This week we will be discussing a much requested new feature, that will give you far more control than ever over the communications TeamKinetic sends to volunteers and providers; customising automated emails.
TeamKinetic keeps your volunteers and providers up to date, with notifications about opportunity activity, chat room messages, applications, registrations and many other actions and events.
We have default content for all these messages but now you can edit and customise over 30 messages.
Its dead simple to edit a message, just click the edit button to bring up a window like below.
Each message has its own set of replacements you can use which will be replaced when sent, like opportunity title, opportunity link or the volunteer name. Just click on any of the blue replacement buttons in the right column and they will appear at the current position in your custom message.
Have security-related job responsibilities, including oversight and accountability, been clearly defined and documented?
Yes, all jobs have detailed JD in place with attention to Information Governance and responsibility. Chris Martin is currently accountable for Information Governance.
Are policies for information handling and labelling in place?
Yes. TeamKinetic have policies for Information Governance, Continuity, Security, Personnel, Safeguarding, Data sharing and API use.
Are all third-parties vetted prior to being granted privileged access to data?
3rd party contractors do not have access to live data. All data in encrypted at rest and in transit.
Do you maintain an inventory of all important information assets with asset owners clearly identified?
Yes, information assets are held in applications that are directly owned by customers.
Describe the screening process for all users, employees, contractors, vendors, and other third-parties)?
Access to data is limited to the operational team. These staff have all undergone IG training, DBS check and are part of the senior team here at TeamKinetic. No other employees, contractors, vendors or other 3rd parties have access to user data.
Describe your hiring process and how a new employee is granted access to network resources and when these access rights are reviewed.
All prospective candidates are interview by a single team member and by then by a panel of at least 3 current employees. All new starters are inducted and undergo a basic information governance session with Chris. Only staff with a specific requirement will ever be granted direct access to user data.
Do you conduct formal information security awareness training for all users, including upper management?
Yes, all staff undergo basic information governance training.
Describe the physical security mechanisms that prevent unauthorized access to your office space, user workstations, and server rooms/data centres?
All TeamKinetic sites enjoy the following physical security provision.
Security perimeter
Proximity ID (smartcards) for Access control
CCTV cameras
Fire / Flood protection
Cables and network ports are protected from unauthorised access
On-site redundancy and engineering support
Controls are in place to secure access to networked services, This is available via a documented process. Access to provision user accounts is reviewed at least annually.
Remote secure network access is granted using VPN with no Dual–homing / split tunnelling. Appropriate encryption methodologies are employed, documented, reconciled and monitored to AES 256 standard.
All systems in our internal and externally–facing and DMZ environments secured
Do you employ automatic locking screen savers when users’ workstations remain idle after set period of time?
All workstations are locked after a period of inactivity and require a password on resume.
How is the removal of equipment from the premises authorized and controlled?
All storage equipment is first comprehensively formatted and then physically destroyed before being removed.
How do you protect your systems against newly-discovered vulnerabilities and threats?
Our servers that control and serve TeamKinetic are patched with all zero day vulnerabilities and security patches as they are released
How do you prevent end users from installing potentially malicious software (e.g., list of approved applications, locking down the desktop)?
All workstations are operated under a lowest security clearance possible. Without administrator access it is not possible to install software on workstations.
Centralised virus and malware software is used to check workstations and isolate suspect items if necessary.
Do you scan traffic coming into your network for viruses?
Our email servers scan all incoming messages for viruses and quarantined accordingly
How do you dispose of computer media when they are no longer of use and are logs kept of media disposal activity?
All storage capable equipment is comprehensively formatted and then physically destroyed before being disposed of.
Describe how you protect information media (e.g., back-up tapes) that is shipped offsite.
Media and backups that are stored off site are protected by RSA encryption
Please describe your Access Control Policy.
Our access control policy is based on a minimal access level at all times.
Any users or systems that require access to our resources are first required to submit an access proposal explaining what access they require and why.
If successful the access request is then passed to our chief technical officer who will be responsible for setting up the minimal security level possible for successful access and the revocation of that access after the agreed time.
Any requests for access are logged. The revocation of access is checked by one other technical officer once the access date has lapsed to ensure access is not maintained.
Describe the process by which non-employee (e.g., contractor, vendor, and customer) is granted access to network resources and how often these are reviewed.
