Being in the voluntary sector, we are all too aware of the importance of youth volunteers. Inspiring the millennials will create your next generation of reliable, hardworking volunteers. But how exactly do you go about doing that?
28% of millennials volunteered in the USA last year. They did 1.5 million hours of service in total, which is worth an estimated $36.7 billion. This just shows how valuable the voluntary sector can actually be to a country’s economy.
How Important Is The Next Line Of Volunteers? recognise as much as we do the importance of the next line of volunteers. They spoke to the current ’30 under 30′ members and asked how they help out through volunteering or how they would like to if they had more time on their hands.
Barry D. Allen who is a General Manager at Double Tree Hilton says that if he were to have more time, he would dedicate it to going out into the community and promoting jobs within the hospitality industry. He says that he often meets people and thinks ‘why are they not in the hospitality industry?’. This would also help societal issues such as unemployment.
Volunteering is always top of mind for Bianca Destout, account executive at Marcus Hotels & Resorts “I can always find the time to be involved in my community because it is something that is very important to me,” she said. “I am a Big Sister through Big Brothers Big Sisters and have been for four years. This involves frequent outings with my 13-year-old men-tee in my free time. I am also on the Young Professionals Board for Make-a-Wish Wisconsin and I volunteer at several local events organized by our hotel human resources team and United Way.”
How To Attract Youth Volunteers
Gaining a good collective of young volunteers can be the key to having a successful long-running volunteer programme. Using incentives can initially be good to attract the younger volunteer audience. This does not have to be a paid incentive, many young people are looking for experience to build their CV’s. Meaning a good reference/developing skills can be worth more than monetary/material perks.
Having said this, it would not be unfair to suggest that giving them incentives would make them want to do more/ get involved. The perks in question have to be appropriate for the organisation putting out the opportunities. They cannot put a financial strain on themselves otherwise it will make the whole purpose of volunteering redundant. Getting young volunteers is obviously a fantastic thing however you don’t want to jeopardize the finances/future of the organisation.
Where To Find Youth Volunteers
Often the problem with getting a new line of volunteers is the initial contact with them. A great place to start if you’re looking for young hungry volunteers will be universities, colleges and schools. Educational establishments are usually very keen to speak to anyone that would be able to benefit their students’ futures. The key thing to getting in to talk to students about your opportunities is to get the schools on board with what you want to achieve and how that can also benefit them. Ways you can do this is through doing presentations and building awareness of your volunteer programmes online.
How TeamKinetic Can Help
For the last 10 years, TeamKinetic have been making market-leading volunteer management software for organisations in numerous industries. If you are in need of recruiting, managing and retaining both new and existing volunteers please do not hesitate to get in contact.
Our expert helplines are open 9am – 5pm Monday – Friday (0161 914 5757) where any questions you have about the system can get answered. Alternatively, you can send any email inquiries to