Tag: volunteer management software Page 12 of 36

How to recognise the hard work of your volunteers

There’s just one week to go until Volunteers’ Week 2022! How are you planning to recognise the hard work and effort of your volunteers? We all know the value volunteers bring to organisations, but more often than not, many volunteers go unnoticed.

With Volunteers’ Week right around the corner, it couldn’t be a more appropriate time to thank your volunteers for everything they do. Struggling for ideas? We might be able to help….

Why is it important?

Spending time rewarding your volunteers throughout the year is so important for retention. Whatever their reason for volunteering, volunteers want to feel valued. For many it may be the reason why they volunteer with you… They’re given an incentive to volunteer as much as they can.

Even just a simple ‘thank you’ after an opportunity can boost a volunteer for the rest of the day. It’s that feeling of being wanted- being valued- that you can really tap into during Volunteers’ Week. Your volunteers deserve it, and not just between 1-7th of June.

Focus on the impact!

Your volunteers spend so much time helping organisations without ever realising the impact they’ve made. While they will know who they’re volunteering for and the values that each organisation has, they might not think so much about their own impact. Shouting from the rooftops the exact impact they’ve made will help them feel valued like never before.

There are a number of ways you can celebrate your volunteers during Volunteers’ Week, no matter the budget you might have. Why don’t you set up a social event? It can even be online or a hybrid event to reach as many volunteers as possible. You could highlight the work completed over the year, or even show them how their skills have helped others.

The power of social media..

Use the hashtag #VolunteersWeek and show off your volunteers’ hard work and efforts to the rest of the world – they deserve it! Your organisation may also get some organic exposure. In the weeks after Volunteers’ Week, you may have a bunch of new volunteers signing up.

Not only can you promote your volunteer efforts, you can also use social media to thank them. There’s no doubt organisations have a group chat with volunteers to keep them informed. Why not use that to your advantage. Jump into the group chat and let your volunteers know how valued they are. Start conversations with volunteers about their motivations behind volunteering and what they’re thankful for.

Social media is a strong tool that everyone uses. We’re constantly connected, for organisations with a small budget, social media may be the best tool to use this Volunteers’ Week!

Finding gifts at a low cost…

Whether your budget only covers something ‘low-cost’, or you’re just looking to try something new, there are a number of low-cost options you can go for to celebrate your volunteers…

It could be a card, or even a postcard commemorating a volunteer’s hard work and effort. We’ve found that sometimes, volunteers love a good badge. Despite the low cost, volunteers will feel appreciated and let everyone else know about the difference they make.

Even small things, such a tea bag, or a packet of coffee – so your volunteers can have a cuppa on you. It’s often the small things that volunteers appreciate the most, little can sometimes mean a lot.

Enjoy Volunteers’ Week!

Hopefully we’ve helped you conjure up some ideas for Volunteers’ Week, the main thing is your volunteers feel valued. But it shouldn’t stop after the 7th! Your volunteers deserve to be honoured all year round.

TeamKinetic Awards!

We don’t normally like to toot our own horn, but over the past few years we’ve been involved in some exciting projects and we’ve won some awards too! Much like with volunteers, we have to celebrate our hard work and give ourselves a little bit of a round of applause… 

iNetwork Awards

The iNetwork Awards celebrate and share innovation across the local public sector and its partner organisations. 

In 2021 we won two awards: 

  • The COVID-19 Response Recognition Award. A brand new category, which recognises the response and recovery to the unprecedented challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. 
  • The Partner Excellence Award. This celebrates innovation, collaboration, efficiency and going the extra mile in partnership working.

Both awards were won alongside Halton and St Helens Voluntary and Community Action (HSHVCA) for our combined work on their Volunteer Portal. The programme had a significant impact on supporting local residents through the pandemic. Over 32,000 people were supported by volunteers who registered on the portal to support others. The portal and the app, displayed how volunteers and community tasks can be managed more efficiently through a collaborative, digital approach.

