A volunteering strategy sets out what you want to achieve with volunteering and how you want to do it. A strategy articulates what needs to be done to achieve the purpose of an organisation, group, programme, and so on. Creating a strategy is important as it explains how volunteers will contribute to the organisation’s aims. It can also include how it will find, recruit and support volunteers. The strategy helps everyone understand your vision for volunteers and why you’re involving them.
You may think being a busy Volunteer Manager that you may not have the time to write a strategy however a well-thought-out strategy may save you time in the long run and be beneficial to your organisation.
Important Things To Consider When Writing A Strategy
Important things to consider when writing your strategy are speaking to others in your organisation and taking a look at some important resources to help you. Engaging with everyone and having lots of collaboration and feedback is necessary when writing the strategy so use the opinions of others in your organisation. People to include could be paid staff within your organisation or existing volunteers as they may have valuable suggestions.
To ensure your strategy supports your organisation’s aims, you should think about the following questions NCVO have put together as useful advice when writing a strategy.
Think about these questions when writing your strategy
After you have created your strategy it is essential to review it. Reviewing your strategy will help you respond to trends and changes in volunteering. You should do this annually with the people you consulted when you initially wrote it to see if it is still up to date with your organisation’s aims and if there are any other suggestions for it.
Useful Resources To Help You Write Your Volunteer Strategy
Volunteer Scotland runs a one-day course on, “Developing a Volunteer Strategy”. This includes learning an understanding of how to put together a strategy, having time to reflect on what is needed and preparatory work. Volunteer Scotland also has a list of suggested useful resources for developing an effective volunteer strategy which can be found here.
NCVO have some useful resources including reports and research about volunteering and the voluntary sector to help you write your strategy. You can also bring in an external consultant to help develop your strategy. To find out how NCVO consultancy can help your organisation you can fill in their short online enquiry form.
There are also some examples of volunteer strategies available which may help guide you, however, strategies must be unique and tailored to the needs and ambitions of the organisation. Royal Parks have a volunteering strategy that may be useful which can be found here and a volunteering strategy agreed by the city’s public agencies and the third sector produced by Edinburgh Compact can be found here.
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The ‘mini-budget’ was announced by the Chancellor on 23rd September (2022) due to the rapidly escalating cost of living crisis. Sadly the budget meant that there would be little in the way of support for people and communities. A further budget is now expected on 31st October 2022.
On October 17th (2022), the government announced support within its Growth Plan to protect households and businesses from high energy prices. The Energy Price Guarantee and the Energy Bill Relief Scheme are supporting millions of households and businesses including charities with rising energy costs, and the new Chancellor Jeremy Hunt plans to continue to do so from now until April next year. However, Jeremy Hunt now says that any support after April will only be targeted to those most vulnerable meaning many households and organisations could be struggling in April 2023.
The scheme may provide immediate relief to charities, but when it hits next April, charities are likely to face problems. The charity, Family Space from Cheltenham, said the government’s energy price cap would not be enough help for the most vulnerable.
For struggling families, it was “a welcome relief, but not a solution”, the charity’s manager Sarah Avery said. Family Space has a new project called #FeedCheltenham, which involves Local Charities, Schools and Churches working in partnership across the food support network to feed people in Cheltenham. Increasing numbers of people are using the service, but fewer are donating.
Due to the significant effect the cost of living crisis will have on communities and government support which will only last until April, the role of charities and volunteers will be more crucial than ever. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation and Turn2Us have also highlighted how people will be impacted by the lack of further financial help combined with an increasingly severe benefits system.
A new report by Volunteer Scotland was released on the 27th of September discussing the impact the cost of living crisis will have on volunteers and volunteering. Increased demand for volunteers is needed for charities that focus on giving support to tackle the financial, health and well-being of the cost of living crisis.
There may also be a reduced number of volunteers as a decrease in disposable income could stop people from volunteering as their free time now needs to be used up by working another job. However, volunteering may be more attractive as people can take the opportunity to ‘get out of the house’ and take their minds off the crisis during this stressful time. The health and well-being of volunteers may be largely impacted as the cost of living crisis could cause financial stress and uncomfortable living environments.
