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Getting Started With TeamKinetic Workbook, volunteer management, volunteer management software, volunteer management system

Getting Started with TeamKinetic: Workbook

Welcome to the Getting Started with TeamKinetic Workbook. The aim of this book is to teach you the basics of your TeamKinetic system in less than ten steps. Basically, this is everything you need to know to get started and improve your overall volunteer management. We recommend that you move through these lessons at your own pace to make sure you get the most out of it.

Before we start…

We’ll be using some key terms in this document that you may not be familiar with yet. To avoid any confusion from the off, let’s go through them now!


An ‘opportunity’ is any activity that a person can volunteer to do. Every opportunity must have a provider. Opportunities can either have set sessions or be flexible. 

Session-based Opportunities

Sessions can either be recurring (daily, weekly, monthly, etc) or individual. Use this for opportunities with specific dates and times.

Flexible opportunities

In contrast, volunteers can log hours for flexible opportunities at any time. This is great for opportunities that can be done from any location or at any time.


The ‘provider’ is the individual or organisation that is offering the opportunity. The provider should be the one communicating with volunteers about opportunities they’ve signed on for. They have their own accounts on the system.


The system ‘admin’, we hope, is you reading this. The admin has access to all areas of the system that we’ll be going through in this workbook.

Now that’s all cleared up, click below to go to Lesson One

Getting Started With TeamKinetic Workbook, volunteer management, volunteer management software, volunteer management system

Getting Started with TeamKinetic: Lesson Nine – Reporting

Now you’re more familiar with the system and you’ve completed a few opportunities successfully, it might be time to do some reporting on your volunteer base. Reporting can be an effective way to keep track of your volunteer management programme and how your volunteers are getting on.


  1. Create a basic report (e.g. based on a characteristic such as gender/ethnicity/age).
  2. Submit a request for a custom report.

The Process

Task 1

Step One
Go to ‘Reporting’.

Step Two 
Click ‘Reports & Analysis’. 

Step Three 
Go to ‘Volunteers’. 

Step Four 
Select a date range and data set then click ‘Download CSV’.

Task 2

Step One
Go to ‘Help & Support’. 

Step Two 
Click ‘Support Tickets’. 

Step Three 
Click ‘Create New Ticket’. 

Step Four 
Fill in the required fields and upload a CSV data set of the report you wish to create.

Getting Started With TeamKinetic Workbook, volunteer management, volunteer management software, volunteer management system

Getting Started with TeamKinetic: Lesson Eight – Communicating With Volunteers

Communicating with volunteers is an important aspect of volunteer management. The ability to reach out to your volunteers within the system is a must. With TeamKinetic, you have a few options…
You can email volunteers through the system. These emails can be filtered depending on who you wish to contact.
The text messaging service can be switched on or off and you can also dictate which automatic texts go out to site users. More text messages can also be purchased by admins.
Chat Rooms
There will be a chat room on each opportunity that can be accessed by volunteers, providers, and admins. If any further details need to be shared or if the volunteer has questions, this is the perfect place to ask them!


  1. Send an email to every volunteer who has joined a specific opportunity or who are part of a specific group.
  2. Explore text messaging options: switching it on/off, automatic texts, and buying more texts.
  3. Post something in the chat room of an opportunity.

The Process

Task 1: Emailing

Step One
Go to the ‘Messaging & Email’ tab.

Step Two 
Click ‘Volunteer Bulk Email’.

Step Three
Fill in all fields, write your email, filter, and send.


Task 2: Texts 

Step One
Go to the Admin Settings Cog. 

Step Two 
Click ‘TeamKinetic Options’.

Step Three 
Click the ‘Notifications’ tab on the left-hand-side menu.


Task 3: Chat Rooms 

Step One
First, ensure your site has Chat enabled. To do this, go to the Admin Settings Cog and click ‘TeamKinetic Options’. 

Step Two 
Click ‘Opportunities’ in the left hand side menu and check ‘Yes’ on ‘Enable Opportunity Chat Room’.

Step Three
Go to ‘Opportunities & Providers’.

Step Four 
Click ‘Opportunities’. 

Step Five
Find an opportunity and click on it.

Step Six
Go to ‘Chat Room’ on the left-hand-side menu.

Getting Started With TeamKinetic Workbook, volunteer management, volunteer management software, volunteer management system

Getting Started with TeamKinetic: Lesson Seven – Reward Your Volunteers

After a few completed opportunities, you might be wondering how you can go reward volunteers for all their hard work. The first option to reward volunteers is through Achievement Badges. These badges are attached to volunteer profiles after they’ve logged a set amount of hours. You can also change the names and icons of the badges to match any reward systems you might already have in place.


Set the number of hours needed to unlock each badge and change the name/picture if needed.

The Process

Step One
Go to the Admin Settings Cog.

Step Two
Click ‘Basic TeamKinetic Setup’.