You can read our blog post about the awards or have some information about the work with Halton and St Helens. 


In August 2020, NHSx (in partnership with NHS England and NHS Improvement and the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government) asked the Health Innovation Network (HIN) to undertake an evaluation to better understand digitally supported micro-volunteering models operating in the field of health and social care. This report presents learning from the evaluation and is aimed at an audience of commissioners and policymakers to inform their strategies around micro-volunteering.

TeamKinetic was selected to be one of the products evaluated after being commissioned through Techforce 19 in direct response to the COVID crisis. The lessons from the last 2 years as identified in this evaluation are digitally supported voluntary action that is delivered right in the heart of local communities is essential to resilience and should be considered an essential part of commissioners and policymakers thinking when looking at developing stronger neighbourhoods and communities and social care support.

TeamKinetic is proud to be part of this work. We have seen micro-volunteering as one strand in a wide range of potential interventions that broaden accessibility and inclusion in volunteering as well as the wider voluntary sector. Meanwhile, they also provide a lower-cost solution to community-based social care. Local digital solutions like ours allow local stakeholders to take direct ownership and control, empowering communities to become more resilient with much greater levels of trust and agency.

You can read the evaluation and take a look at our thoughts for more information. 

LGC Awards

Council's climate response shortlisted for national award | News Centre -  Official news site of Calderdale Council

The LGC Awards exist to identify, celebrate and help spread the finest example of innovation and quality delivered by councils on a daily basis. Winning an LGC Award has become the most sought-after accolade in local government.

In 2021 we made the shortlist for two LGC Awards: 

  • Campaign of the Year. For our #StHelensTogether community response to COVID-19 in collaboration with St Helens Borough Council.
  • Technology. For our work with Halton & St Helens Voluntary and Community Action (HSHVCA) on their volunteering portal at the start of the pandemic.

Kindocoin SBRI Challenge

Launch of Health Innovation South East Scotland website - Edinburgh  Bioquarter

This was a Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) competition funded by The Can Do Fund and hosted by Health Innovation South East Scotland Innovation. HISES is the East Region Test Bed in NHS Scotland. The aim was to develop a prototype solution to increase volunteering in the community to support delayed discharges. 

We were awarded a contract to work with five test beds across Scotland in 2020. Our task was to develop a feasible solution that will enable people awaiting discharge from hospital to be connected with a volunteer who, with their approval, will be available to support them in safely getting settled back in their home.

You can read more about the SBRI project on their website, in preparation for the launch of Phase 1 in August. 

How to build an effective volunteer management business case

Volunteer management systems are beneficial to organisations- we think everyone knows this. But sometimes, organisations may find they’re struggling to convince others a software is what they need. And a lot of the time that’s down to cost and budget…

Leaders are likely to look straight at the price and make a decision straight away. Volunteer management software is an investment for your organisation and your leadership should understand this! Building a business case to go alongside the pricing will help massively in convincing the decision makers software is the way to go. 

“Aren’t our volunteers free?”

At some point, we’ve all heard this phrase. The illusion that volunteers mean free is simply false. Putting time and effort into volunteer processes shows volunteers that you’re the real deal- that you’re investing in their benefits too. While volunteers may be helping for free, managing rotas, sessions and volunteer satisfaction comes at a cost.

Why don’t you take a look at the amount of time you’ll save once a volunteer management software has been implemented compared to the cost of said software. By knowing just how much time (and money) would be saved in the long run, you might find that your colleagues would be open to investing.

“We currently don’t have the budget for this…”

This might be disheartening, but it isn’t a straight no- it allows you the time to build up a stronger business case to come back to. Senior management may want to move forward, but just don’t have the budget at the moment.  So in the meantime, strengthening your case for a VMS means it’s top of the list when there’s a budget available.

