Tag: volunteer management software Page 26 of 36

Why Do Women Volunteer More Than Men?

A group of female volunteers. Women in volunteering. Volunteer management.

Recent data from Time Well Spent shows that there are more women in volunteering than men. Taking a closer look at the data might tell us why.

  • NCVO’s demographic analysis shows that 40% of women have volunteered in 2017/18 compared to 35% of men. Furthermore, 23% of women had volunteered in the month before data collection, but only 21% of men had.
  • Similarly, the Office for National Statistics found that although participation rates for men and women were similar (41% and 42% respectively), the time each gender spent volunteering was very different. Women, on average, spent 15.7 minutes per day volunteering while men only spent 11.3 minutes per day in voluntary work.
  • TeamKinetic’s data supports this analysis with 60% of registered volunteers identifying as female and 40% as male from a total of 100,000 volunteers.

These discrepancies suggest that either something is preventing men from spending more time volunteering, or something is pushing women to volunteer more.

A Way To Make New Friends?

The NCVO report mentioned that women viewed the social aspect of volunteering as a motivation to sign up. 23% of women joined to make new friends/meet new people in comparison to the 18% of men who signed up for the same reason. As a consequence of volunteering, women reported that they felt more confident (76%) than men (71%). Interestingly, female efforts to make new friends appeared to have been more successful than their male counterparts’. Women reported fewer instances of conflict or tension compared to men (25% vs 32%).

Aside from the social side, volunteering can also have a significant positive impact on mental health for both sexes.

Young People Planning For Their Futures

I spoke to some of my peers who have volunteered in the past. The majority of them either did it to gain work experience of some sort, or because their friends were doing it. In today’s job market, experience is vital. At least two-thirds of employers are looking for graduates with relevant work experience.

I volunteered at a local charity shop a few years ago to gain work experience and because my friend worked there. I had a great time and it definitely helped me get a job afterwards.

MMU Student, Lois.

If using volunteer work to gain relevant work experience is a trend amongst young people, perhaps the gender differences in volunteering rates will become level soon. However, we must also acknowledge the various other factors that affect volunteer rates such as age, socio-economic status, and race.

Not All Sunshine and Rainbows

Infographic: Women in volunteering are less likely to represent the organisation they volunteer for than men.

Despite the majority of volunteers being female, there are still some aspects of volunteering that may be letting these hard-working women down. Many women (62%) don’t believe they can have much impact on the organisations they volunteer for. Men are more confident in this area, with 70% of them believing they can make a significant influence on organisations. A reason for this could be the higher ratio of men to women in representative roles. Research suggests that women are more likely to help at an event rather than go to meetings on behalf of the organisation like male volunteers.

This behaviour could be seen as stereotypical and may be due to outdated societal norms. These norms are being broken down. Men and women are becoming more equal. As a result, the expected stereotypes are fading away, but it is happening too slowly.

Flexibility First?

Stereotypes do not appear to affect the number of women in volunteering roles. So why do they volunteer?

Data suggests that flexible roles attract female volunteers. This can refer to the organisation being flexible themselves, or the volunteering opportunities they are offering. For example, perhaps the sessions are one-offs or aren’t set to certain times/days of each week. The want for flexibility may be driven by a range of factors such as family, work, or social commitments. Organisations and volunteer managers should recognise the needs of their volunteers to get the most out of them.

Let’s Flip The Question

We’ve asked why there are more women in volunteering than men, but why are there fewer men in volunteering? What’s stopping them?

Societal norms could be blamed; the conditioning of men to be the main provider may make them think they have no time for volunteering, or even that it’s a waste of time! In the past, a lack of male-focused roles may have been to blame. Nowadays there are a large variety of roles available on a range of websites, such as universities, councils, and sports clubs.

Research from 2016 suggested that male volunteers needed something specific to ‘hook’ them into volunteer work. They’d be likely to work with an organisation they already had a connection to. On the other hand, women appear to volunteer for social reasons and to help the community.

Curious About Your Own Volunteers?

TeamKinetic’s volunteer management software can help you analyse the demographics of your volunteers, e.g. the ratio of male to female volunteers. This can give you great insight into who your volunteering opportunities are attracting.

