate it! We’ll even send you a little thank you.

Stronger Together CIMSPA

TeamKinetic is proud to announce that we are working together with CIMSPA- the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity.

Like many working sectors across the UK, the sports and physical activity sector has also been hugely affected by COVID-19. With all gyms, sports and leisure centres being closed due to the pandemic. This has created many uphill challenges for the 500,000 workers in the sports and physical activity sector.

The Challenge

The task of keeping the UK physically active and healthy has never been more crucial. Although we are faced with self-isolating, social distancing and many other sanctions in our daily lives, doesn’t mean we can’t all stay healthy.

We share the same ambition as CIMSPA of being versatile in these difficult times to aid the sector to keep the UK active. Therefore we have offered CIMSPA our support in the form of our Advanced volunteer management software – built for COVID-19. We hope by becoming a CIMSPA supporter we will be able to help some of the 500,000 workers affected by this pandemic and help those stay active and healthy along the way.

Read more below on what CIMSPA is doing as part of their Stronger Together campaign

CIMSPA launches Facebook group to provide support for the sector during the Covid-19 crisis

CIMSPA launches digital hub to support the sector during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis

For more information on how TeamKinetic can help your organisation

Visit: TeamKinetic.co.uk

Call us on: 0161 914 5757 

Email: info@teamKinetic.co.uk

TeamKinetic wins TechForce19 Award COVID-19

TechForce19 was developed as a call to action for all innovators who have the technological ability to be able to supply the elderly, vulnerable and those self-isolating during COVID-19.

The competition saw over 1600 entries who felt their technology could help to combat this pandemic challenge. We are very proud to announce that TeamKinetic has been shortlisted as one of the 20 companies who will receive the £25,000 to test their technology to help with the response to COVID-19.

TeamKinetic aim to use their volunteer management software and their new COVID-19 related volunteer management features to optimise staffing in care and volunteer sectors. This will be achieved by deploying TeamKinetic with 3 of our new customers, The Royal Brough of Greenwich, Halton & St Helens VCA and Groundwork working in partnership with Barnet Council. The application will be used in the recruitment and training of volunteers into non-clinical roles at a local level and providing essential services that people in isolation need.

TeamKinetic is already used across the UK with over 145,000 volunteers using the system and is used to power the national system Volunteering-wales.net on behalf of Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA). So this award feels like a nice acknowledgement of the hard work that has gone into developing TeamKinetic into the simple to use platform it is today, over the last 10 years.

In preparation for taking on the TechForce19 challenge, TeamKinetic has been working with their existing partners to look at the specific requirements that have been created due to the pandemic. Partners like Manchester City Council and Glasgow Life have all played a key role in helping TeamKinetic respond to the crisis and to push our engineering teams to do some amazing work in response.

Read all about TeamKinetic and the other winners here


TechForce19 is an initiative being run on behalf of:

NHSX is one of the largest health and social care transformation programmes in the world, created to deliver technology that staff and people need. With the aim to utilise technology in the most efficient way possible in order to reduce stress on our NHS workforce. 

AHSN connects the NHS and academic organisations, local authorities, the third sector and industry. They focus on improving outcomes for patients through innovation and technology.

PUBLIC is an organisation which aims to breach the gap that smaller start-up technological companies struggle to overcome themselves. Many small start-up organisations have made progressive headway in innovative technologies which have the potential of helping many people. However, they struggle with the initial start-up when connecting to the right people, like the governments and local authorities. 

For more information on how TeamKinetic can help your orgainsation.

Start your FREE Trial : TeamKinetic 

Call us on: 0161 914 5757

Email: info@teamkinetic.co.uk

Parklife… More Like Quarantined Life!

Hundreds of festivals across the UK cancel due to the current pandemic. But how can festival suppliers utilise their resources to benefit the many organisations battling against COVID-19?

Festival season is over

Festival season this year is more than likely to be completely off, with few festivals still scheduled for late August and September. However, the likelihood of these events going ahead still remains slim. Festivals such as Glastonbury, Parklife, Radio 1’s Big Weekend and many more have been faced cancellation.

These events as you can imagine take months of planning and preparation, with venues, equipment and people to be organised. However, all that seems to have gone to waste, or has it?

Resources are not to be wasted

There is more to a festival than stage lighting and huge stands, but what equipment can actually be utilised from festival suppliers to help charities and local authorities during these unprecedented times? I’m not quite sure we can fight off COVID-19 with strobe lighting alone – although it would be quite a sight.

So what equipment can the NHS and charities make good use of?

You will be pleasantly surprised to hear that there is quite an extensive list: generators, furniture, comms equipment, tents and marquees, outdoor and indoor audio equipment, vehicles, medical equipment, heating equipment and the list goes on. Many festival suppliers even have access to services including security, medical services, traffic management, project management and much more.

What’s happening now?