Is there anything in your current budget you could live without? If you think a volunteer management system is a high priority- is there anything lower in priorities you’re currently spending money on? It could be worth foregoing one thing (for now) to allow for a VMS that can transform your volunteer management. 

It might also be worth pointing out any other software in use, say for expenses or donor management software. For many volunteer management systems, they have this software already embedded in their software. TeamKinetic offers expense features which means volunteers can claim their expenses after an opportunity, and managers can track it. It may be worth looking into what each system supports- you may find yourself saving money!

“Is it really needed?”

In today’s circumstances- volunteer management software is a must. For any organisation looking to organise, manage, plan and communicate with volunteers, a VMS is a no brainer. With a volunteer management system you can do everything from one webpage- from one site. And, your volunteers can do the same. 

With volunteer management software you can combine multiple sectors of a volunteers journey, streamlining the process and making it faster for volunteers to start doing what they love. For example, volunteers might have to complete a DBS check. TeamKinetic allows DBS checks within our system, so everything stays in one place.

Along with streamlining, communicating with volunteers is easy. With profiles, you’ll always have access to the best (and preferred) ways a volunteer wants to be contacted. Need to check in? Want to ask them about a recent volunteering opportunity? Head to their profile and give them a ring, a call or a quick text.

You can also introduce volunteers to each other through groups. This way, a volunteer never feels they’re turning up an opportunity alone. With groups and opportunity chat, volunteers can feel included before they’ve even started volunteering. 

Is that all for your business case? 

That’s just a small number of ways volunteer management software can transform the way your organisation includes volunteers. Sometimes, people (both volunteers and volunteer managers) need just a little push to get onboard with a VMS; once implemented we find people rarely ever go back… 

You can explore more of TeamKinetic’s features by starting a free trial- from creating opportunities to the volunteer side, take a look at the ways TeamKinetic can make volunteering easier for everyone.

Volunteer Expo: From the eyes of TeamKinetic

Last Friday we travelled down to Birmingham for Volunteer Expo. If you haven’t seen our coverage on our socials- fear not! I’m here to give you a whistle stop tour of our experience, and what we can take from the day.

Volunteer Expo connects communities and brings together many sectors under one roof to celebrate what it is that unites us. Sitting in on talks from GB Paralympians and our friends at the Association of Volunteer Managers- volunteering was (and still is) the thing that brings us together the most.

The Power of Sport Volunteering:

We started the day on Friday listening to the first talk of the conference: The Power of Sport. Hosted by Steve Brown, GB Paralympian, he was joined on stage by Hannah Mills, Sam Barlow and Phil Smith. The talk focused on the power of sport in volunteering and what the focus is moving forward to better volunteering and the environment around it.

Hannah Mills spoke openly about her passion for the environment. She’s spearheaded many projects to raise awareness about the world we live in. She highlights the 2019 pledge ‘The Big Plastic Pledge’ aiming to eradicate single-use plastic used in sport. Alongside Hannah, we were introduced to Sam Barlow.

After losing her husband in 2020, Sam dedicated her BBC Personality of the Year Unsung Hero 2021 award to him. Sam founded Fitmums and Friends simply by accident. After the birth of her child, Sam decided to ask if any other mums wanted to go on a run- and run she did! Now with 15 groups across the UK, Sam has helped people get active and support one another.

Finally on the panel was Phil Smith. Executive Director for Partnerships at Sport England, Phil joined the panel to talk about how his focus is on creating a more inclusive environment for volunteering in sport.

The talk opened our eyes to the importance of volunteering in sport (and every sector) along with the understanding that it isn’t yet perfect. There’s a lot of work needed to do in every volunteering sector…

Vision for Volunteering:

After a sport focused talk, we joined many others in watching the launch of Vision for Volunteering. Introduced by our friend at AVM, Ruth Leonard, she outlined what the Vision for Volunteering is all about. As one of the five partner organisations for this vision- it’s all about empowering people to find solutions and make a difference within the community.

