TeamKinetic User News

Transforming Volunteer Management at Willowbrook Hospice

Willowbrook Hospice have been a valued TeamKinetic user since 2019. In that time, we’ve seen their volunteer management go from strength to strength. We recently caught up with Ian, their volunteer manager, and he told us how TeamKinetic helped to transform their processes.

Before 2019, Ian struggled with outdated, complicated systems that made managing a growing team of volunteers inefficient and time-consuming. Communication was difficult, with a limited daily email quota and a reliance on paper-based records, leading to disorganisation and frequent frustration.

The introduction of TeamKinetic brought about a significant positive change. The platform centralised all volunteer management tasks, greatly improving efficiency and communication. Shop managers were given the tools to manage their own rotas, and onboarding new volunteers became easier and more inclusive.

The improved reporting features allowed Ian to show the value of the volunteer program to stakeholders quickly. The ongoing support from TeamKinetic and its cost-effectiveness have further established it as an essential tool in Willowbrook Hospice’s operations, helping Ian manage his team more effectively and with less stress.

Get in touch if you fancy a catch-up chat to share your TeamKinetic story!

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