The cost of living makes the reimbursement of volunteers a vital issue. If charities can’t afford to reimburse volunteers then it could have a large impact on the inclusivity and diversity of the voluntary sector as it can mean only those who can afford to be out of pocket can volunteer.
What Extra Support Is There?
NCVO have cost-of-living help and guidance, including support, webinars and training opportunities. They also have a small charity helpdesk if any extra information or advice is needed. On the 30th of November 2022, they will also be hosting a webinar on “How to manage rising energy costs” where they will be sharing ways to help you keep costs down during the energy crisis.
More on the cost of living crisis and extra support can be found here.
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IVM day is an annual day to celebrate the profession of volunteer leadership. World Volunteer Managers Day 2022 will be taking place on Saturday 5th November and this year’s theme for the day is “Many Backgrounds – One Profession – Stronger Together”.
The day was founded in 1999 and was developed in order to bring recognition to individual Managers of Volunteers and their roles in the mobilisation and support of the world’s volunteers.
There is a group of key leaders and organisations from around the world that are helping to spread the word about IVMDay. This is known as the International Supporters Group.
IVM has some important values which they stand by. They believe Volunteer Managers change the lives of volunteers themselves and of those served by volunteers. Volunteer Managers provide the leadership and direction that allows people to build a good and just society. Without professional leadership, people’s time, talents and efforts could be wasted.
The Committee
The committee members are a dedicated team of global volunteers who are driving the promotion of IVMDay internationally.
The committee has a range of 5 volunteer managers from all around the world who have worked in different areas of the voluntary sector. From the UK, Rob Jacksonis part of the committee. Rob runs his own consultancy and training company and has worked with Volunteering England and was involved in the creation of AVM. Rob was also our keynote speaker at our TeamKinetic 2022 Conference where he shared ideas about what the future might hold for volunteering.
Ways To Spread Awareness and How To Get Involved
On the IVM website, there is plenty of content they have produced which can be posted to social media, on your website or printed out to be put up in volunteer centres.
On the IVM day website, they have suggested several different ways you can celebrate volunteer managers on this day. To spread awareness of IVM day you can post a link to the IVMDay web page on your website. Other ideas include sending cards, letters or emails to thank your colleagues for all the hard work they do and to show your appreciation for them.
Janet Compton, Head of Volunteering at PDSA National Volunteering Centre said she sent “thank you cards printed with the IVMD logo and sent it to all locations in PDSA that work with volunteers”, another idea from the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry was offering volunteers the opportunity to write a thank you note to their supervisor at the museum. They provided hand-made cards and volunteers had to write their personal messages.
If you would like to start getting involved, tweet us at @TeamKineticUK using the picture below to share what you were before you became a Volunteer Manager using the hashtag #IVMDay.
Content ideas for Social Media on IVMDay
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This year, the annual TeamKinetic conference theme was Volunteering to 2030: What might the future look like? We had a variety of incredible speakers discuss their thoughts on the future of volunteering.
Day One
Day One of the TeamKinetic Conference involved sharing some exciting new updates to the TeamKinetic system, sessions on how to onboard volunteers and providers, available reporting tools on the system, how to create and use roles and other topics covered in a series of breakout sessions.
New To TeamKinetic
Rolf started off by taking us through the next major release. New opportunity creation system, better sharing options when sharing your opportunities, scheduling bulk emails, reporting improvements, and more! You can learn more about the 2.20 version here.
Watch Rolf’s session to get to grips with our exciting new update. If you’re a TeamKinetic Admin user, youcan even test it for yourself over at https://beta.teamkinetic.co.uk/vk/admin (Just use your usual admin login details!)
Reporting With TeamKinetic
Steve gave his session on reporting with TeamKinetic and later spoke to us about onboarding volunteers and providers and opportunity restrictions. He touched on the different types of reports, maintenance, general awareness of activity, how you can measure the success of your volunteer programme and other areas of how to report with the TeamKinetic system.
Watch the session below to find out how reports can help you uncover various things about your volunteers and opportunities.