There are five threads of the launch focusing on: Awareness and Appreciation, Equity and Inclusion, Experimentation, Collaboration and Power. For each of these themes, Vision for Volunteering highlights their ambitions and what volunteering should like 10 years from now.

Ruth then introduced the #IWill movement, whose talk was eye opening to the future of volunteering and really got us thinking deeper about the future. Visions for Volunteering is a really exciting opportunity to make a positive difference to volunteering in the future.

An exciting day for all! 

Between talks, we managed to make our way around the stands and catch up with some of you! It was great to see so many familiar and new faces- along with seeing the launch of Vision for Volunteering live too.

It’s been some time since we’ve been in a room with so many people, and after grabbing a cheeky drink to cheer and say thank you to all volunteers we headed back up to Manchester. For those that may have attended on Saturday, let us know what you think!

TeamKinetic Guide for New Staff Members

Here at TeamKinetic, we appreciate that new staff members aren’t going to be able to jump straight into using our system to manage their volunteers. They’re going to need a bit of help – but don’t worry, we’ve got that covered with our TeamKinetic guide for new users!

If you have a new starter, or you’re starting somewhere new yourself, this blog is for you.

Here are some ways we can get you up and running managing volunteers on TeamKinetic…

Quickstart Guide

Our ‘Getting Started with TeamKinetic’ Guide is usually for completely new customers with new systems. However, in this case, it can be a good way to help people get to grips with the system.

The workbook covers all the basics, such as:

  • Creating and Managing Opportunities
  • Inviting Volunteers
  • System Configuration
  • Logging Hours
  • Rewarding Volunteers

If you have a new staff member who will be acting as an admin on your system and would benefit from playing with an empty system, give us a shout and we can set them up on one of our demo sites. This way, they can explore without altering anything on your existing system!

You can contact us via the live chat on our website.

Training Sessions

If you’d like to get stuck in as soon as possible and need some direct help from us, we’ll get you booked for a training session with our Implementation Manager, Steve.

Steve is a great trainer and will go through everything you need to know to do your job effectively! Training takes place online and can even be recorded and saved for future reference. Training is always personalised to you and your needs. This makes it one of the quickest and most beneficial ways to get started with TeamKinetic.

If you’d like to book 1-on-1 training, contact us via the live chat on our website, email Steve directly, or give us a call on 0161 914 5757.

Alternatively, you can join one of the open training sessions being held throughout the year. These are open to any TeamKinetic users and can be booked by going to ‘Help and Support’ –> ‘Extra Training’.

These sessions will take an in-depth look at how to use TeamKinetic on a day-to-day basis to manage your volunteer programme better.

After completing this training, you will have:

  • A good understanding of how each user type interacts with the system
  • How to communicate effectively,
  • Best practice for managing your volunteers and service providers.

Built-in Support

If you consider yourself tech-savvy and want to figure it all out yourself, our built-in support can help. Just click the (?) icon in the top right corner. You should be able to find tips on every part of the system. 

This will open up our Help and Support menu.
This menu is searchable and should cover all aspects of the system.

Most convenient, it will show you a list of help topics relevant to the page you’re currently on.

Need a bit more help than you first thought? You can also access the Quickstart Guide and Tutorial Videos from this menu.

Anything you’re still not sure of?
Our Live Chat feature will get you in touch with one of us and we’ll help you out!

There is a TeamKinetic guide for any type of user – not just new starters!

Please note our operating hours are 9am – 5pm BST. Any contact outside of these hours may experience a delayed reply.

You can check the latest training dates from within your system. Just go to ‘Help & Support’ → ‘Extra Training’

Impact Storytelling: How to connect with your volunteers.

We all know how impactful storytelling can be. And we’re sure that at some point we’ve been affected by a story told to us in a range of mediums (We’re inclined to think that everyone has also spent 6 hours crying through channel 4s It’s A Sin).

