Volunteer management systems are beneficial to organisations- we think everyone knows this. But sometimes, organisations may find they’re struggling to convince others a software is what they need. And a lot of the time that’s down to cost and budget…
Leaders are likely to look straight at the price and make a decision straight away. Volunteer management software is an investment for your organisation and your leadership should understand this! Building a business case to go alongside the pricing will help massively in convincing the decision makers software is the way to go.
“Aren’t our volunteers free?”
At some point, we’ve all heard this phrase. The illusion that volunteers mean free is simply false. Putting time and effort into volunteer processes shows volunteers that you’re the real deal- that you’re investing in their benefits too. While volunteers may be helping for free, managing rotas, sessions and volunteer satisfaction comes at a cost.
Why don’t you take a look at the amount of time you’ll save once a volunteer management software has been implemented compared to the cost of said software. By knowing just how much time (and money) would be saved in the long run, you might find that your colleagues would be open to investing.
“We currently don’t have the budget for this…”
This might be disheartening, but it isn’t a straight no- it allows you the time to build up a stronger business case to come back to. Senior management may want to move forward, but just don’t have the budget at the moment. So in the meantime, strengthening your case for a VMS means it’s top of the list when there’s a budget available.
Is there anything in your current budget you could live without? If you think a volunteer management system is a high priority- is there anything lower in priorities you’re currently spending money on? It could be worth foregoing one thing (for now) to allow for a VMS that can transform your volunteer management.
It might also be worth pointing out any other software in use, say for expenses or donor management software. For many volunteer management systems, they have this software already embedded in their software. TeamKinetic offers expense features which means volunteers can claim their expenses after an opportunity, and managers can track it. It may be worth looking into what each system supports- you may find yourself saving money!
“Is it really needed?”
In today’s circumstances- volunteer management software is a must. For any organisation looking to organise, manage, plan and communicate with volunteers, a VMS is a no brainer. With a volunteer management system you can do everything from one webpage- from one site. And, your volunteers can do the same.
With volunteer management software you can combine multiple sectors of a volunteers journey, streamlining the process and making it faster for volunteers to start doing what they love. For example, volunteers might have to complete a DBS check. TeamKinetic allows DBS checks within our system, so everything stays in one place.
Along with streamlining, communicating with volunteers is easy. With profiles, you’ll always have access to the best (and preferred) ways a volunteer wants to be contacted. Need to check in? Want to ask them about a recent volunteering opportunity? Head to their profile and give them a ring, a call or a quick text.
You can also introduce volunteers to each other through groups. This way, a volunteer never feels they’re turning up an opportunity alone. With groups and opportunity chat, volunteers can feel included before they’ve even started volunteering.
Is that all for your business case?
That’s just a small number of ways volunteer management software can transform the way your organisation includes volunteers. Sometimes, people (both volunteers and volunteer managers) need just a little push to get onboard with a VMS; once implemented we find people rarely ever go back…
You can explore more of TeamKinetic’s features by starting a free trial- from creating opportunities to the volunteer side, take a look at the ways TeamKinetic can make volunteering easier for everyone.
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