Only authorised systems engineers are allowed physical access to our remote servers. This access is logged via security card.
No third parties have standing access to the OS of our servers. Any access that has to be granted is provided via lowest possible security level users that are strictly time limited.
Any such permissions are revoked once access has been completed.
To what extent are user’s system use logged and monitored?
Full system logs of bother server and database access are stored for two weeks.
Is an information security incident log maintained?
Are incident reports issued to appropriate management?
Are audit logs or other reporting mechanisms in place on all platforms?
Are internal and external audits performed on regular basis?
The following identified risks will trigger a potential contingency event, each event is independently risk assessed and will be managed in accordance with this policy.
Natural disaster
Sudden cessation of trade
Sale of company
Hardware failure
Software failure
Malicious attack
Data breach
Data theft
Application continuity and security
Our hosting network has multiple redundancies and security procedures including, but not limited to;
24 x 7 x 365 Manned Security & Monitoring
Smart Card access policies
Internal and External CCTV systems
Security breach alarms
24 x 7 environmental monitoring systems
Constant evaluation and testing of all systems
N+1 redundant Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) system
Fully redundant air handling units provide constant fresh airflow
Raychem Fluid Detection
FM200 fire suppression equipment
Dual independent power feeds, backed up by dual battery string Uninterrupted Power Supplies (UPS) systems (deployed as standard)
2 Megawatt diesel generators to protect services from any single power failure
Diverse fibre routing via multiple carriers
Truncated internal cable network
ODF/DDF (Optical Distribution Frame/Digital Distribution Frame) bandwidth
Cross Connection to a number of Tier 1 carriers
Internal inventory systems track all cables, circuits and cross-connects
Scalable architecture including multiple redundant core switches and routers
Current up time (99.6%) and SLA agreed uptime (99.4%)
Bug fix procedure and error reporting (minor to mission critical) and estimated recovery time for various scenario outages from minor to complete disaster recovery as a table :
The maximum duration of service interruption upon total failure will be 24-48 hours. In this time a new server will be provisioned using the most recent whole server backup, brought online, checked and the most recent database backup accessible applied.
We expect service level to be near to 100% once the total failure procedure is complete, with a 24 hour allowance for complete back-up roll back.
We expect completely normal service to be resumed within a further 24 hours after the total failure procedure has been completed.
Triggering the Contingency Plan
Predictable Events
In the case of predictable and knowable events, such as the sale of the company, the contingency plan will be enforced at a set date that will be adequately advertised and discussed with our clients.
Unpredictable Events
When the event is unpredictable the plan will be triggered immediately once the issue is identified.
Failover testing, Pen testing and frequency
Our applications are penetration tested after every major release point. Any issues are identified and rectified and the penetration tests repeated.
Backup and recovery strategies are tested monthly for effectiveness, reliability and integrity.
Timely access to components necessary to make use of data
In the event of the company no longer trading we will make available an open source version of the code as it stands at the last version update. A detailed technical specification of the requirements will accompany this to run the code. All user data will be available to download.
Minimize risk of loss
Database data loss is minimised by a combination of transactional and full backups. Transactional logs are taken every 15 minutes and a complete backup taken every day. In the event of data loss due to error or mis-configuration the database can be rolled back to the suitable transactional data point and the data repaired. In the event of total failure or server crash a new instance can be brought online with a maximum data loss of 24 hours.
Application code and content (uploads and other user data) is backed up in full each day to off-site storage. Centralised versioning software is used to maintain a full and complete back of the application code and all changes.
Updates and changes are developed on the beta branch of the application code and fully tested before being merged in to the release branch.
Data Encryption and protection against data theft
Physical servers are protected by secure access and are only accessible by authorised personal.
Strong password policies are enforced on all physical servers.
All default ports are closed and only essential public ports are opened. Database traffic is restricted to only authorised servers and are not publicly exposed.
Latest OS security patches are applied on release.
All database stored passwords are encrypted with individual SALTs.
We recommend all clients utilise SSL to encrypt user to server traffic and prevent man in the middle attacks.
All API access is encrypted via SSL.
If you require further support or a different service level agreement, please contact the team on
This agreement can be updated on a customer basis with 2 weeks notice and the agreement of both parties.
Customers can opt out of any single update, but any opt out may have unforeseen impacts and TeamKinetic cannot be held responsible or liable for these. Any opt out is at the risk of the customer.