Onboarding Providers and Volunteers
In Rolf’s breakout session he spoke to us about onboarding volunteers and providers. He started off by talking about the new onboarding/help screens that will be available to new volunteers when they register. These will be available for admins to customise in the upcoming 2.2 release. Rolf then discussed how to find and customise the emails that are sent to new volunteers and providers. These emails are the first communications your new volunteers and providers get from your organisation and they are a great place to set out your stall and set the tone for your programme. Finally, we took a look at how to keep your recently onboarded users engaged using the weekly newsletters, bulk emails and search filters to extract those users that are not interacted since registering.
Super Admin Options and Customising Emails
Another breakout session was run by Steve. This was a fun and busy session with lots of questions regarding customised emails and custom areas. Steve also touched on which functions are limited to organisations with providers who work for them, and what functionality can be used by all organisations including volunteer centres. Lots of interesting points and suggestions from attendees, and overall it was a very useful session. In case you missed it or would like to re-watch Steve’s session, it can be found here.
Why use Roles? And How to Create Them
Roles are still a relatively new addition to TeamKinetic. We know they could help a lot of customers but appear to be significantly underused. This is why Chris decided to base his breakout session on this feature. He talked us through how to create roles within your system, how they can be used effectively on your opportunities, and the differences between roles and restrictions.
Are You Taking Advantage Of Opportunity Restrictions?
In our final session of day one, Steve took everyone through the different opportunity restrictions available within TeamKinetic. These restrictions are important to ensure you get the right volunteers for your opportunities every time!
There are a number of ways to restrict your opportunities in TeamKinetic to ensure you get the right volunteer for the job, but are you using them correctly? Watch the session to find out:
Day Two
Day Two of the TeamKinetic conference saw some impactful guest speakers join us. They all covered a range of topics such as expenses, volunteer retention/impact, criminal checks, and more.
Guest speakers included Rob Jackson, Ruth Leonard from AVM, Randa Bennett from vHelp, Simon Dickinson from Digital Gaps, Dan McManus from Time Tempo Credits, Felicity Adrian from General Practise Alliance, Scott Jones from 123 Internet, and Allan Merrifield from First Advantage.
Rob Jackson
Rob Jacksonwas the keynote speaker at the 2022 TeamKinetic Conference. He shared ideas of what the future might hold for volunteering. Rob had some powerful points which we think are worth sharing.
Since the pandemic and now the cost of living crisis, people’s mental health has worsened. The pandemic has caused people to be burnout and have a lack of motivation. According to a brief by the World Health Organization, the global prevalence of anxiety and depression increased by 25% in the first year of the pandemic. This could imply that in the future, volunteers may need increased support from volunteer managers due to poor mental health and lack of energy to put their time into volunteering.
The cost of living crisis could also cause an increase in stress and anxiety in people’s lives. Individuals may not have the spare time to volunteer as they have to work multiple jobs to support themselves through the cost of living crisis. The cost of living crisis also means the reimbursement of expenses needs to be prioritised. People may be reluctant to volunteer as they worry that it might leave them out of pocket as expenses are taking too long to be reimbursed.
After Rob Jackson, we then had a session choice between Simon Dickinson from Digital Gaps and Dan McManus from Time Tempo Credits discussing volunteer retention and impact in 2030.
Digital Gaps
Simon delivered a great session on providing verified volunteers for digital services. Digital Gaps’ mission is to help the public and third sector realise the financial, customer experience and improved well-being outcomes that data solutions deliver.
He talked about the work they have done with us to put in place a digital passport. Simon showed us the process that would verify a volunteer, using Yoti to verify your identity which then allows you to have a digital identity wallet which can be used when recruiting volunteers.
Tempo Time Credits
Dan McManus from Tempo Time Credits then took us through how to build and sustain a volunteer workforce in his session. Tempo Time Credits allows you to earn a time credit for each hour of volunteering.
Dan talked through some future plans for Tempo including an improved facility to donate to groups. Some thoughts Dan had on the future of volunteering was that the pandemic has had a large impact on older and vulnerable volunteers which has made it difficult for organisations to recruit volunteers.
