The current cost of living crisis will affect us all, but the impact will be disproportionately felt by those who are already struggling. Charities and organisations that provide essential services such as food banks, warm banks, mental health services, and helping people facing homelessness are being largely affected. UK Fundraising reports, for example, that 9 out of 10 food bank charities fear they can’t meet the rise in demand. Charity Times also reports that some charities are now referring their own staff to food banks.
Volunteering in food or warm banks is crucial during these times. However, there are also other volunteering options such as befriending schemes for people feeling isolated. Some suggestions for where you can donate your time to help are listed below.
Food Banks
Nearly seven million people are said to be going hungry in the UK, including two million children and this is becoming a more significant struggle due to the cost of living crisis.
The cost of living crisis is leading to increased need and rising costs for food banks which has also meant there is a need for more volunteers to donate their time. Staff and volunteers at food banks are working tirelessly to support people in their communities. Food banks in the Trussell Trust network provided more than 2.1 million parcels to people facing financial hardship.
Homeless Shelters
For many people across the country, there is a big risk of being forced into homelessness because of the inability to keep up with increasing living costs. It is impossible to deal with the rising cost of living when you are already struggling to find a secure and stable place to live. Crisis research published in March 2022, showed that families on the breadline face an average £372 deficit between their Local Housing Allowance and the cost of the cheapest rents in their local areas.
The Crisis charity receives almost no government funding. The generosity of their supporters and corporate partners is what allows them to continue to be there for everyone that needs them. Support from volunteers allows them to deliver services to help people experiencing homelessness.
Supporting The Well-being Of Others
Well-being and mental health also play a big factor during this crisis. Money problems can cause high amounts of stress and people may be feeling down. With the run-up to Christmas fast approaching, people may not be able to afford to give gifts or celebrate it in the way that they usually do so volunteering to support the well-being of others is crucial.
Warm Banks
As energy prices rise along with the cost of living, an increasing number of so-called warm banks have been popping up around the UK. These warm spaces are usually in a heated building like a community centre or village hall. Members of the public can use them to help save on their home energy bills. One story from the BBC is of two friends who have set up a warm bank offering homemade soup. People can stay as long as they want to keep warm, and it helps them to feel less isolated or lonely. This couldn’t be done without the help of volunteers, other stories of warm banks can be read here.
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