You may have witnessed driving past a rescue team late at night in gruelling weather conditions, with deafening sirens and eye-capturing flashing lights. Or alternatively, you may know someone personally who may have ended their night by dialling the emergency services. Many UK rescue teams work voluntarily like Mountain Rescue and British Red Cross. But why would anyone want to keep volunteering for a cause which is considered physically and mentally tiring?
Here are 5 ways how your organisation can help retain your hardworking volunteers and keep them smiling.
1. Be Realistic
The Earth isn’t flat.
Let us skip back to basics if you want to engage your volunteers. Opportunities should have actionable goals in which will enable your volunteers to be successful when volunteering. If your volunteers have no clear set of directions, then how will he or she find their way? Volunteers also need to be clear on what your organisation stands for. Volunteers should be made clear of your mission and vision statements. This will then allow them to understand the type of organisation they are working for. Retaining volunteers to work coherently to achieving what your business wants will help aid success.
2. Show Results
It’s all very well getting volunteers to join opportunities, however where are the results? Showing results is highly important to positively motivate your volunteers. Volunteers want to hear feedback from an opportunity they have participated in. This can easily be communicated in a polite informal email or text, this would make the volunteer then feel valued. It’s key that your volunteers feel valued for their efforts. Because this generates a sense of belonging, which is a key psychological need which will help retain volunteers. Volunteers who feel like they belong will not need to leave.
3. Communicate And Recognize
The best way to establish trust between an organisation and its volunteers is to talk to them. This is a really simple way of further developing relationships. Which can be done over a vast amount of platforms, emails, text messages, phone calls, and social media. It’s important to know where your audience is so you can communicate with them in the most appropriate form.
Everybody likes to be recognized for their achievements, even your non-profit volunteers. This recognition will stimulate a sense of gratitude between the volunteers and yourselves, making them want to volunteer again. A key part of retaining volunteers is recognising any type of achievement because this affects the self-esteem of anybody. Think about yourself for a moment, would you like an achievement you’ve done to be praised? I know personally that any form of praise or congratulations lifts my mood and motivates me to keep on the right path. It doesn’t necessarily need to be a huge gesture, it could be verbal or written. Volunteers who are recognized for their achievements are more likely to have higher self-esteem, a more positive outlook on life, and better mental health.
4. Involve the community
Try to be inclusive to everyone to retain volunteers, by encouraging volunteers to get neighbours, friends, and family members from the community to join opportunities with them. This will only make the experience more enjoyable for the volunteer. We all need to feel emotionally and physically safe, and we all need close supportive relationships. A sense of community provides this, by giving local people a voice to connect with one another and meet new people.
5. Volunteer Management
Does your organisation offer opportunities which are concise, clear and easy to connect to online. If not, then it will be vitally important that you consider using volunteering management software. If your services are easy to use then you are ten times more likely to retain existing volunteers. Making your volunteering management system easier will help your organisations productivity, plus will help the volunteers connect to your opportunities. Statistically, adults over the age of 65 are more likely to volunteer; this age group of people do not consider themselves to be most confident online and are hesitant to use a computer. Meaning the simpler your online portal, the more likely you will be to retain existing volunteers.
A final note from Teamkinetic
Although these five tips for retaining volunteer are important to follow, it’s equally important to note. People consistently volunteer because volunteering is aligned and persistent with their own personal characteristics and self-image. People value what they are doing and are able to extract benefits from the volunteering experience, which helps with their own self-growth. Like anything in life people either want to do something or they don’t, you won’t be able to retain everyone. Although we hope you can.
For week three we will be discussing a new feature whose beginnings you may have spotted and wondered about in our last release; trusted providers.
Trusted Providers
Trusted providers have an elevated set of privileges compared to your regular providers. The could represent for instance, providers that are internal to your organisation, or those that have received extra training.
To add the trusted status just use the button in the provider management page. You can also use the new provider search pages to change the status of multiple providers in one go.
What are Trusted Providers?