Step Three
Click the ‘Achievement Badges’ tab in the left-hand-side menu.

Step Four 
Change the badges in any way you want.

Getting Started With TeamKinetic Workbook, volunteer management, volunteer management software, volunteer management system

Getting Started with TeamKinetic: Lesson Six – Creating Events

Creating events is very easy and can be a great way to collate a bunch of opportunities that are related to a specific occasion, e.g. a festival. This will make the opportunities easier for your volunteers to find and easier for providers to manage. 

You can find out more about how we’ve previously helped organise large events in this blog post!


Create an event and add at least one opportunity to it.

The Process

First we’ll create the event.

Step One 
Go to ‘Opportunities & Providers’.

Step Two 
Click ‘Events’. 

Step Three
Fill in the necessary fields and click ‘Add’.

Next, we can either create a new opportunity to be part of the event, or add an existing opportunity to it. 

Creating an opportunity as part of an event

Step One
Go to ‘Opportunities and Providers’.

Step Two
Click ‘Create Opportunity’.

Step Three 
Fill in all fields until you reach the boxes below.

Step Four 
Finish creating the opportunity as usual. 

Adding an existing opportunity to an event

Step One 
Go to ‘Opportunities and Providers’.

Step Two 
Click ‘Opportunities’.

Step Three 
Find the opportunity you wish to add and click on it. 

Step Four 
Click on the ‘Details’ tab on the left-hand-side menu and scroll down until you see the options pictured above to add the opportunity to the event.

Getting Started With TeamKinetic Workbook, volunteer management, volunteer management software, volunteer management system

Getting Started with TeamKinetic: Lesson Five – Manage Your Opportunities

By now we should have a volunteer on their first opportunity… but now what? You can now start to manage opportunities, completing tasks such as logging hours for completed sessions, using the chat room to send information to the volunteers on the opportunity, and processing applicants.

To log hours, the volunteer first leaves feedback (if this is mandated by your settings) for the provider/opportunity. Next, they enter how many hours they spent on the opportunity session. The provider/admin then leaves their own feedback for the volunteer and inputs the hours spent volunteering (they should match!).

Note: you’ll only be able to log hours for session-based opportunities if they have already happened and have a volunteer signed up. To log hours now for this task, you’ll need to create a flexible opportunity as hours for flexible opportunities can be logged at any time.


Complete and log hours for an opportunity from both the provider and volunteer side.

The Process

There are a few different ways to complete this one but first we’ll look at how to do it from the admin/provider side.

Step One 
Go to the ‘Opportunities & Providers’ tab.

Step Two
Click ‘Opportunities’.

Step Three
Find the opportunity you want to log hours for 

Step Four 
Click ‘Log Hours’ in the left-hand-side menu.

Step Five 
Leave feedback for the volunteer and log hours.

It’s also important to familiarise yourself with the volunteer’s point of view when learning to manage opportunities in case they have any questions or issues with the process. You can see a video of this process below.

Step One 
From the volunteer homepage, go to the ‘Opportunities With Hours To Log’ box OR the ‘ Opportunities’ tab on the left-hand-side menu.

Step Two 
Click ‘Log’ / ‘Log Hours’

Step Three
Leave feedback for the provider and input the hours spent volunteering.

Getting Started With TeamKinetic Workbook, volunteer management, volunteer management software, volunteer management system

Getting Started with TeamKinetic: Lesson Four – Invite Volunteers

So now you have an opportunity but where are all the volunteers?! Don’t worry, it’s easy to invite volunteers to your new system, especially if you have an existing database. This involves sending volunteers a unique link which not only lets them register, but also adds them to your volunteer list. You will then be able to see their details and manually add them to the opportunities on your system. 

Once a volunteer has been registered on your system, you may wish for them to upload a picture or some identification before they get started with any voluntary work. These things can be made a requirement on your system through the admin settings and is outlined through the optional task in this lesson below.


Invite or create at least one volunteer and then view their profile on your system.

The Process

Inviting Volunteers 

Step One 
Go to the ‘Volunteer Management’ tab.

Step Two
Click ‘Invite Volunteers’. 

Step Three
Type in the email addresses/upload a CSV file of the volunteers you wish to invite.

Creating Your Own Volunteer

Step One 
Go to the ‘Volunteer Management’ tab.

Step Two
Click ‘Create Volunteer’. 

Step Three
Fill in all the registration information.

Advanced Task (Optional)

Alter your system settings so that new volunteers must upload a picture and/or a piece of ID before volunteering.

The Process

Step One
Go to the Admin Settings Cog. 

Step Two 
Click ‘TeamKinetic Options’. 

Optional Next Steps (depending on what you want for your system)

– To require volunteers to be cleared first: Click ‘Registration’, then ensure that ‘No’ is checked on ‘Enable Access to New Volunteers’.