Being impacted by someone else’s story ignites something in us to get up and do something. It could be learning more about a topic, or thinking about a topic in a different light. What organisations can do is share their stories- to drive volunteers into action and reach larger audiences…

What is impact storytelling and why should you use it?

You might be wondering what exactly impact storytelling is. It’s sort of completely covered in the name- storytelling that impacts someone sees it. Impact storytelling can be posters, videos, a blog, anything that gets your impact out there. It’s important because it can be one of the most valuable sources of communication an organisation can use- no matter who it is you’re trying to reach.

Organisations should be using this to connect with their potential audience (or potential volunteers). Let them know how your organisation helps others- show the difference you make! You want people to become invested and interested in your organisation.

By connecting with people’s emotions, you can inspire them to get up and help make a difference where they can.

Best practices…

When you look to start creating an impact story, you must first get to know your audience. Or the audience you’re targeting. What are the main motivations for those coming to you to volunteer? Or get involved in a particular way? Are there any interests that stick out amongst your audience you could latch onto and highlight?

Knowing your audience as best you can, really helps when planning your impact story. Therefore, you’ll be using the appropriate actions/communications to reach your target audience…

Once you know how you’re going to put your story out there- it’s time to find the story to go with. Build up relationships with colleagues, volunteers or even those who your organisation helps. You might find that sharing real stories will give more of an impact to your audience.

Make sure to ask those involved in your story if they are okay with sharing it, and if they wouldn’t like their name involved- anonymise it as appropriate.

The stories you share should be focused on your organisation, and the impact that you make. Show the depth of your organisation- you want your impact storytelling to touch everything that your organisation does… 

On one final note…

On a final note, make sure to evaluate your impact. What do you think could be changed in your approach to have a better response to your impact storytelling? By evaluating you can see what did work, and what might not have been effective. Evaluation is key.

Hopefully we’ve been able to help you get started on your impact storytelling journey, or at least got your brain following for ideas!

How to bring your non-digital volunteers, digital!

It’s not unknown anymore that going digital is the future. We’ve seen first-hand the digital shift within the volunteering sector and the effect it has had on volunteers. Now, not everyone has adapted to the digital side of volunteer management. But don’t worry, we’re here to help you bring them into your digital plans.

When organisations move over to a digital platform, sometimes we find that their volunteers may be a little hesitant to indulge or be uncomfortable using a new system.

You’ve probably found yourself in a situation like this at some point. This is why at TeamKinetic, we make sure that volunteers can go at their own pace. That doesn’t mean you can’t give them a little push forward though…

Introducing digital to the reluctant…

Introducing a digital volunteer management system to reluctant volunteers works best when you focus on how it can make their lives easier. Talk about the benefits they’ll care about, like quick session sign-ups, easy communication, and less paperwork. Share examples of how other volunteers have found it helpful to show it’s a tool for them, not just for admin.

Keep the training simple and hands-on, offering guides and support to help everyone feel comfortable. Most importantly, listen to their concerns and take their feedback seriously. Showing how the system saves time and reduces hassle will help them see it as a win for everyone.

Developing a plan for action

To introduce a digital volunteer management system successfully, you could start by holding a casual meeting or drop-in session where you can demonstrate the system in action. Show volunteers how easy it is to use and focus on features they’ll find most helpful, like how to sign up for shifts in just a few clicks or receive instant updates. Keep the tone friendly and invite questions to ease any initial hesitation.

Offer personalised support by setting up one-on-one or small group tutorials for those who need extra guidance. Create simple, step-by-step guides or video walkthroughs they can refer to at any time. If possible, designate a “digital buddy”. This could be another volunteer or team member who’s confident with the system and can provide peer support.

During the rollout, ask for feedback regularly. Use surveys, informal check-ins, or suggestion boxes to understand what’s working and what isn’t. Adjust your approach based on their input, and celebrate their wins when they successfully engage with the system. For instance, share stories of how someone saved time or avoided mix-ups using the platform.