Randa Bennett from vHelp gave her session on how we should be handling expenses in the future. Randa has been in the technology sector for over 20 years and came across this problem around reimbursing volunteers and that’s where vHelp was born.
One key point she touched on in her session was the importance of inclusivity. If organisations aren’t reimbursing volunteers quickly, it could be excluding the less fortunate people who can’t afford to be left out of pocket, leaving only wealthier people being able to volunteer. Transparency is also a key aspect for the future of volunteering. In the future, organisations need to ensure they inform their volunteers about expenses in the early stages of recruitment.
123 Internet and General Practice Alliance
In the next session, we were joined by Felicity Adrian from General Practice Alliance. Felicity is a project manager and she helps put together the volunteer passport online platform for Northamptonshire.
Scott Jones from 123 Internet talked us through how he made their volunteer passport homepage. They gave us an overview of the concept behind the volunteer passport and discussed why the re-design was needed. To decide why the re-design was needed they held a workshop to help them understand what their key vision was for volunteering across Northamptonshire and how it could be shared through the volunteer passport.
First Advantage
Allan Merrifield from First Advantage spoke to us about Digital ID DBS. First Advantage are a global technology background screening company delivering innovative solutions and insights that help their clients manage risk and hire the best talent quickly and efficiently.
Their aim is to automate DBS checks to make it as easy as possible. During Allan’s session, he spoke to us about what services are available through the partnership that is in place between TeamKinetic and First Advantage. Allan also took us through the journey of creating a digital ID and how to use one.
A Big Thank You!
We’d just like to say a massive thank you to everyone who attended the 2022 TeamKinetic Conference and all our great speakers for their informative sessions. We hope you had a good time with us.
If you have any suggestions of things you’d like to hear about – or people you’d like to hear from – please tell us by emailing alex@teamkinetic.co.uk
We look forward to next year’s conference!
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For TeamTalk Season 2, Episode 3, Kristen Natale from Sport England joins hosts Chris Martin and Imogen Greatbatch.
Welcome back to season 2 of our TeamTalk podcast. This season, we are talking to thought leaders, customers and stakeholders from the world of sports and physical exercise. Join us as we dive deeper into sports volunteering and the volunteer managers who make it happen.
In this episode, Kristen Natale joins us. Kristen is the Head of Volunteering at Sport England and her passion for volunteering shines through.
Co-host Imo Greatbatch also joins us. Imo is currently the Head of Volunteering at England Netball. She is passionate about volunteering in sports and is offering her knowledge and insight on the topic.
About Kristen Natale
Kristen has over 10 years of experience in volunteer development, working with partners across various sectors. Although she didn’t plan for a career in volunteer management, she knew she wanted to do something rooted in communities and making lives better for people.
Now she is passionate about the power of volunteering and is the Head of Volunteering at Sport England. Kristen discusses her thoughts on the Vision for Volunteering and how she got to where she is today.
About Sport England
Starting out as The Sports Council, it was an independent body under the Department of National Heritage, established by the Royal Charter in 1972. The organisation now invests in sport and physical activity to make it a normal part of life for everyone in England. Two-thirds of their funding comes from lottery players, and everything the organisation spends ties into our vision that everyone in England should be able to participate in sport and activity.
Sport England believe they can be part of a bigger picture of work that helps to address many of society’s biggest challenges. Their Uniting the Movement strategy is a 10-year vision to transform lives and communities through sport and physical activity.
For TeamTalk Season 2, Episode 2, we are joined by British Blind Sport’s Alaina MacGregor and Philippa Bass. Hosted by Chris Martin and Imogen Greatbatch.
Welcome back to Season 2 of our TeamTalk podcast. This season, we are talking to thought leaders, customers and stakeholders from the world of sport and physical exercise as we dive deeper into volunteering and the volunteer managers who make it happen.
In this episode, we are joined by Alaina MacGregor and Philippa Bass from British Blind Sport. We are also joined again by our co-host Imo Greatbatch. Imo is currently the Head of Volunteering at England Netball, she is passionate about volunteering in sports and is offering her knowledge and insight on the topic.