Trusted providers have some extra abilities over your regular providers;
Their new opportunities are auto authorised
They can add criminal check and induction required status to their opportunities
They can add any volunteer to a session, not just those that have already joined one of their sessions or that is linked to them
World Mental Health Day is a day of global mental health awareness and education, which aims to eliminate the stigma behind mental health. Life, as we all know, can be difficult and these problems can arise and affect many of us in a whole range of ways. How our bodies cope with this can have different effects on our mind and soul. Before we judge one another be mindful of what that person may have gone through, what wars they may have battled and what obstacles they may have overcome or maybe overcoming. It’s time to leave our judgmental thoughts and started looking after each other. The world we live in today faces too much animosity and hostility. We must all learn to love and get along with one another, we all live in one world – it’s time we became one and start working together.
Mental Health in the UK
Around one in four people in the UK will suffer from mental health issues each year, while only one in eight people are receiving treatment for mental health. One in six people in England each week suffer from a common mental health issue such as depression and anxiety.
A total of 70.9 million prescriptions for anti-depressants were given out in England in 2018 by the NHS. This is an increase of 3.4 million from 2017 to 2018. From 2015 to 2018 the number of prescriptions for anti-depressants for young people increased by almost 1 million! From these figures, it is clear to say mental health is an issue which is rising in the UK.
Causes of mental health issues
Mental health issues can affect people for a wide range of reasons. Trauma, loss, isolation, abuse, unemployment and the list keeps going. For many individuals, it’s a various combination of factors/experiences which have lead to negative outcomes. Yet everyone is different, one person’s mental stability will have different variances to what they are more tolerant of than others.
Social media
Over the last decade, social media has grown dramatically making each and every one of us more connected than we ever have been. Developing relationships which are halfway around the world is now a reality. On average a person in the UK checks their phone 28 times per day! It often makes me think what has the world come to, is this right? or is this wrong? or is this just the world we live in today and this is merely just evolution?
Implications of social media
The bottom line is that social media can have a detrimental effect on our mental health. Especially on the younger generation. Who are almost dependable on their mobile device, almost feeling lost without it. I know myself only being 20 that I do find it hard to break away from my device, I’m not proud of this and I do wish I could separate away more easily. Essentially social media is minimizing the human connections we make with one another. Limiting our social and communication skills in the real world because our heads are buried way beneath endless tweets and trending hashtags. Taking us away from the real world and keeping us trapped in virtual reality. Where we only care about our virtual selves and how others view us on various social platforms.
Low self-esteem is something young people suffer with when scrawling down photoshop perfect Instagram profiles. Where the immaculate and perfect image is captured – after hours upon hours of makeup editing and light adjustments! A study found people suffer from envy and self-doubt, as a result of comparing their own lives to those which are deemed to have the perfect lavish lifestyles we apparently all crave.
This leads me to say that it’s no wonder that social media is leading to unhappiness in people if used without caution. Causing anxiety and depression. We’re in a constant battle with ourselves to be better than everyone else, to look and dress the best, when really we should be happy and comfortable in our own skins. However many of generation Z have realised their infatuation with their smartphones and social media and have begun to quit various platforms. In an attempt to restore their mental health.
Volunteering and Mental Health
Volunteering can significantly boost your mental health and well-being. Mental and emotional well-being was found to be better in those who volunteer frequently, and worse in those who didn’t offer their help in any form. Recently universities in Birmingham and Southampton conducted a survey of 5,000 households across the UK. Those that volunteered regularly scored six per cent higher on the health and wellbeing.
Older generations
Voluntary work done by those over the age of 65 is set to be worth £5bn more in 2020 than it was in 2010. Volunteering provides a purpose and meaning, especially to older people who may find themselves more isolated than they used to be. Allowing them to build a social network of friends in which they can meet up with on a regular basis improving the well-being of the volunteer. The association is simple, the higher your well-being the more inclined you will feel to help others. Vice versa, the more you help others the higher your state of well-being.
Those in unemployment tend to have lower self-esteem and mental health. Without employment, people find it hard to motivate themselves for the day ahead. They have no structure, paid income, and feel they have less of an identity. Voluntary work will be able to benefit someone who is unemployed, helping them regain structure in life. Although the work is unpaid and will not be able to replace that aspect, it still gives people meaning and purpose.
Employers are more likely to employ someone has done voluntary work, over someone who has not. Volunteering allows you to acquire skills and knowledge which can be put to good use in employment, demonstrating higher levels of productivity as a potential employee. Also, it’s not just about what you know, it’s who you know to get you in the front door! Volunteering allows people to network giving them the opportunity to meet people they may never have met before, which could lead to great employment opportunities further on.