Finally, be patient. Not everyone will adapt at the same pace, so offer ongoing support and reassurance. By making the process collaborative and supportive, you’ll help even the most reluctant volunteers feel confident and included.

How can TeamKinetic help with this process?

Once started on TeamKinetic, admin users can invite volunteers to sign up via email or create volunteer accounts themselves. By emailing volunteers, they’ll instantly get to the sign-up page and can complete their registration in just a few short steps. Volunteers who complete the registration themselves are already one step into the digital journey – a small easy win!

Even though it’s a quick and easy registration process, there may be volunteers who refuse to, or can’t, engage digitally. For those cases, we’ve made it possible to create and manage volunteer profiles on their behalf. No email? No problem. Admins can create volunteer accounts without an email address.

When acting on behalf of a volunteer, you can update/change their personal information if/when needed. This includes uploading a photo and any relevant documents, joining opportunities and logging their hours.

You’ll also be able to signify whether the volunteer in question has completed any required induction and training.

Digitally inviting your volunteers

Once a volunteer is signed up, they may find themselves feeling like a deer in headlights. Lots to do but they might not be sure where to start.

At this point, we give them a welcome message, with clear instructions on how to get started. The best part is that it’s fully customisable so you can tell your volunteers exactly what they need to know.

At the beginning of their journey, it can be good to invite them to join an opportunity immediately. With TeamKinetic, you’ll be able to invite volunteers directly onto sessions that interest them so they can start their volunteering journey right away.

When volunteers are comfortable using the system, they can search for the opportunities they want themselves. Once they find an opportunity they like, they can join or apply depending on restrictions.
(For some opportunities, organisations may ask for volunteers to apply, and jump through some hoops before getting onto a session.)

You’ll be able to keep volunteers in the loop through emails and texts – you can even set up calls with volunteers to keep in touch. Any changes on an opportunity are emailed to each volunteer so they’re always kept up-to-date on the latest changes. 

Want to see more of our Digital Functions? 

We’ve seen how our functions have helped hesitant volunteers embrace the digital side of volunteering and its benefits. TeamKinetic, like any good VMS, is straightforward to use once you’ve had a look around.

Why not get in touch over on our website to see how we can benefit your organisation? 

You can find TeamKinetic on social media and listen to our podcast:

Twitter       Facebook       LinkedIn       YouTube       Instagram       Podcast


Have you enjoyed using TeamKinetic? If you could leave us a review on Capterra, we’d really appreciate it!

How Your Fundraising Can Inspire Others…

Bean baths, vows of silence and walking mountains- the ways in which people decide to raise money for a charity are vast. But they all give people a sense of adventure and purpose. Our day-to-day looks at the volunteering done by organisations, as opposed to the fundraising aspect. That doesn’t mean we don’t love hearing the stories of people bathing in beans or walking the 3 peaks for a charity close to their heart. Sometimes, those fundraising inspire others to do the exact same thing. 

We also love helping when we can! Which is why we’re bringing you Allen’s story- some of you may know him as Tiny- currently cycling from Cornwall to Scotland for a charity helping the veterans of this country…

Allen’s Story

We first heard of Allen’s story through our Lead Software Developer- Rolf. Residing in Wales, Rolf welcomed Allen in for some well-earned kip and to get cleaned up and fed for the rest of his journey.

Having served in the foreign legion for many years (having first signed up at the age of 17!) He has set himself the task to raise £40,000 by the time he’s completed his cycle. Not only is he cycling, but apart from the odd couple of nights recuperating, Allen has decided to sleep roadside too battling every kind of weather (quite literally- Britain eh?)

Amazingly, Allen has pledged to start on another route if his target isn’t met by the time his cycle is over. An incredible commitment already, Allen’s determination to raise money for a cause so close to his heart is as inspiring as it is remarkable. We hope that Allen’s story only encourages others to get out there and fundraise!

