An opportunity is any activity that you can do, these can be flexible that have no pre-set times and you’ll organise with the opportunity provider when you volunteer, or can have specific times and dates that you can slot into.
Right now, your opportunities page will probably look a bit like this…so where do you find opportunities to join?

To find new opportunities to join, just hit the search button in the top right corner. There, you’ll be able to find something to get stuck into.
All opportunities will have the following information:

Things to know:
- Opportunities can be flexible with no pre-set times and dates and you’ll organise with the opportunity provider when you volunteer. Or opportunities can have specific times and days that you can select to join.
- Some opportunities may have restrictions, this could be based on age, gender, and criminal check status. You’ll be told on screen of any restrictions or further information the provider needs before you can join the opportunity.
Once you’re signed up for an opportunity you’ll be taken to a page that gives you more details. Here you can:
- See key data such as when the opportunity finished and how many hours you’ve logged.
- View the opportunity summary information
- Leave feedback and log hours
- View the opportunity location
- Join the chat room to talk to other volunteers on that opportunity (this feature maybe disabled by your organisation).

Once you have successfully joined (or applied to join) an opportunity they will then appear in your own opportunities space

Ready to Log some hours?
Logging Hours is simple, but important; it’s nice for you to keep a record of your volunteer journey, but your logged hours may also lead to you receiving some nice recognition. For example, you may be able to use them in exchange for HourTrade vouchers, and you’ll receive a new Achievement Badge for every milestone of hours!
You’ll be prompted from your homepage when you have hours to log, but you can also log them from the Opportunities section.
Before you can log hours, you might be asked to leave feedback, but even if it’s not mandatory it’s helpful for future volunteers to get a sense of the quality of the opportunity.

And then you can log your hours!

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