On a final note
As many of you already know TeamKinetic is a strong believer in volunteering and all the good in which can come from volunteering. But today the most important message of all is to be aware of mental health issues globally. If you suffer from mental health issues seek help and seek advice, don’t be afraid to talk to.
See below specialist mental health services.
The Samaritans offer emotional support 24 hours a day, in full confidence. Call 116 123 or email
Mind provides information on a range of mental health topics to support people in their own area from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm, Monday to Friday. Call 0300 123 3393 or email
Anxiety UK runs a helpline staffed by volunteers with personal experience of anxiety from 9:30-5:30, Monday to Friday. Call 08444 775 774.
MindEd is a free educational resource on children and young people’s mental health for all adults.
Welcome to week two of our pre-release introductions to the new features coming in TeamKinetic 1.4.
This week we will be focusing on the new features in the add opportunity page and when searching for opportunities.
Adding a New Opportunity
When your admins or providers add a new opportunity they will now be given an immediate choice of whether they wish to create a complete or a quick advert opportunity.
If they choose the quick opportunity type they will be presented with a much reduced option list for the opportunity. This is aimed at people that either don’t have much idea of what the final opportunity details will be, but want to get on and start recruiting, or for those organisations that will probably be managing the post sign up process themselves.
The resulting opportunity will be a flexible opp that is set to start immediately and will run continuously.
Once created the provider and admins will have full control over the opportunity and can add further details, or convert to a session based opportunity at anytime.
We have also updated and we hope simplified adding sessions to an opportunity. We’ve taken out some of the confusing language around the types of opportunities you can add and instead just asked them to make a choice between an opportunity with sessions and a flexible opportunity without sessions.
If a user picks the session based opportunity they can then choose a recurring session structure or can add the sessions individually.
Searching Existing Opportunities
For 1.4 we have a great new set of features for searching and filtering opportunities.
You’ll notice straight away that this is very different from our previous opportunity search page!
You can now page through the results, add filters, download the results and perform bulk actions on the opportunities by clicking the checkboxes at the start of each row.
This type of search table will be appearing throughout the application in future version and is already implemented for volunteer and provider searching complete with custom field filtering.
There are many alarming issues highlighted in today’s society. Unemployment, lack of funding in the NHS, the destruction of our environment, and of course Brexit – just to name a few! However, not all stories are so negative. There are thousands of volunteering stories that are challenging some of these issues.
Currently, 3.7% of the UK are not in work – that’s around 2.5 million people! Now, some of you may be thinking “what’s that got to do with volunteering?”. Many studies & statistics show that volunteering can help boost employment for individuals. Sports clubs, in particular, have done a lot to boost employment opportunities through volunteering.
Newcastle United FC transformed the life of one of their staff who came to England from Syria as a refugee. Hikmat didn’t know much English or have many qualifications, but his attitude and desire to learn were unmatched. Despite his lack of experience, Newcastle took on Hikmat in a volunteering role, giving him a chance to prove himself. Since starting in 2013, he has been directly involved in many Premier League projects including helping out at children’s hospitals over the busy Christmas period.
Helping the elderly
Numerous elderly people
in the United Kingdom have no living children or close relatives to help them
in their daily care. Many relocate to areas which are far from their hometown,
making it nearly impossible to provide the assistance required. As a result,
many seniors spend much of their time living in isolation and loneliness. They
often rely on the services of volunteers to provide services and opportunities
for socialisation and entertainment.
These findings imply
that adolescent volunteering may increase resilience over time and that
school-based volunteering programs may help prevent criminal involvement over
the course of a person’s life.
It would also suggest that volunteering from an early age is likely to mean that you are less prone to getting into trouble with the law. This will be beneficial to today’s society and it lays down a foundation for future generations.
Inspire the adults of tomorrow, today!
Building on the point of
reducing crime rates, giving the youth of today a positive role model is
important. Young people aspire to be who they look up to and who that person is
can change the course of their life. Because of this, by pushing young people
to volunteer the chances are they are less likely to look up to people who may
be a bad influence, and more likely to want to be someone who brings something
positive to society.
In 2018, only 39% of people aged 16-24 volunteered and even some of those people only said that they did it once a year. A lot needs to be done to drastically increase this number if we want to improve society and produce a higher amount of upstanding adults. Highlighting the charitable work that celebrities do would be a good way to inspire the youth to volunteer.