Find out how TeamKinetic can work with you to recruit, manage, and retain your student volunteers by visiting our website or calling us on 0161 914 5757.

You can also find us on social media: TwitterFacebookLinkedIn, and YouTube. We share and create content suitable for anyone interested in volunteering!

Check out our blogs on Women in Sport and Creating a Legacy Post-Women’s World Cup for more content like this.

Introducing TeamKinetic: Alex – Rising To New Challenges

How My Marketing Journey Began

Marketing was never something I thought about properly until year 10 in school when I chose business studies as one of my GCSE options. Marketing was a big part of the subject and I loved it. Studying it in depth throughout GCSE and A Levels made me realise that I had secretly always had a love for marketing, even when I didn’t know exactly what it was. The ability of adverts, a simple 2-minute video, to make people feel emotions they couldn’t even experience in some 2-hour films was amazing to me. Basically, I’m talking about every John Lewis Christmas advert ever!

The bear and hare from John Lewis' 2013 Christmas advertisement.
The bear and the hare from the 2013 John Lewis Christmas advert.

Getting Into Volunteering

I grew up with quite a big family. Having three separate households of aunts/uncles/cousins on one road, you could say that we were quite close! This strong family presence shaped me as a person and introduced me to my first volunteering experiences. My grandad and uncle were both pastors at our local church and once I was old enough, I started to help around a lot more.

My first proper role came on the annual church holiday where members of churches across the UK would come together for a week. I volunteered to help run a class for kids aged 4 – 7. This involved helping to plan and carry out activities for them, ensuring they all had fun and that everything ran smoothly. Although it was a lot of fun, it was also challenging as I had no experience looking after a group of children of this size prior to the event. I certainly had no experience trying to sort out the drama that somehow arises between such young children! On the whole, it was a valuable experience for me as I had proper responsibility over a group of children and could help to positively shape their holiday experience.

Social Media Surprises

Let’s go back to summer in 2016 for a minute. Most people were out enjoying the sunny weather after breaking up from school for the holidays while I was stuck in bed, feeling ill, binge-watching The Great British Bake Off. Sounds like a boring way to spend part of your summer but it actually changed my life a little bit. After watching endless episodes of the show, I decided, in my boredom, to create a Twitter account based on the things contestants say but taken out of context. No Context Bake Off was born – an account that now has around 116k followers and has highlighted to me how quickly things can spread on social media.

No Context Bake Off Twitter page. Social Media.
Screenshot of the No Context Bake Off Twitter account.

Volunteering Numbers On The Rise

Back to the present day now! I sit here reflecting on an incredible holiday in France watching the Women’s World Cup with a true appreciation for the volunteer work that has contributed to the success of the tournament so far. I remember sitting in PSG’s Parc Des Princes stadium for the USA v Chile game as the announcer told us that there were 2,500 volunteers for the World Cup that year. This is an increase on the 2,000 that were at the 2015 Women’s World Cup in Canada. I hope it’s a figure that increases further at the 2023 Women’s World Cup too.

Volunteers at the FIFA Women's World Cup 2019. Volunteering in football.
Volunteers at the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2019.

Although I am yet to sign up to any opportunities, I did sign up to the MMU Sport volunteering page after I joined the women’s football team in my first year at university. Little did I know I’d be embarking on a placement year at the company who runs the page!

On a Personal Note…

My biggest regret of the past few years is not throwing myself into volunteering opportunities. I was too nervous to do things alone and because of that, I’ve probably missed countless chances to do something of value and really grow as a person. This regret is fuelling my willingness to learn and grow over the course of this placement. Hopefully, I’ll put myself forward for volunteer work in the near future.

I’m excited to start at TeamKinetic and get some proper hands-on experience in marketing. It will also give me a chance to learn more about volunteering and volunteer management. If like me you have a sudden urge to do some voluntary work, you should head over to TryVolunteering to find an opportunity that works for you!

For more information on volunteer management software visit our website or contact one of our team members on – 01619145747

Why Do You Need Volunteer Management Software?

Fail To Plan, Plan To Fail!

Strategy and planning is one of the most important parts in being successful regardless of you’re doing. The right software can help ensure that you stay on top of all your volunteering opportunities far more efficiently than a spreadsheet. With TeamKinetic you can have your own customised volunteering portal where you can monitor everything that is going on within your organisation and start to plan.

