Category: Technical Updates

Improved layout for providers viewing volunteers

We’ve recently improved the layout of the volunteer session screen for TeamKinetic that providers use to leave feedback.

This screen now summarises the volunteer’s participation across all sessions at the top of this page, along with telling the provider how many volunteers are on each session as well as the session date and time.


This facility is great for opportunities with many sessions and gives a quick visual aid to discovering which sessions a volunteer is currently signed up for. In addition, providers can download a CSV file for each opportunity which also lists this information, giving them a breakdown of each session and listing all the volunteers on that session.

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TeamKinetic Volunteer Search Tools: New Ways To Find Volunteers

Being able to find volunteers within a few clicks streamlines the volunteer management process. TeamKinetic has added a few new volunteer search tools to help make life easier for you.

Across the top of the volunteer search page, you will now find links for each letter of the alphabet that will return all the volunteers whose name starts with that letter. It’s a great way to quickly find a volunteer whose name you know.

You can also search for some quick groups such as the top 25 rated volunteers or those with the most hours logged.

Quick Search for Volunteers
Quick Search for Volunteers

Give our volunteer search tools a try at the demo site for TeamKinetic.

You can find TeamKinetic on social media and listen to our podcast:

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Have you enjoyed using TeamKinetic? If you could leave us a review on Capterra, we’d really appreciate it! We’ll even send you a little thank you.

New Mapping Functions

Seeing all your volunteers and opportunities on a map is a great way to see your geographical reach and impact. Let’s take a look at the new mapping functions available within the TeamKinetic volunteer management system.

Mapping Screenshot

The mapping functions provided with VolunteerKinetic have proved very popular and give a quick visual report on where your opportunities and volunteers are located.

We have been steadily improving this feature and in the latest version 4 release we have included the ability to map volunteers from within groups.

Administrators have been able to create groups to assign volunteers to for a few versions now. This makes it much easier to contact certain groups or restrict opportunities to certain cohorts of volunteers. From version 4 onwards they can now also map these volunteer groups.

You can check out this feature using the demo installation of TeamKinetic.

You can find TeamKinetic on social media and listen to our podcast:

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Have you enjoyed using TeamKinetic? If you could leave us a review on Capterra, we’d really appreciate it! We’ll even send you a little thank you.

Unified Hour Logging Screen and Prompt

The latest version of the TeamKinetic volunteer management system has a number of improvements to help the volunteers log hours easily and improve the circle of volunteer management from finding and joining opportunities to recording hours and rewarding volunteers.

On the volunteer homepage, there is now an animated hint box that alerts a volunteer if they have outstanding hours to log.

Log Your Hours
Log Your Hours

This will slide in from the left highlighting the link the volunteer presses to log these outstanding hours. The log hours page now shows the volunteer every opportunity that has outstanding hours left to log. It gives the volunteer the chance to either log all the hours for each opportunity, or selectively log hours for individual sessions on each opportunity.

A new feature also allows them to log the fact that they could not attend a past session. This is recorded along with zero logged hours and can be reported back to the administrators to build up a reliability profile of each volunteer. The provider can also mark a session as not attended which has the same effect whilst also zeroing any hours the volunteer might have already logged for that session.

You can try out these features at the TeamKinetic demo site.

You can find TeamKinetic on social media and listen to our podcast:

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Have you enjoyed using TeamKinetic? If you could leave us a review on Capterra, we’d really appreciate it! We’ll even send you a little thank you.

New Gamification Update

Packaged in with the TeamKinetic version 4 release is the start of our new gamification feature set.

In this new release, administrators can set the number of volunteer hours required to reach each achievement badge. Once a volunteer reaches a new level their profile is updated and they are contacted to congratulate them. In addition, administrators are informed and have a new page where they can keep track of all achievements and records and physical prizes and rewards that have been given to their volunteers for gaining each level.

VolunteerKinetic achievement badges and their hourly levels
The VolunteerKinetic achievement badges

We will be expanding the gamification feature set in each new version and slowly phasing out the inter-volunteer ranking system which might actually be detrimental to the motivation of your volunteers.

You can find TeamKinetic on social media and listen to our podcast:

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Have you enjoyed using TeamKinetic? If you could leave us a review on Capterra, we’d really appreciate it! We’ll even send you a little thank you.

VolunteerKinetic version 4 is released

Hi there,

I’m very pleased to announce that version 4 of our flagship volunteer management sofware, VolunteerKinetic, has now been launched across the country.

The major new addition to this version is the ability to create one of three types of volunteer opportunity; regular, event and flexible.

Regular opportunities are those that occur on a fairly regular schedule, every week or month or every Tuesday and so on. These encapsulate the sort of opportunities that happen at community centres or sports clubs, where volunteers are needed on a regular basis. You can set these opportunities up to last a maximum of six months at a time and volunteers can sign up to all or some of the sessions at anytime before the final session occurs.

Event opportunities make it easier to create opportunities that occur on just a few days over say a weekend. You can specify the number of sessions you have available and the time slot for each one. These sessions can overlap if required.

The flexible opportunity type is a very different beast. It is aimed at those providers who are looking for work placements or internships to be filled by volunteers. Instead of creating individual sessions you set a start, end and closing date along with a maximum number of days available. A volunteer can then sign up for your work placement or internship and a dialogue is opened between the provider and the volunteer where they can organise their own schedule.

There are hundreds of improvements and small bug fixes in this version and we’ll be blogging about some of the more important ones over the next few weeks.

Check out the new version on the demo site.



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