People such as Angelina Jolie, David Beckham, and Miley Cyrus have all been heavily involved with charitable work in the past (stay tuned for a blog on celeb charity work!). These role models can help give a positive stigma around the way charity work/volunteering is viewed.
Volunteers make great events
It’s not only the deprived that can use volunteering to change their lives. Many major events use volunteers and without them, the events simply wouldn’t be possible. In the 2012 Olympics over 70,000 “games makers” made the games what they were. Many international fans and athletes described the volunteers as “world-class”, see the video below for more.
A further event that was made successful by volunteering was the 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup. The tournament had a total of around 2,500 volunteers with roles that varied from; welcoming fans to organising matches and helping out the media. The volunteers were given their own space: The Volunteer Centre. This was described as a friendly, hospitable space, where volunteers could get together, chat about their experiences and have some fun when they are off duty. Hear more about the World Cup volunteers in this video.
Volunteers at both these events had to pay for their travel to and from some paying huge amounts to get to do their particular roles. However, many said that it was the best experience of their lives and it was all totally worth it.
Read more about how volunteering has helped sporting events here.
How can TeamKinetic help?
Managing volunteers can often be a big struggle for people in the third sector. This is where TeamKinetic can help you. We offer a volunteer management system that can help you recruit, manage and retain your volunteers. If you would like to find out more please do not hesitate to visit our website and book a free demo today!
Alternatively, you can contact us on our social media pages:
TeamKinetic v1.4 will be released on November 5th, there will be fireworks and parties all across the UK!
1.4 is a big release where we have brought together many requests for new features and also importantly we have made big steps towards unifying the interface to create a consistent experience everywhere.
1.4 will probably be our last new feature focus release for a good while. The next few releases will be focused on continuing the unifying process, improving the foundations, continuing our accessibility improvements and tidying all those loose ends up.
We have added a brand new email editor so that you can customise over 30 of the TeamKinetic automated emails.
New Searching for Volunteers, Providers and Opportunities
Completely rewritten search pages for volunteers, providers and opportunities. Much clearer and cleaner layout with row and bulk actions, paging, and filters.
Search for Volunteers by Custom Field
Custom fields are included in the filters, so you can filter and search for volunteers by all the profile and registration fields you have added.
Ability to Customise Your Genders & Ethnicities
Add, remove,re-order and re-map your gender and ethnicity results. These custom lists will also be reflected in the reports and downloads.
Collect ‘other’ Ethnicity and Gender
If registering volunteers select OTHER from the gender or ethnicity list they will be presented with a text box where they can enter their self identified gender or ethnicity.
You can use the new custom gender and ethnicity management shown above, to view, add and map these other entries.
Trusted Providers
Providers can now be marked as TRUSTED, this means that they will have additional privileges including:
Ability to add ANY volunteer to their opportunities (not just the providers limited cohort of volunteers).
Only allow trusted providers to create opportunities which require CRIMINAL RECORD checks.
Trusted provider opportunities can be auto-authorised.
Set Maximum Volunteers PER SESSION
When creating or editing opportunities you are now able to set a maximum volunteer limit on each session independently. When creating repeating opportunities each session will default to the same maximum but you can then adjust these session by session if required.
Define Time Gaps Between Sessions
Need to define a minimum gap between session that a volunteer can join? Now you can!
If you are hosting an event you may want to enforce a time limit gap to prevent a volunteer joining two opportunity sessions with not enough time to get from one to the other. You can now define the allowable time gap between these sessions. For example, if you define 30 minutes then a volunteer will not be able to join a session that ends at 1:00 pm AND a session that starts at 1:15 pm.
Improve Page Layouts
Courses page
Find Volunteers Page
Find Providers Page
Find Opportunities Listing Page
Parental Consent Phone Number
When a volunteer registers who requires parental consent, it asks for their parents email and in addition for their parents contact number. This information is held against the volunteers profile so the parents can be contacted by telephone if required.
Inviting Volunteers
Administrators and providers can now invite volunteers to your system from their main menu. Volunteers are invited by entering their email address OR uploading a list of email addresses.
Administrators can see the list of all invited volunteers and we have also improved the messaging you receive when duplicates are added.
Volunteer & Provider Downloads Include Custom Fields
When you export your volunteer or provider data it now includes any custom fields.
