Category: Application Features and Tutorials Page 4 of 5

TeamKinetic 1.4 – Pre-release week two

Welcome to week two of our pre-release introductions to the new features coming in TeamKinetic 1.4.

This week we will be focusing on the new features in the add opportunity page and when searching for opportunities.

Adding a New Opportunity

When your admins or providers add a new opportunity they will now be given an immediate choice of whether they wish to create a complete or a quick advert opportunity.

If they choose the quick opportunity type they will be presented with a much reduced option list for the opportunity. This is aimed at people that either don’t have much idea of what the final opportunity details will be, but want to get on and start recruiting, or for those organisations that will probably be managing the post sign up process themselves.

The resulting opportunity will be a flexible opp that is set to start immediately and will run continuously.

Once created the provider and admins will have full control over the opportunity and can add further details, or convert to a session based opportunity at anytime.

We have also updated and we hope simplified adding sessions to an opportunity. We’ve taken out some of the confusing language around the types of opportunities you can add and instead just asked them to make a choice between an opportunity with sessions and a flexible opportunity without sessions.

If a user picks the session based opportunity they can then choose a recurring session structure or can add the sessions individually.

Searching Existing Opportunities

For 1.4 we have a great new set of features for searching and filtering opportunities.

You’ll notice straight away that this is very different from our previous opportunity search page!

You can now page through the results, add filters, download the results and perform bulk actions on the opportunities by clicking the checkboxes at the start of each row.

This type of search table will be appearing throughout the application in future version and is already implemented for volunteer and provider searching complete with custom field filtering.

We will be running a Facebook live session at 2pm on Tuesday 8th October going through these new features and answering questions.

TeamKinetic 1.4 Release Notes

TeamKinetic v1.4 will be released on November 5th, there will be fireworks and parties all across the UK!

1.4 is a big release where we have brought together many requests for new features and also importantly we have made big steps towards unifying the interface to create a consistent experience everywhere.

1.4 will probably be our last new feature focus release for a good while. The next few releases will be focused on continuing the unifying process, improving the foundations, continuing our accessibility improvements and tidying all those loose ends up.

So head over to our Beta site and login with your regular administrator details to take our next version for a spin.

New Feature Highlights

Customising Automated Emails

We have added a brand new email editor so that you can customise over 30 of the TeamKinetic automated emails.

New Searching for Volunteers, Providers and Opportunities

Completely rewritten search pages for volunteers, providers and opportunities. Much clearer and cleaner layout with row and bulk actions, paging, and filters.

Search for Volunteers by Custom Field

Custom fields are included in the filters, so you can filter and search for volunteers by all the profile and registration fields you have added.

Ability to Customise Your Genders & Ethnicities

Add, remove,re-order and re-map your gender and ethnicity results. These custom lists will also be reflected in the reports and downloads.

Collect ‘other’ Ethnicity and Gender

If registering volunteers select OTHER from the gender or ethnicity list they will be presented with a text box where they can enter their self identified gender or ethnicity.

You can use the new custom gender and ethnicity management shown above, to view, add and map these other entries.

Trusted Providers

Providers can now be marked as TRUSTED, this means that they will have additional privileges including: 

  • Ability to add ANY volunteer to their opportunities (not just the providers limited cohort of volunteers).
  • Only allow trusted providers to create opportunities which require CRIMINAL RECORD checks.
  • Trusted provider opportunities can be auto-authorised.

Set Maximum Volunteers PER SESSION

When creating or editing opportunities you are now able to set a maximum volunteer limit on each session independently. When creating repeating opportunities each session will default to the same maximum but you can then adjust these session by session if required.

Define Time Gaps Between Sessions

Need to define a minimum gap between session that a volunteer can join? Now you can!

If you are hosting an event you may want to enforce a time limit gap to prevent a volunteer joining two opportunity sessions with not enough time to get from one to the other. You can now define the allowable time gap between these sessions. For example, if you define 30 minutes then a volunteer will not be able to join a session that ends at 1:00 pm AND a session that starts at 1:15 pm.

Improve Page Layouts

  • Courses page
  • Find Volunteers Page
  • Find Providers Page
  • Find Opportunities Listing Page

Parental Consent Phone Number

When a volunteer registers who requires parental consent, it asks for their parents email and in addition for their parents contact number. This information is held against the volunteers profile so the parents can be contacted by telephone if required.

Inviting Volunteers

Administrators and providers can now invite volunteers to your system from their main menu. Volunteers are invited by entering their email address OR uploading a list of email addresses.

Administrators can see the list of all invited volunteers and we have also improved the messaging you receive when duplicates are added.

Volunteer & Provider Downloads Include Custom Fields

When you export your volunteer or provider data it now includes any custom fields.

Volunteer Note Improvements

Providers can now record private notes on their volunteers.  These can be used for recording conversations or additional information related to the volunteers personal needs.

Both administrators and providers can now add and remove discrete dated notes creating a history and audit trail for notes.

Improved Interface For Uploading Images

There is now the ability to move and crop images when uploading them to either the front page, providers profile page or the events page.