TeamKinetic has a whole host of features aimed at enabling your volunteer programme; reminder notifications for volunteers via text and email, automated weekly newsletters that include the volunteer’s sessions, new events and opportunities, great searching so volunteers can find the best opportunities for them, and comprehensive reports to guide your strategy.

We have organisations from many industries who all have had great success using our volunteer management software and you can find out all about how TeamKinetic works for them.

Reward To Retain

Although many volunteers do great work without expecting anything back, it would be naive to assume that giving them something in return for their efforts would not be a factor in improving retention. These incentives do not have to be large or valuable, just tokens of your appreciation which go a long way in showing that you care for the people who volunteer for you.

Retention is a running theme in a lot of successful volunteers programmes so this should be a high priority. Teamkinetic volunteer management software uses a badge reward system. There are automated badges awarded for reaching volunteer hour goals and fully customisable OpenBadges that can be awarded for any reason. This is a great way to motivate your volunteers as it will give them a sense of achievement when they reach the next badge and level.

Make Your Time More Productive

If you are solely responsible for managing the volunteers in your organisation this will take up a large chunk of your time. With TeamKinetic we aim to make the managing of volunteers as easy and as quick as possible.

TeamKinetic will give you more time for high priority tasks rather than worrying about where people are and if they’re doing the correct thing at the right time, giving you more time to plan and effect your volunteer strategy.

Video Tutorials

Our YouTube channel is packed with videos that show you the different ways we can help you and your volunteer programme.

How Can TeamKinetic Help You?

For the last 10 years TeamKinetic have been making market leading volunteer management software for hundreds of organisations in numerous industries. If you are in need of recruiting, managing and retaining both new and existing volunteers please do not hesitate to get in contact. Our expert help lines are open 9-5 Monday-Friday (0161 9145757) where any questions you have about to system can get answered. Alternatively you can send any email inquiries to info@teamkinetic.co.uk.

How to adopt digital technology into your organisation

Evidently, over the last 10-20 years, technology has made big advancements and has impacted almost everything that we do. The debate still goes on however, there are those that have really embraced it and those that want nothing to do with it at all.

Failure to innovate

Volunteer Management Software, Netflix, Blockbusters, Volunteering, Better Impact, Volunteer software, volunteer managers
Netflix Pacman eating a block busters sign

Innovation is the development of a certain value that meets a new need of your volunteers, staff, supporters. In the early 2000s Blockbusters was one of the biggest DVD rental companies in the world. But they failed to innovate and adapt, which led to their demise. Blockbusters didn’t envision a future for digital, after enormous opportunities to take over Netflix. Now, look at who’s leading the way for streaming services world wide.

Toys R Us is another example of an organisation that wasn’t willing to change due to its dominance in the market, that was until Amazon showed up!

With the browsing experience becoming digitised, most of us can find anything we are looking for on our phone from the comfort of our home. Toys R Us could have shifted to offer a fully integrated online experience but instead was left stranded with no online presence and the near-impossible task of catching up.

The take from this is that the world is changing and the third sector just as much as any private organisation will be affected. But the true lesson is small and large organisations alike need to continue to put time and budget into innovation or prepare to fail!

Why all third-sector organisations need to be using digital technology

Technology is present in everyone’s daily life, from how we get about, shop and communicate. So it’s no surprise that technology is developing the connection between volunteers and non-profit organisations.

As of June 2018, 55.1% of the world’s population had internet access. More than 3 billion people around the world now use social media each month, with 9 in 10 of those users accessing their chosen platforms via mobile devices.

So why do all third-sector organisations need to be using digital technology?

Tell your story to the world

volunteering, world wide web, volunteer management software, charity, volunteer systems, Free volunteer management,
World Wide Web image

People can’t support you if they don’t know who you are. So having a strong website is one of the most important resources organisations can have.

A website can also allow visitors to donate, view events and even volunteer for you. Implementing these functions can make it easier to develop relationships with a wider audience and increase support towards your organisation.

Having your own volunteer website allows visitors to interact with your organisation directly. A good website will communicate your mission to the world and showcase your community impact!