Read more about Allen and his journey and donate if you can.

Inspire Others.

For many, signing up for a run/walk/swim/cycle can be daunting. Stories just like Allen’s may be the push you need to put pen to paper and get started. It isn’t just Allen who’s set themselves tasks this year…

Mother and Daughter duo, Lucy and Greta are among a group just shy of 50 soon to set off on a trek of the Sahara. Having 90% of the funds raised already, the group is focused on sending the money to funding a construction for a new and larger hospice in Pease Pottage. 

This is just another example of those pushing their comfort zones to raise money for where it’s needed most. We’re wishing Lucy and Greta, along with the rest of the team all the best ahead of their upcoming hike!

It comes as no surprise that hearing others fundraising stories inspires so many others to start their own. People might think that they’re too small to make a difference- this shouldn’t stop you from getting up and fundraising for an organisation you love. Any difference, big or small, means so much to charities and organisations. A difference, big or small, is still making a difference. 

Wondering how you can fundraise?

Stories like Allen’s, like Lucy and Greta’s, inspire people every day to donate or start a fundraising journey of their own.

If you’re feeling inspired, why not start your fundraising journey today! You might be wondering what activity you can take on. We’ve got you covered with some simple fundraisers you can take on to start your passage…

Runs and Walks: 5k, 10k or marathons, walking up (and down) mountains. The weather is getting warmer- so why not get out there and put one foot in front of the other. If you’re looking for something more casual, why not try a step challenge? 100,000 steps in a certain time frame?

If walking or running isn’t quite your forte, why not follow in Allen’s footsteps. Find a route, jump on your bike and start pedaling. Become your own Allen! With the East Coast and Scotland left to go- we’re sending Allen all the best. You can read more on his story and donate if you can here.

The launch of Kindocoin SBRI project and TeamKinetic’s involvement.

The Kindocoin SBRI project is officially launching Phase 2. TeamKinetic is honoured to be one of two companies spending the next 12 months developing and evaluating our prototype solution in a real-world setting. You can read a description of the product we’ll be working on here, along with more information from Health Innovation South East Scotland. 

The Wellbeing Hub is a volunteer-powered community care web solution. It enables volunteer managers to safely direct support and care to discharged patients. The Hub intends to reduce delayed discharge and readmissions by increasing people’s ability to self-manage or manage with volunteer support. 

The Hub integrates technologies in an innovative way, with safe data sharing that facilitates the partnering of volunteers and volunteer-led services. This allows patients to build a trusted and sustainable network of support.

Phase 1 demonstrated the administrative burden placed on volunteer managers, we know it is difficult for volunteer-led services to be responsive and to provide a scalable service. The Hub reduces that burden by managing complicated and sensitive data sharing, and facilitating patient support via safer volunteer management practices. 

We intend to link patients to third sector providers using our OpenReferral enabled service aggregator. Our data sharing features ensure front-line staff can find suitable services and have confidence that only appropriate information is shared.

Enabling volunteers to develop relationships with patients and providing pathways to community-based activity, will lead to lower planned care needs and should reduce future unplanned hospital visits. Integrating volunteers by ‘passporting’ and developing an ongoing pathway to community-based activity supported by volunteers, will produce a more flexible and sustainable volunteering network.

Patient safety is paramount; volunteers must meet the very highest levels of safeguarding certification. Volunteers who undergo such checks can move more freely between service providers through the use of digitally verified ID, online vetting and barring checks.

Patient outcomes linked to voluntary service intervention have been difficult to quantify. Using advanced data science, we will provide a new dimension of insight into the impact volunteers have on patients and their long-term outcomes. The Hub will provide new clinical insight and develop the case for community-based, volunteer-supported care.

Once again, we’d like to say how proud we are to be involved in a project like this. We’re excited to see what we can do, and how we can help! 