Registration Captcha Updated To Simpler System

The Google Captcha v2 (the image picking one) has now been thoroughly defeated, which means we are making it harder for people to register but not any harder for robots, so we have removed it.

We now protect your applications from bogus registrations with a number of discreet features that will not get in the way of your volunteers registering.

Improved Interface For Applicants

We have added some notification reminders and visual clues if an opportunity has unprocessed applicants.

If there are any applicants that have not yet received a decision your home page will list them and if you manage the opportunity, the applicant tab will be highlighted and a notification appears in the summary area.

In addition we have improved the default email that is sent to providers when a new application is received to help clarify that difference between an application and a joining event.

Creating Quick Opportunities

The new opportunity screen can be daunting for new users and for those providers that have little or no training. It also assumes that providers wish to manage the entire volunteering life-cycle within TeamKinetic, which is not always the case.

We have added the option when creating a new opportunity to choose a quick opp. This gives a much reduced option list to the provider and allows them to quickly create an open ended flexible opportunity that starts as soon as it is authorised.

Combined Linked Volunteers and Volunteers Searching

Providers can now search for both their active volunteers and linked volunteers from the same search page. They can unlink volunteers directly from the search results and no longer need the separate linked volunteers page.

Pause Emails means PAUSE EMAILS, but not Brexit!

We have changed the pause emails button to pause all emails including when a volunteer is removed from the opportunity or session. When completely removing a volunteer you are given the option of sending the removal email.

Simpler Interface for OWED HOURS

If you have a volunteer who has done some volunteering outside of your system it is now easier than ever to record those hours within you system.

Always Accessible Super Admin Menu

The Super Admin menu is now located on the top right of your screen making it faster for the user to access.

Providers See More About Their Volunteers

We have increased the amount of information that a provider can see on volunteers who join their opportunities, this should help them in identifying who is best suited to particular roles. (NOTE: This also includes external volunteers).

Improved Interface When Copying Opportunities

We have changed the way you copy opportunities, you are now asked ‘what the new start date is?’ and the system will move all associated sessions accordingly.

Adjust The Size Of Your Logo

You can now adjust the displayed height of your logo when uploading.

TeamKinetic, Available Reports

This post just lists our available reports, read a fuller description of what these reports actually mean and how to gain some insight using TeamKinetic’s reports.

Quick stats for all time volunteer signups, engagement and retention.

Website views and activity (views, visits, visitors)

Volunteer group membership

Volunteer activity in opportunity categories

Volunteer ethnicity

Volunteer age groups

Volunteer gender

Volunteer registrations over time

Volunteer engagement over time

Volunteer geographical area

Quarterly activity (volunteers, sessions, hours)

Opportunity categories

Opportunity status

Opportunity sessions over time

Opportunity tag frequency and engagement

Opportunity fulfilment as session filled percentage and hours logged

Opportunity feedback

Website search terms (top 20)

Hours logged by category

Hours logged over time

Day schedule report giving an overview of sessions, session subscription numbers for any day or date range

Map volunteer location (all or active)

Map opportunity location (all or active)

Volunteer management errors – And how to avoid them!

To have a successful, functioning volunteer programme, you’ll need to avoid making simple but fatal mistakes. A detailed management strategy that puts the volunteer at the centre of it all is essential.

Volunteer management is like one big machine all the cogs need to work together in order to maintain efficiency, but sometimes this doesn’t always work out and errors are made.

Here are 3 volunteer management mistakes and how to avoid them!

1. Not taking advantage of digital

Having a digital strategy can boost your volunteer capacity and awareness of your organisation. The number of internet users in 2018 was 4.021 billion, up 7 per cent on the previous year. Charities with little to no online presence or digital strategy will quickly find themselves struggling to survive.

Issues it can cause

  • Volunteers will be less inclined to donate their time if they can’t find you online
  • Avoiding a digital strategy now will cost you more in the future
  • Your organisation will not be as connected to its supporters

How to fix them

Invest time and money in creating a digital strategy. Many organisations still carry the assumption that going digital will cost them an arm or a leg, but there are several simple, free tools you can start using today. But utilising digital as an organisation doesn’t have to happen overnight. Start off with creating social media accounts and engage with hundreds of communities with the same ambitions as your organisation.

2. Lack of communication with volunteers

Communication serves as a foundation for planning. Without it, it’s very hard to get much done. So when it comes to managing volunteers there’s nothing more important than regular, clear communication. The workload on volunteer managers makes it difficult to keep track of everything and communication is usually the first thing that flies out of the window.

Issues it can cause

  • Volunteers don’t know what is required of them on the day (arrival time, logistics, location)
  • The struggle for volunteers to find upcoming opportunities
  • Frustration from volunteer could lead to their departure from your organisation
Communication, Volunteering, Better Impact, Volunteer Impact, TeamKinetic, Volunteer management system, Volunteer software

How to fix them

Volunteer management software of course! A volunteer system makes communicating with volunteers straightforward. TeamKinetic’s volunteer software comes with several tools to help you stay informed and connected to your volunteers. Automated emails can be sent out to specific opportunities and volunteer subgroups. Feedback functions also allow for regular interactions between the volunteer and opportunity providers.