Don’t go extinct, get online

Volunteer management software, volunteering, volunteer management system, technology, cloud based, social media, non-profit, charity
Image of social media icons

If you’re not online, you’re pretty much non-existent. All non-profit organisations should be active on social media and engaging with hundreds of potential supporters and volunteers.

Social media can have a huge impact on non-profit organisations. Individuals can volunteer from the comfort of their homes with the use of just a mobile. A great example of this one of our international clients Humanity Road.

Humanity Road pioneered the new generation of humanitarian relief through social listening. When disaster strikes, Humanity Road helps to solve critical needs through innovative applications of technology and the power of social media!

Take advantage of cloud based software

volunteer management software, website, cloud based software, volunteering, volunteer systems, volunteer managers, sport
Cloud based software image

Often the goal for a non-profit is to achieve organisation milestones whilst keeping operating costs down. Switching to a volunteer management software may seem costly, but the reality is, IT’S NOT!

Cloud-based software can save you hundreds even thousands of pounds in the long-term. Having a SaaS (Software as a server) means you only pay for what you need and most cloud solutions scale on demand to meet changing needs.

Good cloud-based software will allow you to work from anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection. With more people using mobiles than ever, this on-the-go access can transform and increase opportunities amongst your team.

If you’re still unsure try our FREE volunteer management system and give your volunteer program the revamp it needs.

What TeamKinetic is doing to make a better impact

We believe that technology has the capability to change the world for good. TeamKinetic helps to build better volunteer communities by providing great tools for volunteer managers that save time, make a better impact and improve insight. Our goal is to make volunteering easy for everyone no matter what. But don’t take our word for it, why not check out our customer review

For more information on volunteer management software visit our website or contact one of our team members on – 0161 914 5747

Millennials – The Volunteers Of Tomorrow

Being in the voluntary sector, we are all too aware of the importance of youth volunteers. Inspiring the millennials will create your next generation of reliable, hardworking volunteers. But how exactly do you go about doing that?

28% of millennials volunteered in the USA last year. They did 1.5 million hours of service in total, which is worth an estimated $36.7 billion. This just shows how valuable the voluntary sector can actually be to a country’s economy.

How Important Is The Next Line Of Volunteers?

HotelManagement.net recognise as much as we do the importance of the next line of volunteers. They spoke to the current ’30 under 30′ members and asked how they help out through volunteering or how they would like to if they had more time on their hands.

Barry D. Allen who is a General Manager at Double Tree Hilton says that if he were to have more time, he would dedicate it to going out into the community and promoting jobs within the hospitality industry. He says that he often meets people and thinks ‘why are they not in the hospitality industry?’. This would also help societal issues such as unemployment.

Volunteering is always top of mind for Bianca Destout, account executive at Marcus Hotels & Resorts “I can always find the time to be involved in my community because it is something that is very important to me,” she said. “I am a Big Sister through Big Brothers Big Sisters and have been for four years. This involves frequent outings with my 13-year-old men-tee in my free time. I am also on the Young Professionals Board for Make-a-Wish Wisconsin and I volunteer at several local events organized by our hotel human resources team and United Way.”

How To Attract Youth Volunteers

Gaining a good collective of young volunteers can be the key to having a successful long-running volunteer programme. Using incentives can initially be good to attract the younger volunteer audience. This does not have to be a paid incentive, many young people are looking for experience to build their CV’s. Meaning a good reference/developing skills can be worth more than monetary/material perks.

Having said this, it would not be unfair to suggest that giving them incentives would make them want to do more/ get involved. The perks in question have to be appropriate for the organisation putting out the opportunities. They cannot put a financial strain on themselves otherwise it will make the whole purpose of volunteering redundant. Getting young volunteers is obviously a fantastic thing however you don’t want to jeopardize the finances/future of the organisation.

Where To Find Youth Volunteers

Often the problem with getting a new line of volunteers is the initial contact with them. A great place to start if you’re looking for young hungry volunteers will be universities, colleges and schools. Educational establishments are usually very keen to speak to anyone that would be able to benefit their students’ futures. The key thing to getting in to talk to students about your opportunities is to get the schools on board with what you want to achieve and how that can also benefit them. Ways you can do this is through doing presentations and building awareness of your volunteer programmes online.