Volunteer Note Improvements
Providers can now record private notes on their volunteers. These can be used for recording conversations or additional information related to the volunteers personal needs.
Both administrators and providers can now add and remove discrete dated notes creating a history and audit trail for notes.
Improved Interface For Uploading Images
There is now the ability to move and crop images when uploading them to either the front page, providers profile page or the events page.
Registration Captcha Updated To Simpler System
The Google Captcha v2 (the image picking one) has now been thoroughly defeated, which means we are making it harder for people to register but not any harder for robots, so we have removed it.
We now protect your applications from bogus registrations with a number of discreet features that will not get in the way of your volunteers registering.
Improved Interface For Applicants
We have added some notification reminders and visual clues if an opportunity has unprocessed applicants.
If there are any applicants that have not yet received a decision your home page will list them and if you manage the opportunity, the applicant tab will be highlighted and a notification appears in the summary area.
In addition we have improved the default email that is sent to providers when a new application is received to help clarify that difference between an application and a joining event.
Creating Quick Opportunities
The new opportunity screen can be daunting for new users and for those providers that have little or no training. It also assumes that providers wish to manage the entire volunteering life-cycle within TeamKinetic, which is not always the case.
We have added the option when creating a new opportunity to choose a quick opp. This gives a much reduced option list to the provider and allows them to quickly create an open ended flexible opportunity that starts as soon as it is authorised.
Combined Linked Volunteers and Volunteers Searching
Providers can now search for both their active volunteers and linked volunteers from the same search page. They can unlink volunteers directly from the search results and no longer need the separate linked volunteers page.
Pause Emails means PAUSE EMAILS, but not Brexit!
We have changed the pause emails button to pause all emails including when a volunteer is removed from the opportunity or session. When completely removing a volunteer you are given the option of sending the removal email.
Simpler Interface for OWED HOURS
If you have a volunteer who has done some volunteering outside of your system it is now easier than ever to record those hours within you system.
Always Accessible Super Admin Menu
The Super Admin menu is now located on the top right of your screen making it faster for the user to access.
Providers See More About Their Volunteers
We have increased the amount of information that a provider can see on volunteers who join their opportunities, this should help them in identifying who is best suited to particular roles. (NOTE: This also includes external volunteers).
Improved Interface When Copying Opportunities
We have changed the way you copy opportunities, you are now asked ‘what the new start date is?’ and the system will move all associated sessions accordingly.
Adjust The Size Of Your Logo
You can now adjust the displayed height of your logo when uploading.
No, I’m not joking and no I haven’t got the secret for that either…but anyway, often volunteering is recommended for older adults to keep them active and busy. People aged 65 and over are the age group most likely to have volunteered recently. As we get older many people naturally slow down however we should only gear up!
I can rest when I’m dead, I’m too busy living.
My beloved Great nan
Volunteering can cover a wide spectrum, from volunteering locally or abroad through various organisations. The nature of how you volunteer is irrelevant really, it’s the spirit of volunteering which really counts.
Evolutionary Psychology
Evolutionary psychology suggests that volunteering can have clear benefits which improve the psychological and physical well-being of the volunteer, not just the recipient.
Research by psychologist Stephanie Brown indicates volunteering helps manage stress, provides greater relationship satisfaction, reduces depression, and the biggie – increase your life expectancy. Taking into consideration medical history, age, social activity and other uninteresting factors. But volunteering appears to reduce the risk of death by 25% – which is a good enough reason for me!
Stress-less volunteer more
Don’t stress, it’s more likely to cause death! Stress plays a large factor in our bodies immune system and volunteering reduces that stress. The act of helping elicits feelings of usefulness. This produces the hormones oxytocin and progesterone which bring feelings of happiness and combats the symptoms of stress.
Working too hard!
Overworked volunteers can become stressed which doesn’t allow them to receive all the health benefits from volunteering. Your volunteering like anything should be managed and controlled. Volunteer management is very important and should be done to prevent burnout and increasing, instead of decreasing, stress.
What to take from this
Those who devote time, about 100 hours per year (just 10 days), are most likely to exhibit positive health outcomes from volunteering. The secret to a happy and healthy life is to remain mentally and physically active right up until the very end, especially after retirement, and volunteering is an excellent way to achieve that. That’s what my Great Nan did!