3. Poor recruitment process

Finding and working with the right volunteers is important for your organisation’s long-term survival. Every organisation needs a team of committed and skilled volunteers placed in suitable roles. Recruiting the wrong candidate can result in loss of time, energy, resources and opportunity. While the ideal candidate can transform parts of your organisation.

Issues it can cause

  • Good volunteers will be sent to bad places and vice-versa
  • Potentially allowing a convicted individual to work with a vulnerable group due to low entry standards
  • Valuable time and energy are used up

How to fix them

When recruiting you should always start by understanding what it is you want out of the volunteer and define the role that is to be undertaken. Our volunteer software allows you to create specific, detailed opportunities with key information such as the volunteer requirements, perks of the opportunity and skills required. The system makes it easy to advertise volunteer vacancies with a click of a button. Opportunities can be shared across a wide range of channels such as social media, email and are linked to

Find out how TeamKinetic has helped organisations simplify their management process and reduce time spent on micromanaging volunteers.

For more information on the Volunteer Management Software please reach out to us.

You can find TeamKinetic on social media and listen to our podcast:

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Have you enjoyed using TeamKinetic? If you could leave us a review on Capterra, we’d really appreciate it! We’ll even send you a little thank you.

Where will your TeamKinetic website live

We always try and avoid jargon but sometimes it is a little difficult when talking about the internet and software.  When we talk about ‘domains’ we are really talking about the address or URL that your website will use so people can find you on the internet.

This is the address they type into their web browser to access your website.

TeamKinetic offers a variety of options with regards to the domain’s you can use, these options are somewhat dependant upon your choice of subscription.

In every subscription, there is some room for customisation and personalisation of this address.

So what are your options and what do they mean.

FREE subscription.

If you join us on our free version to use of TeamKinetic, you will be hosted on our FREE to access site

TryVolunteering TeamKnetic Free volunteer management software

This means you will be assigned a web address that starts with “” and you this will then be followed by your organisation’s name with all the spaces removed.  So if your organisation name is “Harchester Utd FC” your website address will be.

Advanced Subscription.

Our Advanced level subscribers have their own application and as such have their own ‘subdomain’.  What this means is you can add your organisation name to the start of the web address. An example would be

From a user experience perspective, users feel more assured as your name is first in the address, and because the Advanced subscription offers significantly more customisation this combines for better overall user experience.

Enterprise Subscription

Enterprise subscribers have the benefit of greater customisation and personalisation.  As an enterprise customer, you can select an available new and unique address for your site.  Examples from our customers include


These URLs are purchased on behalf of our customers and remain the property of our customers but are managed by TeamKinetic on behalf of our customers as part of our ongoing agreement.  In the event of that agreement coming to an end, we can arrange for that domain to be transferred or released depending on the needs of our customers.

A new domain is very easy to set up, requires no technical support or resource from our customer to manage, as TeamKinetic manage all this on our customer’s behalf.

Enterprise customers can also use a ‘sub-domain’ of an existing URL they already use our own.  An example of this might be our customer the Youth Hostel Asociation who’s main website address is:

The volunteer team at the YHA wanted the TeamKinetic system to look and feel like it was part of the wider YHA web site. The best way to achieve this is to embed the TeamKinetic system into the YHA’s existing web brand.  So the TeamKinetic system now live at

No matter what subscription you wish to use, TeamKinetic will support you in setting up your site and getting the address you want.  We are available to walk you through your options and help you find the set up that you require for your volunteers.

For more information on how we can assist with your volunteer management and getting the best out of all your volunteers visit our website or contact us on – 0161 914 5757

TeamKinetic and Software as a Service (SaaS) cutting through the jargon.

Our ambition was to build the very best online volunteer management application in the world. Part of our definition of the very best means easiest to use, as well as the most useful features. Unfortunately when you build software there is a real danger of “JARGON”! We know volunteer managers want to be great at managing volunteers not specialists in information technology. So I wanted to try to explain in plain English how TeamKinetic works

Software and Application

We sometime use these words interchangeably, but they often share the same meaning, which is to describe the TeamKinetic product. Application does not necessarily refer to mobile specifically, but it can do sometimes. So now I’ve cleared that up!


The TeamKinetic application uses a group of computers that are connected via the internet to enable the website and mobile apps you see to work. These computers or servers as we call them form our cloud. This cloud contains a combination of our own private servers and third part services from people like Amazon and Google.

All our computers are based in the UK.

Software as a Service

As the internet has become faster, the need to go to the shop to buy your software on disk or CD is now a distant memory. Now your Software does not even need to be on your actual computer but lives on the internet and is provided by someone who’s only responsibility is to make that software great.

Back in the day you would go to a shop and buy a physical disk or CD (depending on how old you are) with your software on there. Once you got home you would install that software onto your computer, those were such innocent times. That software would then remain on your computer until you replaced your computer or bought the next version from the shop and put that on your computer.

