The latest major release is now complete! Say hello to TeamKinetic 2.5.
Here are the great new features you can look forward to.
Watch our masterclass on all the key new features now:
Save your favourite searches and set a default

Create your personalised smart search and save to your profile to retrieve anytime. You can set any search as your default for the volunteer, opportunity and provider search pages. So as soon as you open one of those pages you’ll get the results you need immediately.
You can set your defaults across all the search pages in one go from your profile area. (The person icon at the right of the top menu.)
New Search Filters
We’ve added some new filters to the volunteer and opportunity search pages;
- Date volunteer last logged hours
- Volunteers waiting for parental consent (in the type sub-filter)
- Opportunity ID check required
- Is opportunity accessible
- Opportunity applicant statuses
- Providers with open applications
It’s always worth checking the search filters as they get added and improved constantly.
Watch it in action:
Full WYSIWYG rich text editing everywhere
Anywhere you can email a volunteer or a group of volunteers, you’ll now have access to the full rich text editing features and can include images, links and files.

This includes the volunteer search page, opportunity pages, volunteer profile pages. Basically anywhere you can email, expect to see the rich text editor.
Watch it in action:
Volunteer self-reported extra volunteering
We are very excited to reveal that volunteers will now be able to create their own complete record of volunteering and capture all their opportunities and hours.
Volunteers can add a description, the organisation and any hours donated. These will be included in their own record of achievements and hour totals.

Admins are notified when a volunteer adds their own extracurricular volunteering. If they wish, they can certify it and include it as approved hours. Those certified extra volunteering activities will be converted into the regular owed hours (now all termed ‘Extra Volunteering’) type opportunities. These will be included in reports and act as regular logged hours throughout the application.

Watch it in action:
Email send reports
We all know how frustrating it is to send emails to lots of volunteers. Some of them just don’t make it for various reasons.
Now, when you view the email log for any volunteer you will notice a little link next to the subject ‘check delivery’. This small little link will reveal what happened to the email, if it was sent, if it was received, and if opened.

Perfect if you need to know if a volunteer is receiving the emails you are sending.
Watch it in action:
Mark a volunteer as finished on any opportunity type
For long-running opportunities, you can end up with lots of inactive volunteers (those with no future sessions left) clogging up the volunteer list and email lists. Previously you have only been able to remove the volunteers completely from the opportunity which has the undesired side effect of also removing their contribution to the opportunity… not ideal.
We have re-engineered the ‘finished on this opp’ feature. It was previously available on flexible opportunities only, but it has been expanded to all opportunity types.

When selecting volunteers on an opportunity you’ll have an extra function ‘Mark as Finished’ which gives you a few extra options as well as just marking as finished. You can hide the volunteer from the provider completely on the opportunity page and you can also prevent the volunteer from joining any new sessions if you wish.
Watch it in action:
Merging volunteer accounts
It doesn’t happen often, but occasionally a volunteer has unexpectedly registered twice with different email addresses.

This works similarly to the merge provider feature and will copy all the sessions and hours from the volunteer you are viewing to the selected volunteer.
Watch it in action:
Sharing private notes
The private note area has been super useful for lots of our users, and the provider equivalent lets the provider also store private notes for their use against a volunteer.
Admins can now choose to share their private note(s) with providers if they feel it would be useful. And vice-versa: providers can share their private notes with system admins.

Additionally when a provider shares a private note to the admins a notification is sent, in case its important.
Watch it in action:
There are of course many other fixes and improvements;
- Impersonate a volunteer directly from the opportunity management page,
- Update expense claims status in bulk,
- New customisable emails,
- Tooltips won’t get lost over the edge of small screens.
TeamKinetic 2.5 is scheduled to go live on May 6th. But before we go live we need your feedback! Test all this out right now on using your regular admin login.
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