About British Blind Sport
British Blind Sport “prides itself on making a visible difference through sport as we know that taking the first step into participating in a sporting or recreational activity can change lives for the better”. The charity was established in 1975 under the name of BASRAB (British Association of Sports and Recreation Activities of the Blind) and was created to assist blind and partially sighted adults and children to access opportunities in sports. The charity organisation has now assisted over 100,000 visually impaired adults and children to access sport.
About Our Guests
Alaina MacGregor is the Chief Executive of British Blind Sport. After a successful 16-year career in marketing, Alaina turned to charity work as she felt that she wanted to give back. Alaina became involved in disability sport as a volunteer advisor to British Blind Sport in 2010 but took up the responsibility of Chief Executive Officer in 2011.
Our other guest is Philippa Bass, Sports Participation Officer. Philippa joined the team in September 2021, having worked in Disability Football for the past 8 years, where she has experience of blind and partially sighted provision. Philippa, is responsible for the coordination and delivery of their active programme, to get more people active and enjoying participation in sports. This includes the ‘Have a Go’ day programme.
Have a go days encourage everyone, no matter their previous experience in sport, to come along, make new friends and discover inclusive activities in their community. The ‘Have a Go’ day programme has introduced hundreds of visually impaired adults and children to new sports.
As Alaina says, it’s an exciting time for disability sports but we need to get it absolutely right, we’re going to sprinkle magic and we’re going to make this happen.
Some useful links and resources will be left below for those who want to learn more about what British Blind Sport do.
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This trend could all depend on people’s motivations for volunteering in the first place. If they are volunteering to gain new skills or experience, then they might not put in the extra effort to make new friends or stay after their shift to help out.
Quiet quitting could also stop people from wanting to volunteer all together. People who are regular volunteers but are ‘quiet quitting’ at work may also lack the motivation to complete any volunteer work too. Being exhausted from the volume of work and lack of work-life balance hit many people during the pandemic. If people are remotely working and doing their job but nothing more they may not be bothered to leave the house after a day of remote work to go and volunteer in person.
How To Prevent Your Volunteers From Quiet Quitting
If you think you might have a quiet quitter volunteer on your team or that it could affect your volunteer team in future then it could be because there isn’t a strong relationship between you and your volunteers. It’s important to create and maintain good relationships with volunteers, this way they will want to go above and beyond and spend extra time helping out as they are surrounded by people they trust and feel appreciated by. A friendly working community can also be built, which allows volunteers to be a part of a comfortable and supportive environment. To build this relationship you could have regular 1-on-1s with your volunteers, this way you can find out their interests and offer them support.
Due to the cost of living crisis, volunteers may be cautious of having expenses reimbursed quickly so they aren’t out of pocket for an extended period of time. If the reimbursement does take more than a couple of weeks then volunteers may be more reluctant to put as much effort into their shifts or want to stop volunteering all together. However, there are quick solutions that pay off expenses such as vHelp which can enable you to pay off expenses within 24 hours.
Key Takeaways…
People are becoming exhausted with work and may be feeling burnt out with a lack of motivation due to the pandemic, therefore this has maybe led to people wanting to ‘quiet quit’. This trend has the potential to affect volunteers too but volunteer managers can try their best to avoid this happening to their team. Ensure you are building strong relationships with your volunteers, and show your appreciation for them and the difference they are making to your organisation.
You can find TeamKinetic on social media and listen to our podcast:
Exploring the Vision for Volunteering with Jenny Betteridge, Gethyn Williams and James Allen. Introducing my new Co-Host Imogen Greatbatch.
Welcome to our latest season of the TeamTalk podcast. In this season, we will be talking to thought leaders, customers and stakeholders from the world of sport and physical exercise as we take a deeper dive into volunteering and the volunteer managers who make it happen.
A New Co-Host
I’m so happy to welcome my new co-host Imo Greatbatch. She is currently the Head of Volunteering at England Netball. Imo and I go back quite a way, and when she suggested that she might be interested in offering her knowledge and insight to this project, I was only too happy to make some room around the mic.
Our Guests
This first episode in this latest series sees us chatting to Jenny Betteridge, Strategic Lead for Volunteering at Sport England. A national public-funded organisation with a mission to enable everyone to benefit from sport and activity. Jenny has most recently been working on the Vision for Volunteering which was launched very recently at the Volunteer Expo.