The someone in the case of TeamKinetic is us. That’s Steve, Rolf, me and the rest of our team. We have built and continue to improve TeamKinetic for you to use. We take your advice and feedback, mixing that with the user data we collect and we try to look at the best ways to continue to improve the TeamKinetic experience.

Being on the internet means that you can browse the web from anywhere, you can access your TeamKinetic application on the go or comfort of your home. More importantly, this approach means you can concentrate on your volunteer management, whilst we focus on keeping the website working or ‘live’ as we call it. TeamKinetic make sure your data is stored appropriately and in accordance with regulations such as GDPR. We concentrate on making TeamKinetic work on all the different devices, such as iPhones, tablets and laptops. We have even start to look at Alexa. You don’t need to worry about things like servers, security or accessibility standards as we take care of all that.

TeamKinetic’s Software as a Service approach means you can be confident that your volunteer management system will always work and will always be making the most of the latest developments in technology, social media, regulation and user behaviour trends.


As we provide TeamKinetic as an ongoing service we have developed a business that requires an ongoing fee or subscription, we call this our licence. To keep the servers working and up to the job, to ensure the developers continue to improve TeamKinetic, our customers to continue to support our work through the licence fee. This fee ensures you continue to get the help and support, software updates and that we can keep the power lights on all those computers here a TeamKinetic.

The team believe strongly in a ‘no-surprises’ approach to pricing. Our customers can be confident that we will not hit them with hidden costs. Our licence covers everything you will ever need to set up and keep your volunteer application running day-to-day. We are transparent about the few things that fall outside the licence fee.

Volunteer Management Software (VMS)

Different companies may each have a slightly different explanation as to what is volunteer management software, but for TeamKinetic we want to offer a place where volunteers can go to manage their volunteering, where organisations can post, recruit, on-board, training, deploy and track volunteer engagements. Where a volunteer reward and recognition is built into the experience. Where data and insight are generated in real time.

This is all delivered in a website that is easy to use and super flexible for your needs and that can integrate with your other digital systems. It is not the same as Customer Relationship Management software and its also not the sames as Human Resource software or scheduling applications that are out there, but it’s a curious mix of all the above built for your volunteers. If you want to know more about the differences and similarities feel free to read more about it here.

Get in Touch

There will no doubt be more jargon to contend with as you look through the product description, so please feel free to get in touch if we have failed to explain it in plain English.

If you want to talk about the more technical aspects of TeamKinetic SaaS then please do not hesitate to email me or call the office on +44 (0)161 914 5757 or contact us via our website

TeamKinetic v1.3 March 2019 Release

Hi there and welcome to the 1.3 release of TeamKinetic. We’ve got some great new time saving features this time round, the normal raft of small fixes and tweaks and a large dollop of accessibility improvement as we journey towards a fully accessible system for all users.

Headline Updates

  • Full screen layout for administrators and providers. We’ve removed the logo header bar to give more room for what matters
  • Brand new dashboard for administrators and providers
  • Universal search across volunteers, opportunities and providers is available right from the top menu on all pages
  • New mapping library which produces we think, better looking maps
  • Trusted status for providers
  • Upload your own custom areas for reporting and searching
  • Contextual help bar available anytime from the top menu
  • Keyboard accessible menus
  • Accessible forms
  • Accessible help tooltips
  • Accessibility layout improvements
  • Front page slider image controls improved
  • New application options
  • New POD functionality
  • Pause or end participation in a flexible opportunity without leaving the opportunity and losing hours.

New Dashboard

We’ve completely redesigned the dashboard for administrators and providers and it is now very much focused around helping you to get the tasks you need to do, done!

New administrator dashboard

Authorisations, latest chatter messages, logged hours since your last visit and lots more are displayed right there everytime you login. We’ve added some insight into your programme, like who is logging hours, which opportunities or providers are performing badly and suggested tasks to keep on top.

We think this new dashboard will be a real time saver.

Universal Search

From the top menu bar you now have access to a number of new areas including the universal search. It’s a stripped down lookup service that will find matching volunteers, opportunities and providers.

Universal search and lookup

Its obviously not as fully featured as the specific search pages for volunteers, opportunities and providers, but its fantastic for navigating quickly between different things. It also gives you a little visual clue as to the status of each entity, red for access denied when a volunteer, unauthorised when a provider and closed when an opportunity and green for access granted, authorised and open respectively.

New Mapping Service

We are switching to Open Streetmap for our mapping service. This is a fantastic open sourced effort to map the world without the propriety nature and vagaries of being in the Google ecosystem. It also has we think more natural looking maps.

Open StreetMap

Contextual Help

We have built a foundation for us to enable contextual help on every page. This will be accessible from the help icon in the top menu and will reveal all the help topics and tutorials for the page you are currently using. Both administrators and providers have access and we hope it will help new providers especially, get the most from TeamKinetic, and of course ask you less questions!

