What’s Happening in the Third Sector?

The Big Help Out is Returning 

As part of volunteers’ week (Monday 3rd June – Sunday 9th June), the second instalment of the Big Help Out will take place across the weekend of 7 – 9 June. This year the campaign will focus on supporting under-represented communities in volunteering.

Around 6 million people took part in The Big Help Out’s debut, making it the UK’s biggest-ever day of volunteering! There’s a huge range of ways to get involved this year so watch out for more news.

The Big Help Out are launching an app in April, but in the meantime, you can save the date and help spread the word to your volunteers and beyond.

Furthermore, NCVO are hosting a series of support webinars. Topics will include:

  • The latest Big Help Out campaign news
  • Support to use their new digital platform
  • Practical insights and best practice for improving volunteer diversity

Find out more about The Big Help Out here.

Vision for Volunteering Toolkit

The Vision for Volunteering have put together a toolkit so people can find out everything they need to know in one place.

The toolkit contains:

  • A step-by-step plan for running a two-hour session about the Vision for Volunteering that can be held in-person or online
  • An accompanying PowerPoint presentation, to help guide your session
  • Quick-look reference sheets for each of the Vision for Volunteering themes, to help shape discussions
  • A feedback form for participants, to help you capture impact and next steps

Download the toolkit here.

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