This post just lists our available reports, read a fuller description of what these reports actually mean and how to gain some insight using TeamKinetic’s reports.
Quick stats for all time volunteer signups, engagement and retention.
Website views and activity (views, visits, visitors)
Volunteer group membership
Volunteer activity in opportunity categories
Volunteer ethnicity
Volunteer age groups
Volunteer gender
Volunteer registrations over time
Volunteer engagement over time
Volunteer geographical area
Quarterly activity (volunteers, sessions, hours)
Opportunity categories
Opportunity status
Opportunity sessions over time
Opportunity tag frequency and engagement
Opportunity fulfilment as session filled percentage and hours logged
Opportunity feedback
Website search terms (top 20)
Hours logged by category
Hours logged over time
Day schedule report giving an overview of sessions, session subscription numbers for any day or date range
Map volunteer location (all or active)
Map opportunity location (all or active)
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