The slide out help menu available on every page

We are working hard to get help for as many pages as possible on launch but we’ll be adding them progressively and in response to questions that regularly arise. Let us know if there are any topics you’d like to see in the help menus to aid your users.


I’ve already blogged about the accessibility improvements we have coming in this release. This has been a really rewarding process and I’m looking forward to some feedback for how we can keep improving in this area. Most of the effort has been concentrated in the volunteer’s portal but there have been improvements throughout.

New Administrator Controls

  • Include the volunteer stats in the weekly email. We had some reports that volunteers that were interested in volunteering but hadn’t yet taken the plunge, we’re getting discouraged seeing zero stats every week!
  • Overlapping session booking option. Using this you can control if volunteers can join sessions which overlap or conflict. We are working on providing a further control to determine how close the sessions need to be in order to initiate the conflict. Volunteers are informed if they attempt to join sessions which overlap, on either the same or different opportunities. By default volunteers are not allowed to join overlapping sessions.
  • Require volunteers to upload a photo before they can join any opportunities.
  • Display nationally shared opportunities on your version of the native mobile applications. When enabled users will also be able to view and join nationally shared opportunities direct from their applications.

Ending Flexible Opportunity Attendance

For very long running flexible opportunities its useful to know if volunteers are finished. Previously this was only really possible by asking the volunteer to leave the opportunity but that meant there was now a hole in the audit trail and information for that opportunity.

Volunteers can now click a button when logging hours to say they won’t be logging any more hours and have effectively left the opportunity.

Volunteers can now say they have finished with a flexible opportunity

The same functionality is also available for administrators from the volunteer list on the opportunity management page. Just click the pause icon to flip the volunteer to the finished state and the play icon to flip the back. The volunteers that have finished are separated from the still active ones so you can easily keep track of your flexible volunteers.

Admin display separating finished and active volunteers on flexible opportunities

Launch Date

We’ve processed close to 200 issues for this release and there are many small improvements and bug fixes throughout the application and we are excited to be releasing 1.3 on March 31st.

Don’t forget you can test out all these features on the beta site using your regular administrator login. We’d love you feedback or review at Trustpilot.

TeamKinetic v1.2.0 Release Notes

This December, TeamKinetic has an early Christmas present for our customers. We will be releasing one of our largest ever update with some significant improvements and extra functionality across the board.  Below are the biggest changes.

  • Session Names
  • Use of “Google places” to search and create opportunity locations
  • Complete re-write of the opportunity apply process
  • Custom Open-badge awards
  • Lots more customisation options
  • Our POD system for enterprise clients
  • Day schedule report available for everyone
  • Invite new volunteers via email (for providers and admins)
  • New search and download options for criminal checks
  • All transaction emails sent via Mandrill for improved deliverability

As well as the raft of 150 or so bug fixes, minor improvements and speed gains.

We will be sending a notification to all our customers pointing you to this blog and also to encourage you to login to the beta site (using your normal login details) and give some feedback on the new features.


Your feedback is essential. We take your feedback seriously and it helps us understand your needs and issues. You also help us spot potential bugs and operational considerations that we may not have considered for this update. We take every care to test the application before we update the code but we don’t always have a test that fully represents your exact usage, so we ask you to login to the beta site and try it out for yourself.  

If you do find any issues or would like to raise some concerns, you can send feedback using any of the following ways.

  1. Complete a support ticket in the HELP menu.
  2. Send us an email and put in the subject line “BETA SITE”
  3. Call us here at the office on 0161 914 5757 and press option 1 and talk to Support Team.
  4. If you have not done it yet, join our Facebook ADMIN group and send us a message.
  5. Send us a Tweet telling us what you think of the new features.

Named Sessions

When creating or editing opportunities you are now able to name sessions. This is great if you have an opportunity that might have sessions on at the same time, say water stations along a marathon route. Using this new feature you could have 5 sessions within the one opportunity, all at the same time but identify them as, Station 1 – at 5Km, Station 2 – at 15 Km and so on.

New and Improved Search

Many of you will have already tried out the new search at various points along its beta testing. We have been able to incorporate much of your suggestions and it should now be much easier for volunteers to find opportunities.

You can now enter a place name in the location field and not just a postcode, this lookup is powered by Google Places which have over 2 million defined areas and places. This is a great improvement as its now possible to perform a search like; show me opps within 2 miles of Liverpool, or Bristol University and so on.

There are extra filters like accessible and expenses paid and the sorting algorithm has been improved. If a search is entered the results are automatically ordered by relevance and those opportunities with the search terms appearing closest together will be at the top.

The new search also prevents empty searches resulting in hundreds of unfiltered opportunities being returned. For those of you lucky enough to have hundreds of available opportunities a user will be asked to enter at least a distance or a search string in order to limit the number of search results.

New Opportunity Applying Process

The applying process for opportunities has now been improved greatly. When an opportunity is marked as APPLYING, volunteers will be able to view the opportunity and its sessions but will not be able to join any sessions. Instead, they are asked to “apply”. At this point, any pre-requisites demanded by the opportunity are completed and then they are passed to an “New Applicant list”.