Jenny is joined by Gethyn Williams and James Allen who undertook the market engagement that made the Vision possible, In this episode, we discuss how this work was conducted, what its ambitions are and what it is hoped it leads to for the future of volunteering.
Gethyn is a Volunteering strategist and non-profit specialist with twenty years of experience across the UK charity sector and central government. He’s worked extensively in volunteering, youth, sport, disability and environment sectors, He’s also held senior strategic and operational roles in policy and comms, business and workforce development, infrastructure and membership services, community development and charity governance.
James is the Director of Counsel a consultancy working with various clients across sport and physical activity. They serve private and voluntary sectors in a range of areas including public affairs, communications, research and governance.
We find out a little more about how each of our guests came to the world of volunteering. Then we get right into what the vision is, what it means and how you can get involved as it evolves over the coming months and years.
As Jenny says, The Vision for Volunteering is not the end product, but just the start of what might be possible.
You can find TeamKinetic on social media and listen to other episodes of our podcast:
The TeamKinetic 2022 Conference will take place on Tuesday 27th – Wednesday 28th September 2022. The fully-online conference will take a look into volunteering and volunteer management in today’s climate, while also looking ahead to how it could change in the next decade.
The conference is aimed at anyone involved in the third sector, specifically those who manage volunteers.
Day One of the conference will focus on TeamKinetic. What does the system offer to volunteer managers today? And how will our system adapt to suit the latest trends in volunteer management?
9:30 – 10:00 Welcome: Feel free to join us at any time before our 10am start!
10:00 – 11:20 New to TeamKinetic: We have some exciting new updates coming to both the TeamKinetic web service and the mobile app. Rolf will talk you all through these updates.
11:30 – 12:20 Reporting with TeamKinetic: Steve will take you through the comprehensive set of reporting tools available to you in TK and what the data can help you uncover about your volunteering programme.
13:15 – 14:00 Session Choices
Session 1: How to Help Yourself Alex will talk you through the different support options available to you as a TeamKinetic user. Both internally and externally.
Session 2: Onboarding Providers and Volunteers Rolf will discuss best-practice for getting new providers and volunteers started on your TeamKinetic system.
Session 3: Super Admin Options and Customising Emails Steve will take you through how to use the different Super Admin options effectively, as well as how to customise emails sent from the system.
Session 4: Why use Roles? And How to Create Them Chris will outline how you can create Roles within your system and how they can be used effectively on your opportunities.
14:10 – 15:00 Are you taking advantage of opportunity restrictions? There are a number of ways to restrict your opportunities in TeamKinetic to ensure you get the right volunteer for the job, but are you using them correctly?
15:00 – 16:00 Networking / General Q&A: We’ll be sticking around for anyone who has any questions or wants a bit of a chat!
Day Two
Day Two of the conference takes a look at the wider world of volunteer management. We’ll dive into case studies and current volunteer management best-practice while also considering the future of volunteer management and how the next decade might shape up.
Our Day Two sessions are as follows:
10:00 – 11:00 Keynote, Rob Jackson Volunteering to 2030: What might the future look like?
11:15 – 12:15 Session Choice (1/2)
Simon Dickinson, Digital Gaps / Digital Coproduction Volunteer Passports: Providing Verified Volunteers for Digital Services.
Dan McManus, Tempo Tempo Time Credits: Volunteer Retention and Impact in 2030.
13:10 – 14:10 Session Choice (3/4)
Randa Bennett, vHelp Money – a dirty word in the volunteering world, how should we handle it in the future?
Stephanie Mallender, Sport England #iWill and the Vision for Volunteering: A Deeper Look.
14:25 – 15:25 Session Choice (5/6)
Scott Jones, 123Internet / General Practice Alliance Homepage Design: Why It Is Important.
Allan Merrifield, First Advantage First Advantage Digital ID DBS with TeamKinetic
Read about our Day Two speakers by clicking here, or pressing page 2 below.
You can find out more about TeamKinetic through our website or social media: