TeamKinetic User News

LFC Foundation: Helping those in need this winter

The LFC Foundation, along with Liverpool Region Mosque Network and staff from Liverpool FC, recently helped deliver 300 food hampers to people across the city. These hampers contained food and other essential items and were delivered to combat the rising cost of living.

We’re proud to have supported the work of the LFC Foundation since 2018 and applaud the work they’ve done for their community.

Find out more here.

Manchester Museum: Party for the People

It’s been a year since Manchester Museum reopened their doors and to celebrate, they’re throwing a party to thank everyone who made it possible. The party will take place on the 18th of February, from 10am until 5pm. Find out more here.

Manchester Museum have made use of TeamKinetic to manage their volunteers since the start of the renovation. We’ve been to visit a few times and have been so impressed with the new look and what they offer to the public. Definitely worth a visit if you find yourself in the North West!

We love to spotlight some of the news, views, and events from our users’ organisations. If you have anything you’d like to highlight please let us know and we’ll add it to our monthly newsletter content! 

You can give us all your latest news via email or the live chat on our website/in your TeamKinetic system.

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