The applicants for the opportunity are visible on the opportunity management page for the admins/providers. From there you can view their details and pre-requisites and decide whether to approve or deny the application.

Approved volunteers are informed and are then able to join sessions as normal. Denied volunteers are also informed but are not able to join sessions or reapply as they remain in the applicant table as unsuccessful.

Open-badge Awards

You can now create your own badge awards to give to volunteers. These are designed around the OpenBadges system and volunteers will be able to store these badges in their own external badge backpack and use them anywhere where OpenBadges are accepted.

TeamKinetic, Volunteer management software

OpenBadges are a great way to reward volunteers in a way that enables them to build a recognisable portfolio of achievements that they can use to develop their skills everywhere.

Once a badge has been ‘baked’ into their backpack they can choose where and with whom to share that achievement.

In this first iteration, you can only award badges manually using the volunteer profile. We are looking at the possibility of creating automated awards based on a number of criteria; hours, opportunities, length of service etc.  We would love to hear your ideas about the kind of badges you might like to have?

You can get some help designing badges with the great online tool

Extend The Customisation Of Your Site

We have opened up more of the system for much greater customisation by the super admins.

Using the super admin menu you are now able to customise all “registration form labels”, “help titles” and “help content” right from the SETTINGS menu.

Fancy a new front page look? Then check out the new LOOK & FEEL menu and enter your own HTML code for the front page and get a quick preview before saving and making live.

For power users, there is a CSS section where you can change the entire site style if you want. You can target home page elements, links, containers and change margins, colours and anything else you want. The custom CSS file is loaded after all defaults so you can override any existing settings.

If you would like your site to be updated but don’t have the skillset to do it, in-house, drop us a line and one of the team will get in touch to talk through your ideas and potential costs.

POD System

Enterprise clients can now choose a new type of application structure that we call PODs. This enables you to split up the administration of providers and opportunities into PODs and assign administrators to those PODs.

POD administrators only have access to the providers in their POD and the opportunities they have created.

Each POD also has an editable mini homepage that the POD admins can create to advertise their own opportunities.

It’s a great way to enable separate departments within a larger organisation some autonomy whilst keeping all your opportunities in one place for your volunteers.  If you think the POD might be something you and your organisation would like to know about then get in touch with our sales team on 0161 914 5757 and they can talk you through the options.

Day Schedule Report

The day schedule report is available from the REPORTS menu and offers a quick insight into the activity on any day across all opportunities and events.

Simply pick your time period and the report will return all sessions that are  happening within that period, including the volunteers on each session and stats about that session. You can also check in volunteers right from this screen which will log their hours for that session.

Its a super easy way to keep track of what’s going on over the days and weeks ahead.

Invite Volunteers via Email

Invite your existing volunteers via their email address. Just paste a list of comma separated emails or upload a CSV to send out an invite email with a link to reigster on your system. Maintains a list of all invited volunteers and lets you know if they have registered yet. Providers can also upload their own separate lists and if volunteers join via the Linking address in the email, they will automatically be linked to the provider sending the invite.

For administrators you can find it in the SETUP section of the settings menu. For providers it is in the VOLUNTEER menu.

Search and Download Expiring Criminal Checklists

Search for volunteers with expiring criminal checks and also for those criminal check applications that are overdue and download the results.

An enforced maximum validity for a criminal check has been added to your application options screen. Whenever a criminal check is added this date represents the maximum allowable time before the check expires. If an expiry date is entered which is beyond this date it will be reduced to the maximum allowable period.

This ensures that all criminal checks on the system have an expiry date and the new search page makes it easy to find expiring checks and get prepared.

All Transaction Emails Sent via Mandrill

All our transaction emails, that is emails that are sent automatically in response to an action like joining an opportunity, are now sent via Mandrill. Mandrill is one of the largest transactional email platforms, sending billions of messages a month.

This move will aid deliverability and reduce false spam alerts.

That’s the big stuff

This update contains a lot of improvements to TeamKinetic, we encourage you to try out the beta site for yourself. We welcome your thoughts and your feedback, so please don’t be a stranger and get in touch.

Facebook Live interactive sessions are coming soon on all these new features and more, join our ADMIN’S Group now and don’t miss out. 


TeamKinetic v1.1.0 Release Notes

We are gearing up for our Q2 release of TeamKinetic, our flagship volunteer management software, and it’s quite a biggie for an interim.

  • The addition of regionally located opportunities
  • Opportunities you can do at home
  • A completely revamped weekly email
  • The availability of our companion app on Android and iOS,
  • the new function that allows volunteers to “Follow” the providers they like.

We will be sending a notification to all our customers pointing you to this blog and also to encourage you to logon to the beta site and give some feedback on the new features.


Create a volunteer from the admin menu

Admins can now register volunteers directly from their admin menu by going to VOLUNTEER MANAGEMENT > CREATE VOLUNTEER.