Organisations which supply such equipment are now re-focusing their efforts. Their efforts are now refocussed on providing available equipment to local councils, charities and helping government initiatives. This supply of equipment to these organisations is desperately required and any organisation that can help should. Not to profit from, which many organisations have fell victim into doing, but to be forthcoming in their ability to help and improve the UK’s current situation.

How TeamKinetic can help

Joining the many organisations aiming to provide a service in which that supports charities, councils and the goverment battling COVID-19. We have further developed our services, incorporating new features purposley build for COVID-19. 

Introducing TeamKinetic Advanced – built for COVID-19 designed for you, all free of charge for three months. 

New Community Task Dashboard 

Our new fast implementing Community Task Dashboard, allows users to create COVID-19 related tasks quicker and easier.

It couldn’t get any more simple.

CREATE: COVID-19 related tasks 

ASSIGN: Volunteers to your created tasks or wait for your volunteers to assign themselves

APPROVE: Volunteer need approval before they have access to tasks details
COMPLETE: Wait for the completion of the task 

All New COVID-19 Volunteer Application

Volunteers simply sign in to your site on either desktop or smartphone, open the application and apply to the most recent COVID-19 related tasks. With lots of the same safety and safeguarding features that TeamKinetic has always had.

Volunteers can then keep track of their applied tasks in the ‘Tabs’ in the application. 

NEW: These are new tasks available for volunteers to help with

APPLIED: Volunteer can see their applied tasks waiting for approval from Admin/Provider

ASSIGNED: Volunteer has been approved, the volunteer can now see more details on the COVID-19 related task. Such as more sensitive information i.e. exact address. 

COMPLETED: Once completed tasks appear here for the volunteer’s personal record 

Gain access to all this for FREE

TeamKinetic Advanced – built for COVID-19

Overcoming COVID-19 as a Community

Volunteers are cementing their value in society. After the call for NHS volunteer responders was made by the government, five people per second enlisted to volunteer.

Volunteers from across local councils and community groups have not been shying away from COVID-19. In fact, they have more than risen to the occasion, by offering their support to those most vulnerable and keyworkers – despite the increased risk of being exposed to COVID-19 themselves.

The community at the heart

Communities and councils have been working together throughout COVID-19 in order to provide help to those most at risk. Since the start of the virus 2,700 grassroots groups have formed with a total of 2.5 million group members – these figures are increasing daily. Volunteers in the community have signed up to these groups to help deliver food and amenities. Figures like this really show the power of human resilience and determination to make the world a better place even in the darkest of times, which we find ourselves in now.

Find volunteering groups near you

For prospective volunteers who are seeking roles in their local community, it would be well worth your while looking at Covid-19 Mutual Aid UK.  This organisation has been responsible for coordinating the many volunteering groups which have risen all across the UK. Their website displays a map which contains various known local volunteering groups. The site also allows you to add your own volunteering group by connecting your own group’s social media channels and website. 

Clap for our NHS workers

#ClapForOurCarers was a brilliant community effort from all across the UK. With people showing they’re appreciation for those working non-stop during this pandemic, with masses of applause from balconies, gardens, front doors and windows.

Common uncertainties facing communities

Despite many communities having many enthusiastic volunteers, some uncertainties still lie when volunteering during this pandemic.

Firstly, you can leave your house to volunteer to provide help to those vulnerable, providing volunteering can not be done from home. But if you fall into the high-risk category, being over 70 or having health conditions please try to find volunteering opportunities from home via the computer or telephone.

You haven’t got to be a superhero to help out so don’t be afraid of not knowing what to do at first. But at the same time don’t feel pressured to volunteer, it is optional and you should only volunteer if you want to.

You don’t even have to sign up to anything to be a good person, you could easily keep an eye out in your neighbourhood. Perhaps you know of an elderly person who lives around the corner, it wouldn’t hurt for you to check if they’re ok. Or maybe an NHS worker lives nearby and doesn’t have time to get food in for themselves after work, perhaps you could grab something for them while your shopping yourself? These little things may not seem like traditional volunteering but you are making a difference and having a positive impact on someone else’s life with nothing in return, so maybe you can volunteer without even knowing.

Stay safe, stay positive we can overcome this together

Managing Volunteers During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Even if you haven’t seen the lastest news or attempted to buy hand sanitiser recently, you may have noticed a decline in volunteer participation, and that pasta and toilet roll are now worth more than GOLD!

Keeping your volunteers volunteering and coming to sessions can often be challenging. During a virus pandemic, it’s sure to make that job even harder. In this blog Teaminetic aims to give some practical advice to keep your volunteers volunteering.


Reassurance will be key. The message to volunteers should be to not panic, that volunteering should be proceeded as normal unless specific advice is received. During this time you may need a higher level of communication between yourself and your volunteers. Clear communication will help to remove the anxiety that volunteers may be feeling, and help you restore confidence through reassurance that you are doing everything possible to reduce risk.


Preparation is key, and following a few simple rules will help.