How TeamKinetic Can Help

For the last 10 years, TeamKinetic have been making market-leading volunteer management software for organisations in numerous industries. If you are in need of recruiting, managing and retaining both new and existing volunteers please do not hesitate to get in contact.

Our expert helplines are open 9am – 5pm Monday – Friday (0161 914 5757) where any questions you have about the system can get answered. Alternatively, you can send any email inquiries to info@teamkinetic.co.uk.

The impact of volunteers on England Lacrosse and its players

TeamKinetic recently got to the chance to chat with Daniel Eckersall on his preparation for the upcoming world indoor lacrosse championships held in Canada.

Get to know a little background to how he got started and the impact volunteers have had on Lacrosse as a sport and the players involved.

volunteering, TeamKinetic, Lacrosse, Volunteer management software, managing volunteers, sport, Better Impact, Events, Better Impact
Daniel Eckersall with his Team mates

A little bit about Daniel

Daniel started to learn and play the game of field Lacrosse at Cheadle Lacrosse club, he later made the move to play for Stockport. He has been playing Lacrosse for the last 7 years and only getting better!

During this time he has won the junior Flags and league multiple times whilst also competing in Ghent where Stockport were crowned European champions twice. Daniel has also had the honour of leading the North West side to a plate victory in 2018. More recently he has captained his side to win the cup at the Nick Kehoe Invitational.

Dan was introduced to Box Lacrosse when he played for Heaton Hornets in the 2015 Tasko cup and later joined the London Knights. His success led to being selected to represent England at the Ebox before being selected for the upcoming World Indoor Lacrosse Championships.

TeamKinetic, volunteering, volunteer management software, sport, events, volunteer, England
Daniel going for goal

Creating an impact

What impact have volunteers had on lacrosse and its success

Lacrosse in the UK would cease to exist if it wasn’t for the help and dedication of volunteers, whether that be at the grassroots level or the elite international lacrosse level; coaching, refereeing, transporting and everything else which goes on behind the scenes to keep any sports club running.

Our success as a nation has been built on volunteers dedicating their time and lives to help the sport grow nationwide. This has resulted in England lacrosse winning gold at previous European championships at field and ranking as the 5th highest nation in Indoor.

What you hope to achieve at the world champs?

My aim for the world championships this September is to maintain that top 5 position in the world and hopefully push that up to an even higher ranking. As an offensive player, there is the added pressure to make this happen but I’m looking forward to the challenge!

How do you hope to use your success as a way of motivating younger players to do the same?

My success as a player has come from having great coaches who volunteer their time to develop this great sport even further.

Having the privilege of representing England this September has given me a passion for helping develop this sport even further. Using the success from this I aim to carry on supporting and helping out at events and junior training sessions.

I want to help improve the next generation of Box Lacrosse players so that they can come away with the same experiences I’ve had the pleasure of being part of. It would be great to see them wear the England jersey and play alongside the best in the world themselves!

Lacrosse, volunteering, sport, volunteer management software, managing volunteers, England, TeamKinetic, Events
Daniel walking to the pitch in his London Knights kit


With a 23 man squad travelling out to Vancouver in September to represent England in the World Indoor Lacrosse Championships, funding is required to cover the cost of their trip.

Unfortunately, due to the nature and popularity of the sport in the UK each player is expected to fund all aspects of this privilege from; Entry fee, travel, accommodation, playing kit, off pitch England, branded clothing etc. which has been estimated at around £2,500 each player.

The team has had a lot of success in the past and they hope to capitalise on that during the world championships. Any support would be greatly appreciated and would go a long way!

Here is a link to their MyDonate page where you can help the team achieve the fundraising target and ensure the longevity of the fantastic sport!

Lacrosse, England, volunteering, sport, volunteer management software, volunteer system
England Lacrosshe logo

For more information on how TeamKinetic can assist with your volunteer management and getting the best out of all your volunteers visit our website or contact them on – 0161 914 5757

How Can YOUR Not-For-Profit Prepare For Brexit?

You may not know much about Brexit considering it’s not spoken about every single day! There are many rules and regulations that will affect the economy and organisations as a direct result of Brexit. This also applies to civil society organisations or Not-for-profits. So, how exactly can these types of organisations prepare for Brexit?