Create a volunteer without an email address

The admins ‘Create Volunteer’ registration page differs from the standard registration page as it allows you to create a volunteer without an email address or password. The volunteer cannot log in, so the administrator would be responsible for joining and logging hours for the volunteers account, but this negates the need to make up dummy email addresses and passwords.

If a volunteer does not have an email address, then this is shown on all pages where you can send an email to the volunteer, so you know which volunteers you will need to telephone, rather than email.

Special Requirements Status

Admins and providers can now see very easily if a volunteer requires additional support on an opportunity by the new Special Requirements icons. This helps notify the provider that they need to look at the volunteer’s details and make sure they can accommodate their individual needs.

Custom Volunteer Profile Fields

Are you fed up of using the admin notes section to record information on volunteers? Well, admins can now add custom fields to volunteers that DO NOT appear in the registration page.

This means that you can capture any information on a volunteer including:

  • If they have attended an internal course
  • Any additional information you capture during an induction
  • If they have completed a particular process
  • If they have attended an induction meeting

These custom fields are displayed in the volunteer’s profile, and you can stipulate who can see the information (volunteer, provider or just administrators)

Volunteer photos on Find Volunteers page

You can now see the volunteers photo next to their names by going to VOLUNTEER MANAGEMENT > FIND VOLUNTEERS and clicking the SEARCH button.


There is often a trusty volunteer who is on the ground and is in a much better position than the provider to help volunteers and to know which volunteers have turned up. These users can now be marked as “TeamLeaders” giving them the ability to mark whether other volunteers have attended the opportunity, which also logs the provider hours on the opportunity. You can specify the number of TeamLeaders you want per session which is independent of the number you set for volunteers.

TeamLeaders have no effect on Flexible opportunities as the checking in process is not relevant.

TeamLeaders are not currently supported on the iOS and Android apps, if you have TeamLeaders enabled users will not be prompted to try the app till TeamLeaeder functionality is included.

Following and Favourites

We have added the ability for volunteers to follow providers and opportunity categories that they like or are particularly interested in.

Once followed, whenever a new opportunity is added by their favourite providers or in their favourite categories they will receive an email with the details so they can jump in quick.

Weekly Email

The weekly email volunteers receive that summarises what’s going on in the following week has been radically overhauled. It is now far nicer to look at and includes details of any events that are going on that week, any new opportunities that have been added since the last email, and any opportunities that have sessions in the coming week. Additionally, any sessions the volunteer has joined for the upcoming week are listed.

This email goes out every Friday evening at 6:30 pm(GMT) to all those volunteers that have opted in to receiving emails and also to all those volunteers that have sessions in the coming week.

Below is an example from Queen Elizabeth Park, each email will carry the colours and branding of your site and contain your most relevant content.

TeamKinetic - new email format

You can switch the weekly email off from your super admin settings page at SETTINGS > APPLICATION OPTIONS > EVERYTHING ELSE

As always we love your feedback on these types of changes, so let us know what you think by emailing us here

Session Calendar

The session calendar now excludes sessions where the maximum number of volunteers has already been reached. In addition, any sessions in the past, that have not already been joined, do not have an active link.

This gives us a faster calendar and we prioritise sessions that are still available to join leading to a less frustrating experience for the user.

Volunteer Session Display

We’ve added a handy session view to the volunteer details page. Previously you could see the opportunities a volunteer was on and then drill down to the sessions, which was fine for most of our users.

Some users are however much more focused on sessions rather than opportunities and it was a drag having to find the opp and then the sessions. This new view available from the sessions tab on the volunteer info page lists all sessions from 6 months ago (we will be adding new searching and filtering in future releases). Any that are in the past can be quickly checked in and the hours logged. Its a great way to spot sessions where the provider has yet to log the volunteers hours.

Mobile App Prompt

We will now be giving users the chance to download our mobile companion apps from the login screen. If a volunteer accesses the login screen using an iOS or Android device they will be prompted to open the app store and download the app.

Please note that TeamLeaders are not yet supported in the mobile app.

Custom Provider Profile Questions

As for volunteers, you can now also add your own custom questions to a provider profile to store specific information you might require against each provider.

You can add these from the same place as registration custom questions in SETTINGS > CUSTOM QUESTIONS from the super admin menu.

These questions are private and not viewable or editable by the providers.

Email History

Providers can now view their email history from ACCOUNT DETAILS > EMAIL LOG. This includes emails they have sent and those they have received from the system, like opportunity joining notifications.

Admins can also see any providers email log via the providers profile page. The volunteer email log has been available since the last update.



More Opportunity Location Types

When creating opportunities you can now specify if the opportunity ‘covers an area’ (e.g. posting leaflets or visiting the elderly). This shows as a large circle on the map and also allows you to describe the area (e.g. North San Francisco)

You can also mark an opportunity location as ‘volunteer from home’.

Both types of new opportunity locations are available as filters, which brings us to…

New Search Filter

Volunteers can instantly filter their search results in a more user-friendly way with the addition of filters along the left side of the search results. Here you can limit the search to a particular category, opportunity type or tag etc.