For information on how TeamKinetic can help you organise your volunteers, head to our website to start a free demo of our software or give us a call on 0161 914 5757.

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How to develop an inclusive and accessible volunteer experience

Being inclusive and accessible are integral to modern society – particularly so in the third sector. Allowing as many people as possible to get involved is great for everyone. This is something that we aspire to at TeamKinetic – we’re constantly striving to be as inclusive and accessible as possible.

Inclusive vs Accessible – What’s the difference?

A variety of people are pictured, promoting an inclusive and accessible environment.

Accessibility focuses on designing a user experience that meets the needs of everyone in your audience. Ensuring something is accessible is likely to be the difference between a user being able to do something or not.

Accessibility involves a wide range of disabilities, including visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, language, learning, and neurological disabilities. Everyone deserves the same levels of access and no one should feel excluded.

Inclusivity, on the other hand, involves creating an experience with a wide range and variety of users in mind. This includes thinking about their various abilities, environments, situations, and contexts.

While inclusivity doesn’t address a specific user need, it does ensure that there are a range of tools and features that help all users feel comfortable. Inclusive measures (or lack of), are likely to be the difference between someone wanting to do something or not.

What are TeamKinetic doing?

With regular system updates, we’re continually looking for ways to improve the inclusive and accessible nature of our features. In the past, we have integrated several key accessibility measures into our system.

Now, our system has in-built adaptive technologies to help open the door for everyone to volunteer, from screen-readers to WCAG 2.1 AA standards.

Our inclusive design looks at how we broaden our appeal so all users have an equal opportunity. We have done this via:

  • Dual language interface for our work in Wales.
  • Introducing blind recruitment processes.
  • Add-ons such as Recite-Me provide tools such as multilingual screen reading.
  • Site size and colour contrast adjust.
  • Other site translation (integrating Google Translate).

Organisations must adhere to laws surrounding accessible design, you can read more on the UK law here.

How can my organisation be more inclusive and accessible?

  • Do you face problems with attracting volunteers from diverse backgrounds?
  • Does the thought of creating a fully inclusive and accessible onboarding process overwhelm you?
  • Have you experienced barriers to making changes?

If you find that your organisation is struggling with any of the things mentioned above, the Association of Volunteer Managers (AVM) hosted a great session on this.

Event: Making an inclusive and accessible recruitment and onboarding experience

During the event, we heard from Amy McGarvey (Research Manager) from NCVO who shed light on the effect of the pandemic on volunteering. The key findings were:

  • Volunteer numbers in general decreased from pre-pandemic numbers. It is estimated that there is around 1/5 fewer people volunteering now in comparison to figures from 2019.
  • The number of volunteers with a disability has decreased.
  • Digital solutions are seen as a barrier and an enabler. Some felt excluded by the move to digital methods, whereas it may have opened the door for a more inclusive pool of volunteers.

We also learned that organisations have various barriers to inclusion. These are:

  • Lack of resources, time, and capacity.
  • Recognising everyone is different and being unaware of how to cater to every individual need. 
  • Volunteers not being honest about extra support they may need. 
  • EDI not being valued as much as it should be and facing resistance from others in the organisation when trying to make changes.

We learned that the volunteer experience can be made more inclusive by seeing volunteer well-being as a the focus. Cost-effective actions that celebrate volunteers and their differences are seen to be effective, e.g. celebrating a variety of cultural events, using diverse imagery in promotional materials, and ensuring all language is inclusive. Overall, making sure volunteers feel supported is a foundational aspect of improving your inclusivity.

Find out more about the event by going to the AVM website. 

You can also read our Is Your Pool of Volunteers Diverse and Inclusive? blog. It includes the latest sector stats as well as advice on how you can improve your own diversity and inclusivity.

Interested in volunteer management tools?

Why not take a look at TeamKinetic? You can even start a 30-day free trial with absolutely no payment details required. Just head over to our website.

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