Do You Have EU Employees Or EU Volunteers?

If you are an EU citizen the government will be fully committed to safeguarding the rights of those who are legally living within the UK. Essentially what this means is that even when we leave the European Union you will not just be left or forgotten about!

You will still to be able to do all your volunteering opportunities the same as you did before, so there is no need to worry about that!!

Will My Organisation Still Receive EU Funding?

The UK will continue to work with organisations that have EU funded programmes that have been running from 2014 up until 2020. In the event of a no-deal Brexit, the government will be making people aware of the projects that have been agreed to be continued before we leave the EU. If you are funded by a country not in the EU, this will not be affected as it will have no relation to Brexit regardless if there is a deal or no deal.

What To Do If You Receive Personal Data From The EU

In the event of no-deal, if your organisation receives personal data from within the European Union this will greatly affect the way your organisation operates. One of the major implications that may possibly affect your organisation is that you must be fully GDPR compliant, this won’t be an issue for many as GDPR has been a requirement for some time now. For full information on data protection guidelines please click here.

What If We Import/Export Goods From With The EU?

There are many resources full of information about what is going to happen if we leave the European Union with no deal in regards to trading. For more information on specific scenarios that will be relevant to your organisation please click here. This will affect you if you import resources for your volunteering opportunities from other countries.

NVCO Research On Further Brexit Implications On Charities

The NCVO (National Council for Voluntary Organisations) has many documents available on their website detailing specific details about volunteering and Brexit. For further information please visit their website here.

Volunteer Management- How TeamKinetic Can Help

If you are at all interested in making your volunteer programme the best it can possibly be with your own volunteer management software system, please do not hesitate to get into contact with TeamKinetic. We are available weekdays from 9am – 5pm for any phone support or inquiries you may have or alternatively you can email us on sales@teamkinetic.co.uk.

You can also visit our website at teamkinetic.co.uk.

Why volunteering was the best decision I ever made

Quite the title! But very true.

If you had previously read my introduction blog, you will know that I’m a big advocate for volunteering, regardless of what sector you work in.

volunteering, sports, volunteer management, TeamKinetic, Better Impact, Volunteer management software
Volunteering at the HSBC UK national cycling centre

For me, volunteering is not just about giving up a few hours a week. It’s all about the changes you can be responsible for an organisation or a local community, the benefits you receive and the opportunities volunteering leads to.

Before coming to university, I worked in the third sector, and I knew I always had a passion for the music and events industry. I just did not have the experience or a way into the local industry. Through volunteering for charity events and volunteering at registration desks for music networking events, I was able to build a great set of connections.

This not only led to helping out at events for smaller companies such as Indy Man Beer Festival and Off the Record music conference but also to help land me some amazing jobs with my volunteer experiences.

So for anyone who hasn’t volunteered before, here are my top 5 reasons to start!

You get to meet new people!

Volunteering is a fantastic way to meet people who you may not have crossed path with otherwise and can act as really great networking tools.

You may end up meeting other volunteers working in the job or industry you want to be in, or just cracking people you can stay in touch with and become friends with.

You’ll be giving back to the community

Many volunteering opportunities are linked to community causes: such as Manchester Cares; volunteering for local hospitals or even volunteering for Scouts!

Some of these local causes often have little or no funding, so giving a few hours a week to help the running of these services can be crucial. It can be a great opportunity to give back to the people who need it most!

It is an easy way to develop your skills

Volunteering is a sure fire way to develop new skills and enhance the ones you already possess. There are several volunteering roles available, so it’s best to look at ones which really suit your personality and skill set.

I have often seen volunteer marketing roles for charities which are a great way to build your experience and knowledge without committing to a full-time role in that field. It doesn’t have to be all professional, volunteering is a great way to build confidence and softer skills like communication and teamwork.

Its actually good for your health!

Studies have shown that volunteering is a good way to lower stress levels, help combat depression, provide a sense of purpose and to even encourage happiness.

The more volunteering you do, the more benefits you’ll experience; but don’t think that this needs to be constant dedication or a long-term commitment. Volunteering should always fit around your life and schedule, and remember it’s ok to have a day off every once in a while!