Better Search Matching

We have included the ability to search for names and words with apostrophes that will match whether the apostrophe is there or not, so St David’s will match St David’s and St Davids.

Conflict Checking

Volunteers will no longer be able to join sessions that overlap in time. If they try, they will receive an alert letting them know they can’t join the session because it conflicts with an existing one.

Route Calculation

Volunteers can now calculate a route from their home location to the opportunity by car, public transport or cycle. This is accessible from the opportunity details page before they join an opportunity and from the opportunity management page location tab, if they have already joined.

route screen shot

Session Confirmation

Previously we only sent the session confirmation email, which consists of a summary of the sessions joined for the opportunity, the first time a user joins an opportunity per user session. This method was used to reduce the number of emails a volunteer receives immediately after joining multiple sessions. This however proved to confuse the users who were suspicious of what the screen was showing them if they did not receive a confirmation email.

The confirmation email is now sent every time they join a session regardless.  We would be interested to hear your thoughts on how you think this may impact the volunteer and if you have any feedback we would love to hear it.



Day Schedule report

Have you ever come in on a Monday morning and wondered what volunteering activity is happening that week. The latest update includes a report which shows you exactly what opportunity sessions are happening that day, week, or on an opportunity or event.

The new ‘Day Schedule’ report allows you to view a list of all sessions that are taking place on a particular day (or range of days) by going to REPORTING > REPORTS & ANALYSIS then click on the OPPORTUNITIES tab and scroll to the bottom of the page.

These also contain the list of TeamLeaders currently on the session and it also allows you to flip a volunteer from a regular to TeamLeader roles.

Day schedule

Opportunity Tags report

You can now see how many opportunities are tagged with a specific word, and how many hours have been logged against it. To access this report go to: Reporting > Reports & Analysis > Opportunities from side menu then scroll down the page.

Opp Tag report

Orbit Summary Reports

For those of you in an Orbit network, you can now search across the entire Orbit for volunteers, providers and opportunities. You can quickly find out what Orbit member a resource belongs to, and some useful information about each resource.

This is available from its own menu entry ORBIT SUMMARY. This will only be visible for administrators of Orbit systems.


Complete references yourself

If you like all your volunteers to have a reference before they join any opportunities, then this update will certainly be of interest.

Admins can now complete references themselves, or they can manually send a reference form to a referee. This allows you to hold references against volunteers before they have even joined an opportunity.

We have also added the ability to re-submit a reference to the original referee.


This update contains a lot of improvements to TeamKinetic, we encourage you to try out the beta site for yourself.

We welcome your thoughts and your feedback on these changes if you wish to share them with us just drop me a quick email.

We would love to see you all at our conference this year, where we can talk about the future developments in TeamKinetic in much greater detail. If you have not claimed your free ticket yet, then head to your application or call us in the office on 0161 914 5757 and we will get you booked on.



TeamKinetic Go Mobile: TeamKinetic Volunteering App

Please note: This post is outdated, you can take a look at our new and improved mobile app here.

TeamKinetic are proud to announce we are now mobile! With the release of an iOS and Android App, volunteering has never been more accessible and easier.

Following our last annual volunteering conference, the demand to create a mobile app for volunteers has been high and at the forefront of our road map for development. Following some careful consideration TeamKinetic have developed the App and we are pleased to announce it is now available in the iTunes Store and Google Play.

To use the app, volunteers need to have previously registered online with an organisation’s volunteer website portal before being able to sign on. Registered volunteers are then able to search for opportunities from all providers that advertise on or use a TeamKinetic System via the app.

In a simple four step process volunteers can search for opportunities, log hours, leave feedback and edit personal details and much more:

  1. Register online via provider website (i.e MCRVIP)
  2. Download TeamKinetic App
  3. Sign In using login credentials
  4. Search and join volunteer opportunities

For those of you interested, we continue to explain the process and factors considered for designing the app below.

Why is the app not specific to an organisation?

It is technically very difficult to brand an application. It is not possible for us to upload a variant of the native application for every organisation. We have settled for a system wide app that will include branding details of the volunteers home organisation once they have logged in.

What is the best feature/s on the app?

Both the Android and iOS apps contain super convenient notification systems that alert a volunteer to any upcoming sessions right in their phones notification panel. These work whether the device as internet connectivity or not.

TeamKinetic App

Why do volunteers need to have previously registered online before using the system?

Our existing customers were nervous that users that find the app before registering with their local volunteering organisation would never realise the full potential of their local volunteer network, only being exposed to shared opportunities. For this reason, we decided that the application would be a companion app for existing users.

TeamKinetic App Screenshot

Any additional questions and answers you think may be relevant?

The app will be advertised to all users logging in through their home organisation when using a mobile device. In addition, we will be using regular notifications to let users know there is a mobile app available and adding a footnote to the weekly emails with download links.

We think that volunteers will find more opportunities and log more hours when they can search for opportunities whenever and wherever they are.

If you have any further questions or would like to find our more on TeamKinetic’s app or volunteer management software, please get in touch with one of our team.


You can find TeamKinetic on social media and listen to our podcast:

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