  • Assuring hand sanitizing stations are filled and available
  • Surfaces that are regularly used have been cleaned, countertops, doorknobs etc.
  • Asking politely that anyone who isn’t feeling well to not attend sessions.
  • Provide disposable wipes so that commonly used surfaces like keyboards, remote controls, desks etc can be wiped down by volunteers before each use.
  • Enable micro-volunteering or volunteering from home.


Keep volunteers up to date with the latest news from your organisation, via newsletters, emails, texts and social media channels. A lot can happen in 24 hours as we’ve previously seen. The fluid situation could mean that sessions or events might need to be cancelled at short notice, so try to keep your volunteers informed.

Volunteering from home

There is a high probability that people could be asked to work from home. If, or when, the government issues these measures, perhaps your organisation could adopt virtual or micro-volunteering in order to maintain volunteer involvement.

Micro volunteering involves low commitment action towards a cause. Micro-volunteers can choose how and when they volunteer, providing they have access to the internet via a laptop, tablet smartphone etc.

Micro-volunteering opportunities could involve.

  • Signing online petitions
  • Writing blogs
  • Re-tweeting and posting relevant content on Facebook and Twitter.
  • Providing feedback on marketing materials.
  • Creating Facebook Live meetings or Google Hangouts meetings.
  • Getting creative by generating material for upcoming events.

Micro-volunteering and virtual volunteering will not replace traditional volunteering. However, during COVID-19 it maybe your best option in order to maintain engagement and stay tuned with your volunteers.

In the meantime

What can we all do to help prevent the spread of COVID-19?

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze.
  • Put used tissues in the bin.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water often – use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available. Remember to wash your hands for 20 seconds, whilst singing God save the Queen (Other songs are available).
  • Try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Refrain from touching your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean.

Stay positive, remain calm and don’t worry, there’s enough toilet roll for everyone…

Further reading sources

TeamKinetic Volunteer Management

Volunteer Management Trends of 2020

What positive changes should volunteer managers be anticipating throughout the upcoming year? TeamKinetic aims to explore the changing avenues in which you may find yourself turning down at any given point.

Embracing Technology

This year alone there are predicted to be 51 million smartphone users, who will have access to various apps on their phones. For the volunteer manager, this is brilliant as many volunteer management systems – including our own can operate through an app. Creating more ways in which you can manage and communicate with your volunteers. Which will help your volunteer management run a lot smoother, not just for you but your volunteers as well.


Phone calls and face to face meeting could be starting to become a thing of the past. Many organisations including ourselves are now adopting the use of ‘virtual help’. This being online support which is readily available for all volunteers. Virtual help makes good use of platforms like YouTube, instant messaging and help forms. Which in short saves the volunteer manager time.

Ageing Population

People are living longer and healthier lives, which isn’t a surprise. People are starting to take a lot better care of themselves by feeling more inclined than ever to live healthier active lifestyles.

Therefore volunteer managers should expect a rise in the number of older volunteers with time and energy to volunteer. Perhaps its time volunteer managers shifted perceptions of the ‘old’ volunteer, and started removing aged based limits on volunteering opportunities. Although people aged 65 and over are 45% more likely to volunteer than any other age group, only 6% of those over 65 actually feel old. Meaning older volunteers are more than happy to take part in more physical volunteering opportunities – if given the opportunities to do so.

A common theme that our customer relations team has found here at TeamKinetic is that. The wording of opportunities can often make volunteers not want to join an opportunity. Volunteer managers should try to be mindful when writing volunteering opportunities, as certain words can make opportunities sound more physically tiring, boring or even more complex than they actually are.

Younger Volunteers

There are small indications that the younger generations are starting to volunteer a lot more than they used to. 70% of 18 – 24-year-olds have reported having volunteered at some point in the last year. Recent interviews held by TeamKinetic and student volunteers help support this statistic, as many students did volunteer in some shape or form. Either to improve their academic profile or just because they wanted to give back to their community and have fun. This increase in younger people volunteering only gives volunteer managers more options and opportunities to attract younger volunteers, who are enthusiastic to help and be apart of a volunteering programme. 

Volunteer Led Opportunities

Volunteer-led opportunities involve listening and understanding what your volunteers want to do. It’s a growing trend that organisations are listening more to their staff and their customers. It would only be right to suggest that volunteer managers could do the same. A volunteers feedback could pose to be very useful as they are the ones taking part in the opportunities on a regular basis (on the front line as you may say). Suggesting it might be worth allowing volunteers to take lead on some opportunities, as this could be more impactful or at the very least, given the time to suggest new ideas.

A Question of Flexibility

How much flexibility volunteers have is always going to be a changing factor. Pictured above are some of the many reasons why the average person is soo busy. Considering these in modern volunteer management could mean thinking about running more “one-off opportunities”. which are opportunities that don’t happen on a regular basis (perhaps monthly), allowing time for volunteers to adjust their schedules, making it so they don’t have to commit to a specific time frame every week.

For more information on TeamKinetic volunteer management, visit our website or call us on 0161 914 5757.

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