You can gain a new perspective of life

From my own personal experience, I have met wonderful people from all walks of life. More often than not, these people have completely different journeys to mine; by learning about their lives I have been able to see the world quite differently.

Whether you volunteer locally or abroad for a good cause, there’s always a strong chance you will meet someone who will change your opinion and view of the world.

Festival, volunteering, music, volunteer management software, volunteer system, volunteer manager, Better Impact, TeamKinetic
Working at download festival

So, if you’re thinking of volunteering and unsure where to start, check out a few of the websites below.

Best of luck with your volunteering journeys,

El x

For more information on how TeamKinetic can assist with your volunteer management and getting the best out of all your volunteers visit their website or contact them on – 0161 914 5757

Elham Afzal Introduction volunteer blog

volunteer, volunteer ,management software, volunteering, events, sports
El Volunteering

My name is Elham Afzal (I go by El), and I’ll be guest blogging for TeamKinetic talking about my volunteer experience, and some of my career and professional life. As you will probably be seeing a few posts from me, I thought I would introduce myself and give you a feel of who I am and my journey.

About me

Currently, I am a 2nd Year Events Management student at Manchester Metropolitan University. Alongside my studies, I work as a: Course Rep support staff for the MMU Union; a Social Media Assistant for Research in Arts and Humanities at MMU; as well as a Venue Operations Manager (Student Staff) for the local Manchester Academy Music Venue.

So I am quite a busy bee, as you can imagine! However, I worked full time before coming to university to gain my Bachelor’s degree so having free time was quite a strange transition and why I’ve been keeping myself busy the last couple of years.

What volunteering means to me

Volunteering has always been part of my schedule, pre- and during university life! I have volunteered for Manchester Futsal (for just under 2 years now); Manchester Cares and British University Taekwondo League; as well as heaps of other sports and events related volunteering such as the GB Taekwondo championships.

Futsal, volunteer, volunteer system, TeamKinetic, volunteer management software, Better Impact
Futsal team photo

Being a volunteer has really helped build and develop my personal and professional skill set, as well as giving me great networking opportunities and the opportunity to enhance my CV. I’m not just saying that as well. My latest job opportunities have mentioned in my interviews the fact that the volunteering has built up a more well-rounded character, and helped me build on my industry knowledge.

Impact volunteering has had on me

My favourite thing about volunteering is that it a great introduction to an industry or job role that you may have never considered before. I have notoriously been rubbish with sports.

In year 9 I was kicked out of mandatory PE because my asthma was so uncontrolled, and I have always HATED any kind of exercise growing up, just because I could never do it.

Volunteering with sports at university has completely changed my perspective. I’ve not only been volunteering predominantly with sports teams (BUTL UK Taekwondo and Manchester Futsal as the main groups) but even joined the universities taekwondo team last year in September 2018, and I can proudly say I am loving being part of the team.

El x

For more information on how TeamKinetic can assist with your volunteer management and getting the best out of all your volunteers visit their website or contact them on – 0161 914 5757

TeamKinetic Log 1 Million Hours!

Thank You From TeamKinetic!

Recently we hit a huge milestone in volunteer management. After ten years of being in the sector we have just reached one million hours of volunteering activity logged through the TeamKinetic system. This is something that as a company we are very proud to have achieved but realised it would not have been possible without all the people that both work on and use the system.

We want to take the time to thank everyone that has had any role to play in helping us reach this achievement. All our customers and staff but especially all the volunteers that participate and log every volunteer hour they have contributed.

We’re Not Stopping There!

Although we are very happy with a million hours, there is no way that we are stopping there! We are very keen to reach our next million and we would love YOU to be a part of that! If you are looking for a volunteer management software system or are keen on improving your volunteer management do not hesitate contact us.

We are also very responsive on our social media channels which are available down below:

We have a customer service line that is available Monday-Friday 9-5. When connected to a call you will be speaking to one of our experts who will be able to answer any of the questions you may have (0161 914 5757). If you have any other general inquiries please contact sales@teamkinetic.co.uk for more information. Alternatively you can visit our website and request your FREE demo of TeamKinetic today!




Our YouTube Channel is packed with videos summarising exactly how we can help you as well a load of videos on our many features that we feel set us apart from the rest.

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