– To require all volunteers to have a profile photo: Click ‘Everything Else’ on the left-hand-side menu and make sure ‘Yes’ is checked on ‘Require Volunteer Photo’. 

Under ‘TeamKinetic Options’ you’ll find a wide range of setup options to play around with. This can either be done now, or once the workbook is completed. We suggest you cover the basics first, but it’s entirely up to you!

Getting Started With TeamKinetic Workbook, volunteer management, volunteer management software, volunteer management system

Getting Started with TeamKinetic: Lesson Three – Creating Your First Opportunity

Now your site is properly set up and looks like your site instead of a generic TeamKinetic system, it’s time to get to work and create your first opportunity. All the different fields to fill in on an opportunity may seem complicated at first but you’ll quickly get the hang of it!

It’s important to get to grips with all these different options so you can go on to create opportunities quickly in the future and save yourself some time. Right now, the basic thing you need to know is the difference between session-based and flexible opportunities.

We covered this in the introductory page of the workbook but it can’t hurt to go over it again!

Session-based Opportunities
Sessions can either be recurring (daily, weekly, monthly, etc) or individual. They’re used for activities that have a specific time/date they need to be completed on.

Flexible opportunities
In contrast, flexible opportunities can be completed at any time. This is great for opportunities that can be done online, such as language translations, or over the phone, such as befriending.


Create an opportunity.

The Process

Step One
Go to ‘Opportunities and Providers’.

Step Two
Click ‘Create Opportunity’.

Step Three 
Fill in all fields with details relevant to your opportunity. 

Step Four 
Click ‘Add’.

Getting Started With TeamKinetic Workbook, volunteer management, volunteer management software, volunteer management system

Getting Started with TeamKinetic: Lesson Two – Site Customisation

We’ve got the system set up, what next? Site customisation can help turn a good looking TeamKinetic system into a great branded system. Just take a look MCRVIP’s site to see what we mean!
To start with, we’ll create a custom front page and footer, adjust colours to match your branding and edit some CSS properties. 


Complete all relevant site customisation options.

The Process

Step One
Click the admin cog in the top right corner.

Step Two 
Click ‘Look & Feel’

Step Three
Go through the following tabs to make your website more personalised:
– Logo (if not completed during registration)
– Colours and Text
– Front Page
– Footer

Why You Should Be Customising Your Volunteer Registration Emails

Did you know that you can customise your TeamKinetic system’s volunteer registration emails? Changing the first email your volunteers receive can be a big step in improving your volunteer management. 

How do I change the registration email?

Go to the Admin Settings Cog → Customise Emails

Find the ‘volunteer registration’ email and click ‘Edit’. 

You can now edit the default text and style it accordingly. When you click on the blue buttons on the right, a placeholder will be added to your text, and when sent, that placeholder will be replaced with the appropriate text; in this case you can use placeholders for your organisation name, organisation contact number, the volunteers email address, and a login link for the volunteer to follow.

What changes should I make?

  • That first email after registration should layout the next steps you want the volunteer to take. For example, this might be to upload a photo and a piece of ID. You could also direct them to the Resources & Help, where all the documents in your document hub are available, if your volunteers require extra information after registering.


You can alter options regarding volunteer photo/ID uploads via the Admin Settings Cog → TeamKinetic Options → Everything Else.

Volunteers can easily access these things through the left-hand-side menu on their dashboard.

They should go to the underlined tabs to upload a picture, ID, and view the document hub (in that order).


  • You can also add links to various areas of the system for easy access and attach files to the email. For example, you could share the link to take them straight to a search for COVID-19 related opportunities. This will help highlight ways volunteers can help their local communities.
    You can find your shareable link to all COVID-19 opportunities on your admin homepage: 
  • If necessary, make sure to tell new volunteer about inductions, DBS and ID checks when they first join to allow them to get started with you as soon as possible.  As an admin, you can keep track of DBS checks via Volunteer Management → Criminal Checks as well as visiting a volunteer’s profile directly via Volunteer Management → Search Volunteers

  • You could also customise the ‘joined opp’ email that is sent when a volunteer joins their first opportunity to let them know what you want them to do next. Perhaps explaining the keywords used on the site, such as sessions, the different opportunity types, and how to log hours. 

What else can I do to get volunteers started?

  • Switching on text messages is another great way to keep in contact with your volunteers. Text messaging can be switched on by going to the Admin Settings Cog → TeamKinetic Options → Notifications → Switch on Text Messaging. 
  • Building your Document Hub can also be highly beneficial to your volunteers. You can add documents, links and text for your volunteers and providers, e.g. a code of conduct or training manual for new volunteers.
    To access the document hub, go to the Admin Settings Cog Document Hub 

Want more TeamKinetic tips?

Subscribe to our blog for more like this as well as other pieces relevant to volunteering and volunteer management. You can also follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

You can visit our YouTube channel to find further help navigating your system or call us on 0161 914 5757, we’re always happy to help you out!

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